jfinkels / rumbleinthejungle

Creates phrases of the form "the dispute in beirut".

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Squabble in Strobl...

The Wrangle in Spangle...

The Quarrel in Sorell...

rumbleinthejungle prints humorous rhyming phrases of the form "the dispute in Beirut", as appears in the 2009 film The Slammin' Salmon, itself an homage to the historic boxing match, The Rumble in the Jungle.

For more information on this package, see

Build status

For the impatient

virtualenv env -p python3
. env/bin/activate
pip install rumbleinthejungle
python -m rumbleinthejungle

Copyright licenses

The code comprising this program is copyright 2014, 2017 Jeffrey Finkelstein.

It is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (or later). For more information, see LICENSE.txt in this directory.

The thesaurus data is copyright 2005 Princeton University. It is licensed under a custom license, similar to the BSD license. For more information, see LICENSE_WN.txt in this directory.

This product includes data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com/. The city name data is copyright 2008 MaxMind Inc. It is licensed under a custom license, similar to the BSD license. For more information, see LICENSE_WC.txt in this directory.


This is a partial listing of the contents of this package.

  • data/ - the city name and thesaurus data files
  • LICENSE.txt - the copyright license for the Python code in this package
  • LICENSE_WC.txt - the copyright license for the city name data
  • LICENSE_WN.txt - the copyright license for the thesaurus data
  • requirements.txt - the pip requirements for installing this package
  • requirements-test.txt - the pip requirements for testing this package
  • rumbleinthejungle.py - the Python module containing the program
  • README.md - this file
  • setup.py - Python setuptools configuration file for packaging this program
  • test_rumbleinthejungle.py - unit tests for rumbleinthejungle

The data/ directory contains the following files:

  • cities.dat - a list of cities of the world
  • th_en_US_v2.dat - the thesaurus database
  • th_en_US_v2.idx - an index of the thesaurus database

How it works

The algorithm is relatively simple.

  • get synonyms for some simple "fight" words from a thesaurus (data/th_en_US_v2.dat) that appears to have come originally from WordNet
  • get a list of cities from a trimmed version of a database from MaxMind (data/cities.dat)
  • get the pronunciation of the words from the CMU Pronunciation Dictionary, via the pronunciation library.
  • compare the last few sounds in the pronunciation of each "fight" word and each city to check if they rhyme


This application requires Python version 3.2 or later.

It also requires the Python package pronouncing to be installed.

pip install pronouncing

How to use

python -m rumbleinthejungle


The Python unit tests are contained in the test_rumbleinthejungle.py file. To run the test suite, run the command

python setup.py test


Jeffrey Finkelstein jeffrey.finkelstein@gmail.com


Creates phrases of the form "the dispute in beirut".

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%