jevgenyr / harbor-installer

Harbor installer is a command to install or update harbor in your existing project, or create a new harbor project.

Repository from Github https://github.comjevgenyr/harbor-installerRepository from Github https://github.comjevgenyr/harbor-installer

Harbor installer

Harbor installer is a command to install or update harbor in your existing project, or create a new harbor project.

Install to your system

Mac / Linux

First clone this repo to your computer.

git clone

Create harbor as global command (please change /path/to/this/harbor-installer to your path where you have cloned this repo)

ln -s /path/to/this/harbor-installer/harbor /usr/local/bin/harbor

If the command does not work, try to use sudo. Then you can call harbor from everywhere.


Try by yourself and update this readme.

Installing harbor (docker)

To install harbor to your existing project, first go to your project directory.

cd /path/to/your/project/

To install craftable|laravel|php (nginx, php, postgres db, testing postgres db, node, redis) to your project, run

harbor install craftable|laravel|php

To install ionic (node) to your project, run

harbor install ionic

Updating harbor (docker)

To update harbor in your project, run

harbor update

in your working directory and confirm all overrides. This will update harbor based on current harbor type.

New harbor project (docker)

To create a new harbor project, you can choose from multiple environments: craftable, laravel, php or ionic.


To create craftable environment, run

harbor new craftable /path/to/your/project/

which will create the dir, install harbor (craftable) and run locally craftable new to prepare the app.


To create laravel environment, run

harbor new laravel /path/to/your/project/

which will create the dir, install harbor (laravel) and run locally laravel new to prepare the app.


To create empty php environment, run

harbor new php /path/to/your/project/

which will create the dir, install harbor (php), but nothing else.


To create ionic environment, run

harbor new ionic /path/to/your/project/

which will create the dir, install harbor (ionic) and run locally ionic start to prepare the app.

Harbor for laravel / craftable / php

Harbor provides docker configuration for your project. It is based on vessel by Fideloper LLC - It consist of

  • nginx container,
  • php container,
  • postgres container,
  • testing postgres container,
  • node container,
  • redis container

This script handles the current instance. To create new, install or update harbor, use harbor installer.

Let's init laravel / craftable

If you have an existing laravel / craftable project and you have not initialize this project, run

harbor init

which will setup some .env variables, install required packages and will run npm

Starting a harbor (docker)

To start the docker environment use:

harbor start

This will start all the docker containers and set up network and volumes correctly. So now we can play around with empty PostgreSQL or php. Now you can point your browser to the http://localhost and you should be able to see a default / route mapped to public/index.php.

Rebuild a harbor (docker)

In case you change some env values for docker, or changes some docker file or other configuration, you should run

harbor rebuild

NOTE: To rebuild images use -i|--images, to destroy volumes use -v|--volumes

Daily usage

In this section you can find all commands supported by harbor:

harbor start will start all containers based on docker-compose.yml file.

harbor stop will stop and destroy all containers.

harbor restartwill stop and destroy and then starts again all containers.

harbor rebuild will stop and destroy all containers then starts again all containers, build them if changes has been made.

harbor artisan OR harbor art will pass all additional arguments to php container to php artisan command, e.g. harbor art make:migration goes to php docker container and call php artisan make:migration.

harbor composer OR harbor comp will pass all additional arguments to php container to composer command, e.g. harbor comp require brackets/craftable goes to php docker container and call composer require brackets/craftable.

harbor test will run phpunit tests on new php container. All additional arguments are passed to phpunit.

harbor npm will run npm command on node container and pass all additional arguments to npm.

harbor yarn will run yarn command on node container and pass all additional arguments to yarn.

harbor gulp will run gulp command on node container from node modules and pass all additional arguments to gulp.

harbor psql will run psql command on pgsql container with username and host form .env file and pass all additional arguments to psql command.

harbor pg_dump will run pg_dump command on pgsql container with username and host form .env file and pass all additional arguments to pg_dump command.

Install command (use with care)

harbor new laravel will install laravel application to current folder. See new laravel project, it is the recommended way.

harbor new craftable will install craftable application to current folder. See new craftable project, it is the recommended way.

SSH keys

To use ssh keys in php container, copy your keys to ./docker/php/ssh. You have to restart container after adding keys. SSH keys may be required for some git repositories.

Harbor for ionic

Harbor provides docker configuration for your ionic project. It consist of node container.

Starting a harbor ionic serve (in docker)

To start the docker environment with ionic use:

harbor ionic-serve

This will start the docker container and start also ionic serve for development.

Daily usage

In this section you can find all commands supported by harbor ionic.

harbor rebuild will stop and destroy all containers then starts again all containers, build them if changes has been made.

harbor ionic will run ionic serve command on node container.

harbor npm will run npm command on node container and pass all additional arguments to npm.

harbor yarn will run yarn command on node container and pass all additional arguments to yarn.

harbor gulp will run gulp command on node container from node modules and pass all additional arguments to gulp.


Harbor installer is a command to install or update harbor in your existing project, or create a new harbor project.


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