jfdev001 / FETI.jl

A Julia finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI) prototype implementation.

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A prototype finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI) solver. Serial algorithm will be implemented first, and possibly the parallel version will be included. A parallel version with a data oriented approach (e.g., using PartitionedArrays.jl) could be more simple than using MPI.

The pseudocode for the FETI solver itself:

# args could just be workspace...
# TODO: How is F_I not explicitly formed... perhaps see section 6 with parallel solve,
# check AMFeti, and check Krylov.jl or IterativeSolvers.jl for how the A*s operation in 
# in the pcg is done in a "matrix free" setting.
# TODO: How is r0 formed for the PCPG for N_s subdomains? 
function feti_solver(LocalProblems, Connector, InterfacePreconditioner, InterfaceSolver)
    lambda = initial_lambda(LocalProblems, Connector) # Appendix 2, equation (37)
    F_I = compute_F_I(LocalProblems, Connector) # eq(14), but sec. 5 not explicit assembled
    alpha = compute_alpha(lambda, F_I, LocalProblems, Connector) # pg. 1213
    projection_P = projection(LocalProblems) # pg. 1213
    set_projection_P(InterfaceSolver, projection_P)
    set_preconditioner(InterfaceSolver, InterfacePreconditioner)
    while !converged 
        # Direct solves on local problems in parallel
        # TODO: sec 6, 
        # "...all local finite element computations can be performed in parallel. 
        # [Including]... factoring Kj"... but how can Kj be factored if it is singular
        # on floating subdomains...
        for j, LocalProblem in enumerate(LocalProblems)
            # equation (8) and (10)
            Rj = nullspace(LocalProblem) # pg. 1213
            Kj_pinv = pinv(LocalProblem)
            fj = rhs(LocalProblem)
            BjT = sum(transpose.(connectivity(j, Connector)))
            uj = Kj_pinv*(fj + BjT) + Rj*alpha
        # parallel'ish interface solve
        set_lambda(InterfaceSolver, lambda)
        lambda = solve(InterfaceSolver, LocalProblems, Connector) 
        alpha = compute_alpha(lambda, F_I, LocalProblems, Connector)

Initial pseudocode below with slightly more details and less references to equations.

## "Verbose" pseudocode
# Setup local subdomain problems by using a partitioned mesh 
mesh = make_mesh()
partitions = partition_mesh(mesh) 
local_problems = []
for part_i, partition in enumerate(partitions): 
    ki, bi <- assemble_local_problem(partition)
    push!(local_problems, LocalProblem(ki, bi))

# Setup the connectivity info between partitions so that it is known which
# dofs are on the interface and will be subject to continuity constraints 
# ... should essentially tell the indices of different interface vs interior 
# dofs   
connectivity_info = ConnectivityInfo()
for part_i in 1:length(partitions)
    for part_j in i+1:length(partitions) # all other partitions
        # get interface connectivity information 
        boundary_i = get_boundary(partitions[part_i])
        boundary_j = get_boundary(partitions[part_j])
        interface = intersection(boundary_i, boundary_j)
        update_connectivity_info!(connectivity_info, interface, part_i, part_j)
    # All dofs for part i not on the interface are interior dofs    
    all_dofs = get_dofs(partitions[part_i])
    interface_dofs = get_all_interface_dofs(connectivity_info, part_i)
    interior_dofs = all_dofs[all_dofs .∉ Ref(interface_dofs)]

# Given the delineation between interior and interface dofs, domain 
# decomposition methods are then concerned with handling the fact that
# local problems are not guaranteed to be non-singular (and thus admit 
# a unique solution)... so one performs manipulations to handle this...

# The continuity at the interface is in FETI enforced using langrange
# multipliers and solving a saddle point problem


[1] : AMFeti. url: https://github.com/AppliedMechanics/AMfeti

[2] : Farhat, C. A Method of Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting and its Parallel Solution Algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. vol 32, 1205-1227. 1991.

[3] : Farhat, C., Mandel, J., and Roux, F.X. Optimal convergence properties of the FETI domain decomposition method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. vol 115, 365-385. 1994.


A Julia finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI) prototype implementation.

License:MIT License


Language:GLSL 52.8%Language:Julia 47.2%