jfilipe / backbone.stickit

Model binding in Backbone style.

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Backbone.stickit is yet another model-view binding plugin for Backbone. Like the other plugins, Stickit will wire up bindings that will keep form elements, innerHTML, text, and attribute values bound with events and/or model attributes.

Stickit differs, however, in that it is a more natural fit with Backbone's style and functionality. Stickit has a simple and intuitive configuration, which, like Backbone, stays out of the view html; in fact, Stickit will clean up your templates, as you will need to interpolate fewer variables (if any at all) while rendering. Also, stickit internally leverages the view.events object so delegating, undelegating, and removing bindings will be seamless in the lifetime of a Backbone view.

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Similar to view.events, you can define view.bindings to map selectors to model and/or event configurations. The following bindings configuration will bind the view.$('#header') element to the headerName model attribute, and bind a click event to the view.$('#search') element:

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName'
    '#search': {
      click: function($searchButton, event) { /* ... */ }

When the view's html is rendered, usually the last call will be to stickit. By convention, and in the following example, stickit will use view.model and the view.bindings configuration to initialize:

  render: function() {
    this.$el.html('<div id="header"/> <button id="search"/>');

On the initial call, stickit will initialize the innerHTML of view.$('#header') with the value of the headerName model attribute, and will setup a one-way binding (model->view) so that any time a model change:headerName event is triggered, the view.$('#header') element will reflect those changes. By default, bound form elements will be configured with two-way bindings (model<->view), connecting and reflecting changes in view elements with changes in bound model attributes.



view.stickit(optionalModel, optionalBindingsConfig)

Uses view.bindings, or the given bindings, and this.model, or the given model, to setup model and event bindings. Stickit can be called more than once with different models and binding configurations. Note: multiple models can be bound to a view, but any subsequent attempts to bind a previously bound model will delete the previous bindings for (only) that model.

  render: function() {
    this.$el.html(/* ... */);
    // Initialize stickit with view.bindings and view.model
    // In addition to, or instead, call stickit with a different model and bindings configuration.
    this.stickit(this.otherModel, this.otherBindings);



Removes event bindings from all models, or (only) the given model, used by stickit in the view. Removing model events will be taken care of in view.remove(), but if you want to unbind a model early, use this.


The view.bindings is a hash of jQuery or Zepto selector keys with binding configuration values. Bindings can be configured with events - see the events section - and/or model attributes. Similar to the callback definitions configured in view.events, an actual function or a string function name may be configured.


A string or array which is used to map a model attribute to a view element. If binding to a modelAttr is the only configuration needed, then it can be written in short form where the attribute name is the value of the whole binding configuration.

Note, binding to multiple model attributes using an array configuration only applies to one-way bindings (model->view), and should be paired with a format callback.

  bindings: {
    // Short form binding
    '#name': 'name',
    // Normal binding
    '#style': {
      modelAttr: 'style'
    // Bind to multiple model attributes
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: ['title', 'author'],
      format: function(values, attrNames) {
        // Format called after title *or* author model attributes change.
        return values[0] + ', by ' + values[1];


Any binding key that is outside of the known bindings configurations will be wired up as an event for the bound view element. jQuery/Zepto event names, like the following, can be used for binding along with any custom event names:

change, click, dblclick, focusin, focusout, keydown, keypress, keyup, mousedown, mouseenter, mouseleave, mousemove, mouseup, submit, ...

Since form elements are two-way bindings by default, you can override any of the event bindings that stickit uses by defining your own handler. Review the form element bindings to find out what events are used and can be overriden.

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      click: function($header, event) { /* ... */ },
      customEvent: function($header, event) { /* ... */ }
    'form': {
      submit: function($form, event) { /* ... */ }

:el (selector)

A special selector value that binds to the view delegate (view.$el).

  tagName: 'form',
  bindings: {
    ':el': {
      submit: function($el, event) { /* ... */ }


A callback which returns a formatted version of the model attribute value that is passed in before setting it in the bound view element.

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      format: 'formatHeader'
  formatHeader: function(val, attrName) {
    return attrName + ': ' + val;


A string function reference or function which is called after a value is updated in the dom.

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      afterUpdate: 'highlight'
  highlight: function($el, val) {
    $el.fadeOut(500, function() { $(this).fadeIn(500); });


Method used to update the inner value of the view element. Defaults to 'text', but 'html' may also be used to update the dom element's innerHTML.

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      updateMethod: 'html',
      format: function(val) { return '<div id="headerVal">' + val + '</div>'; }


A boolean which when true escapes the model before setting it in the view - internally, gets the attribute value by calling model.escape('attribute'). This is only useful when updateMethod is "html".

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      updateMethod: 'html',
      escape: true

visible and visibleFn

When true, visible shows or hides the view element based on the model attribute's truthiness. visible may also be defined with a callback which should return a truthy value.

If more than the standard jQuery show/hide is required, then you can manually take control by defining visibleFn with a callback.

  bindings: {
    '#author': {
      modelAttr: 'isDeleuze',
      visible: true
  bindings: {
    '#title': {
      modelAttr: 'title',
      visible: function(val, attrName) { return val == 'Mille Plateaux'; }
  bindings: {
    '#body': {
      modelAttr: 'isWithoutOrgans',
      visible: true,
      visibleFn: 'slideFast'
  slideFast: function($el, isVisible, attrName) {
    if (isVisible) $el.slideDown('fast');
    else $el.slideUp('fast');

Form Element Bindings

By default, form elements will be configured with two-way bindings, syncing changes in the view elements and model attributes. Optionally, one-way bindings can be configured with the oneWay key so that only changes to model attributes will be synced to view elements. Using the manual event bindings, you can override default event handlers or add other custom event handlers.

The following is a list of the supported form elements, their binding details, and the default events used for syncing:

  • input and textarea
    • element value synced with model attribute value
    • input[type=number] will update the model with a Number value
    • both keyup and change events are used for handling
  • input[type=checkbox]
    • checked property determined by the truthiness of the model attribute or the result of format
    • change event is used for handling
  • input[type=radio]
    • model attribute value matched to a radio group value attribute
    • change event is used for handling
  • select
    • see the selectOptions configuration
    • change event is used for handling


Opt to bind form elements in one direction - model attribute changes will be reflected in the view, but changes to the view will not update the model.

  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      modelAttr: 'headerName',
      oneWay: true


Binds an object collection, html select box, and a model attribute value. The following are configuration options for binding:

  • collection: an object path of a collection relative to window or a string function reference which returns a collection.
  • labelPath: the path to the label value for select options within the collection of objects.
  • valuePath: the path to the values for select options within the collection of objects. When an options is selected, the value that is defined for the given option is set in the model. Leave this undefined if the whole object is the value.

When bindings are initialized, Stickit will build the select element with the options and bindings configured.

The following example references a collection of stooges at window.app.stooges with the following value:

  [{name : 'moe', age : 40}, {name : 'larry', age : 50}, {name : 'curly', age : 60}]
  bindings: {
    'select#stooges': {
      modelAttr: 'stooge',
      selectOptions: {
        collection: 'app.stooges',
        labelPath: 'age',
        valuePath: 'name'

Another example where a collection is returned by callback and the collection objects are used as option values:

  bindings: {
    'select#states': {
      modelAttr: 'state',
      selectOptions: {
        collection: function() {
          // Prepend null or undefined for an empty select option and value.
          return [null, {id:1, data:{name:'OH'}}, {id:2, data:{name:'IN'}}];
        labelPath: 'data.name'
        // Leaving `valuePath` undefined so that the collection objects are used as option values.


An object which is used as the set options when setting values in the model. This is only used when binding to form elements, as their changes would update the model.

  bindings: {
    'input#name': {
      modelAttr: 'name',
      setOptions: {silent:true}

Attribute and Property Bindings


Binds element attributes and properties with observed model attributes, using the following options:

  • name: attribute or property name.
  • observe: observes the given model attribute. If left undefined, then the main configuration modelAttr is observed.
  • format: formats the observed model attribute value before it is set in the matched element.
  bindings: {
    '#header': {
      attributes: [{
        name: 'class',
        observe: 'hasWings',
        format: 'formatWings'
      }, {
        name: 'readonly',
        observe: 'isLocked'
  formatWings: function(val, attrName) {
    return val ? 'has-wings' : 'no-wings';


Why Stickit?

JavaScript frameworks seem to be headed in the wrong direction - controller callbacks/directives, configuration, and special tags are being forced into the template/presentation layer. Who wants to program and debug templates?

If you are writing a custom frontend, then you're going to need to write custom JavaScript. Backbone helps you organize, but then gets the hell out of your way, especially when it comes to your presentation. Stickit tries to stay true to Backbone's style; where most frameworks or other Backbone plugins muck up the presentation layer with obtrusive JavaScript, stickit defines configuration and callbacks in the place that they should be - in the view/controller/JavaScript.


Backbone 0.9, underscore.js, and jQuery or Zepto



Change Log


  • Breaking Change: Removed readonly configurtion option.
  • Element properties (like readonly, disabled, etc.) can be configured in attributes.
  • Added custom event handling to the api - see events section in docs.
  • Added support for binding multiple model attributes in modelAttr configuration.
  • Added the visible and visibleFn binding configurations.
  • Added support for :el selector for selecting the view delegate.
  • Bug Fixes: #10, #11, #16


  • Fix IE7/8 select options bug (issue #9)


  • Shorthand binding for model attributes: '#selector':attrName.
  • Added support for input[type=number] where values will be bound to model attributes as the Number type.
  • Attribute name is passed in as the second parameter of format callbacks.
  • Bug fixes: issue #1, #2, #4, #6, #8


  • Initial release (extracted and cleaned up from the backend of cn.nytimes.com).


Model binding in Backbone style.

License:MIT License