Jim Gilliam (jgilliam)


Geek Repo


Location:Los Angeles, CA

Home Page:http://internetismyreligion.com/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jim Gilliam's repositories


White House 2 was a website imagining how the White House would work if it were run democratically by thousands of people on the internet. It was an independent effort by Jim Gilliam created completely outside the U.S. government. This is the source code behind the site which has since taken on a life of its own with a variety of forks and a thriving community in Iceland. If you would like to get involved in the code, check out Open Active Democracy for the latest: https://github.com/rbjarnason/open-active-democracy This was originally called Nation Builder, although it's only connection to NationBuilder.com is that it too was started by Jim Gilliam but is a completely different code base and is going in a different direction.



Hello Congress tells members of Congress what their constituent's priorities are, and encourages staffers to request research from their constituents. A mashup of White House 2 and the Sunlight Labs API.



git mirror of acts_as_state_machine
