jgcobb3 / ansible-ckan

Installs the CKAN open data portal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CKAN (ckan)

Part of the BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC)

Installs the CKAN open data portal


  • Installs a development instance of CKAN, including database and schema setup
  • Configures CKAN to run as a WSGI application under Apache
  • Configures Nginx as a reverse proxy for static caching and SSL termination
  • Optionally configures a CKAN user with system administrator privileges
  • Optionally populates CKAN with test data


This role is designed for internal use but if useful can be shared publicly.



BAS Ansible Role Collection (BARC)

  • postgres-server
  • solr-jetty
  • python-2-virtualenv
  • git
  • apache-wsgi
  • apache-rpaf
  • nginx


  • ckan_ckan_version
    • The version of CKAN that will be installed expressed as reference within the CKAN Git repository
    • This variable MUST be a valid branch, tag or other reference and SHOULD be a tag to ensure repeatability.
    • Default: "2.3"
  • ckan_installation_directory
    • The directory into which CKAN will be installed and a Virtual Environment created
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default installation directory, you SHOULD NOT change this.
    • Default: "/usr/lib/ckan/default"
  • ckan_config_directory
    • The directory into which CKAN's configuration file will be held
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default installation directory, you SHOULD NOT change this.
    • Default: "/etc/ckan/default"
  • ckan_storage_directory:
    • The directory into which CKAN will store files (data-sets) uploaded by users
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default storage directory.
    • Default: "/var/lib/ckan"
  • ckan_config_file:
    • The file name of the CKAN configuration file
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default file name for a production environment
    • If you are using CKAN in a non-production environment, you SHOULD change this variable to something appropriate (e.g. "development")
    • Default: "production.ini"
  • ckan_app_user_username
    • The username of the OS user which will own the CKAN installation, configuration and storage directories
    • This variable MUST be the username of a valid OS user and this user SHOULD NOT have root permissions.
    • Default: "app"
  • ckan_setup_superuser_enable
    • Feature flag to control whether a CKAN user should be created with system administrator privileges
    • If this variable is "true" this feature will be enabled.
    • Default: "true"
  • ckan_setup_test_data
    • Feature flag to control whether CKAN should be populated with test data
    • CKAN has multiple 'sets' of test data, if enabled the "gov" and "hierarchy" sets will be used.
    • If this variable is "true" this feature will be enabled.
    • Default: "false"
  • ckan_default_config_database_scheme
    • The type of database to be used for CKAN's database
    • This MUST be a valid dialect+driver as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • The required packages needed by sqlalchemy to connect to this type of database MUST be installed.
    • You SHOULD NOT need to change this value.
    • Default: "postgresql"
  • ckan_default_config_database_username
    • The database username CKAN will use to interact with its database
    • This variable MUST be a valid username as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • This variable MUST be a valid database username whose user has sufficient privileges to perform tasks on the database specified by ckan_default_config_database_database.
    • Default: "ckan_default"
  • ckan_default_config_database_password
    • The password for the database user whose username is specified by ckan_default_config_database_username
    • This variable MUST be a valid password as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • Default: "password"
  • ckan_default_config_database_host
    • The database host for the CKAN database specified by ckan_default_config_database_database
    • This variable MUST be a valid host as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • If needed this variable MUST also contain the port for the database, this MUST be a valid port as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • Default: "localhost"
  • ckan_default_config_database_database
    • The name of the database in which CKAN will store its data
    • This variable MUST be a valid database present within the database server specified by ckan_default_config_database_host.
    • This variable MUST be a valid database as defined in a sqlalchemy database URL.
    • The database this name relates to SHOULD use UTF-8 encoding.
    • Default: "ckan_default"
  • ckan_default_config_search_scheme
    • The type of connection CKAN will use to communicate with the search application
    • This variable MUST be a valid scheme supported by both hosts (if different).
    • This variable SHOULD be either HTTP or HTTPS.
    • This varaible SHOULD be HTTPS if the search application is not hosted on the same host as CKAN.
    • Default: "http"
  • ckan_default_config_search_host
    • The host on which the search application is located
    • This variable MUST be a valid hostname of IP address.
    • By default this variable will be set to the host defined by the solr-jetty role.
    • Default: "{{ solr_jetty_host }}"
  • ckan_default_config_search_port
    • The port at which the search application is located
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default value, you SHOULD NOT change this.
    • By default this variable will override the default port used by the solr-jetty role.
    • Default: "8983"
  • ckan_default_config_search_container
    • The name/url of the search application with its container
    • By default this variable uses the CKAN default value, you SHOULD NOT change this.
    • Default: "solr"
  • ckan_super_user_username
    • If enabled, the username of the CKAN system administrator user
    • This variable MUST be a valid CKAN username.
    • Default: "controller"
  • ckan_super_user_password
    • If enabled, the username of the CKAN system administrator user
    • This variable MUST be a valid CKAN username.
    • Default: "password"
  • ckan_super_user_email
    • If enabled, the username of the CKAN system administrator user
    • This variable MUST be a valid CKAN email address.
    • Default: "user@example.com"

CKAN configuration (.ini) files

CKAN uses a ini file to control its various configuration options.

A python .ini plugin is used to parse and alter these configuration files, re-written files are stripped of comments but are otherwise the same as hand-edited versions. Using this approach allows any configuration option to be changed without having to explicitly convert each option into an Ansible variable, which would be tedious and hard to maintain.

An array of objects which represent options in the .ini file is used to selectively change options. Each object contains a reference to the .ini option and its updated value. The array of objects is an Ansible array and is configured like any other complex variable. Due to a limitation with Ansible's syntax it is not possible to push or pop items from array's. Therefore to override the default value of an Ansible object it would be necessary to replicate the entire Ansible array, including all other items you don't want to change, which, again, is tedious and hard to maintain (changing the default array directly is against best practice).

As a workaround two variables are used, a defaults array and a user array. The defaults array is run before the user array (which is by default empty). This means if you wanted to change a default value you would copy the array item from the default array into the user array with the override value.

  • ckan_default_config_default_options

    • A set of default options that will be applied to the CKAN configuration file
    • Do not override this variable, use ckan_default_config_user_options instead.
    • Structured as an array of items where each item consists of a section name string and an array of options and values:
      • section
        • Name of section in ini file (e.g. "app:main")
      • options [array]
        • option
          • Name of option in ini file (e.g. "ckan.site_url")
        • value
          • Value for option in ini file (e.g. "http://{{ ansible_hostname }}")
    • Default: (see variable)
  • ckan_default_config_user_options

    • Use to change values set by ckan_default_config_default_options or set additional CKAN configuration options
    • Structured as an array of items where each item consists of a section name string and an array of options and values:
      • section
        • Name of section in ini file (e.g. "app:main")
      • options [array]
        • option
          • Name of option in ini file (e.g. "ckan.site_url")
        • value
          • Value for option in ini file (e.g. "http://{{ ansible_hostname }}")
    • Default: "[] (empty array)"


This project welcomes contributions, see CONTRIBUTING for our general policy.


Committing changes

The Git flow workflow is used to manage development of this package.

Discrete changes should be made within feature branches, created from and merged back into develop (where small one-line changes may be made directly).

When ready to release a set of features/changes create a release branch from develop, update documentation as required and merge into master with a tagged, semantic version (e.g. v1.2.3).

After releases the master branch should be merged with develop to restart the process. High impact bugs can be addressed in hotfix branches, created from and merged into master directly (and then into develop).

Issue tracking

Issues, bugs, improvements, questions, suggestions and other tasks related to this package are managed through the BAS Web & Applications Team Jira project (BASWEB).


Copyright 2015 NERC BAS. Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.


Installs the CKAN open data portal

License:MIT License