jfilter / wikipedia-edits-verified-accounts

Get all revisions and recent changes for verified German Wikipedia users

Repository from Github https://github.comjfilter/wikipedia-edits-verified-accountsRepository from Github https://github.comjfilter/wikipedia-edits-verified-accounts

Get All Revisions and Recent Changes for Verifed Users

For the German Wikipedia, we want to get contributions of verified accounts to Wikipedia.


  1. install Python 3.6
  2. install Pipenv
  3. After cloning, install dependencies with Pipenv: git clone https://github.com/jfilter/wikipedia-edits-verified-accounts && cd wikipedia-edits-verified-accounts && pipenv install


  1. Get all verified user: pipenv run python get_verified_users.py
  2. Get recent changes: pipenv run python get_recent_changes_per_user.py
  3. Get all revisions: pipenv run python get_revisions_per_user.py

We will have two folders: One contains the recent changes and one contains the revisions, one file for each user. To merge the files, you can use megrge_csv.py.




Get all revisions and recent changes for verified German Wikipedia users

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%