jeverling / python-multi

Single purpose repository for a Docker image with multiple Python versions installed

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

python-multi Dockerfile

This is a single purpose repository intended to provide a Dockerfile for an image with multiple Python versions installed.

The Dockerfile uses pyenv to install the included Python versions.

Short Description

The "Short Description" on Docker Hub should read:

Multiple Python versions installed into Ubuntu LTS (20.04 as of October 2021)

This is provided here as a back-up (i.e. in case the short description is overwritten).


This is a collection of useful docker commands relevant to this directory. Some of them are just generic docker commands for making sure the local system is in a good state (useful for those who don't use docker on a regular basis).


$ docker build \
>   --file src/Dockerfile \
>   --tag dhermes/python-multi:latest \
>   .
$ docker run \
>   --rm \
>   --tty \
>   --interactive \
>   --volume $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel):/var/code/ \
>   dhermes/python-multi:latest \
>   /bin/bash


$ docker system prune  # Clean-up
$ docker image  prune  # Clean-up
$ docker container ls  # Running containers
$ docker images        # List installed/cached images
$ docker image rm ${IMAGE_ID}
$ docker image rm ${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}


Single purpose repository for a Docker image with multiple Python versions installed


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%