jetspiking / IoT_Exercises

IoT programming exercises.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IoT Exercises repository description

This course has a mixed bag of example projects for the IoT-Avans-Course. The course starts with a relatively simple introduction with different programming exercises. The Espressif ESP32 Dev Module has been used for the different exercises.

All exercises have been programmed in Visual Studio Code with the PlatformIO plugin.

πŸ…ƒπŸ…πŸ„°πŸ„΅πŸ„΅πŸ„ΈπŸ„² πŸ„»πŸ„ΈπŸ„ΆπŸ„·πŸ…ƒπŸ…‚

Project Overview

This project applies the FSM design pattern in combination with two (mini) traffic lights. These lights can switch states, depending on a button press or timer. TrafficLight


The following states and transitions have been implemented for each traffic light.

State Transitions To State Cause Of Transition
Out Of Order Red Boot
Red Green Button press
Green Orange Button press
Orange Red Delay

Parts List

The following parts have been used, alongside a few breadboards and jumper wires.

Parts Amount Description
ESP32 1 Board
10K Ohm resistor 2x One for each tactile button
100 Ohm resistor 6x One for each LED
Red 1.8 mm LED, Orange 1.8 mm LED, Green 1.8 mm LED 2x Three for each traffic light
Tactile button 2x One for each traffic light

Digital Pins

The following digital pins have been connected from the ESP32 to LED and buttons.

Hardware Digital Pin
TrafficLight 1 Red LED 18
TrafficLight 1 Orange LED 19
TrafficLight 1 Green LED 21
TrafficLight 1 Button 22
TrafficLight 2 Red LED 33
TrafficLight 2 Orange LED 32
TrafficLight 2 Green LED 25
TrafficLight 2 Button 23

Hardware Schematics


πŸ„³πŸ„ΈπŸ…‚πŸ„²πŸ„Ύ πŸ„³πŸ„°πŸ„½πŸ„²πŸ„΄πŸ…

Project Overview



The following states and transitions have been implemented for each disco LED.

State Transitions To State Cause Of Transition
Off On Startup leds
On Chosen State Button press
Flickering Chosen State Button press
Loop Chosen State Button press
Uneven ChosenState Button press
Even ChosenState Button press
Chosen Led ChosenState Button press

Parts List

The following parts have been used, alongside a few breadboards and jumper wires.

Parts Amount Description
ESP32 1 Board
100 Ohm resistor 6x One for each LED
White 1.8 mm LED, Pink 1.8 mm LED, Red 1.8 mm LED, Purple 1.8 mm LED, Lightblue 1.8 mm LED, Green 1.8 mm LED, Yellow 1.8 mm LED, Darkblue 1.8 mm LED 1x Lights for all the effects

Digital Pins

The following digital pins have been connected from the ESP32 to LED and buttons.

Hardware Digital Pin
1 Blue LED 15
1 Red LED 4
1 Green LED 5
1 LightBlue LED 18
1 Pink LED 19
1 Orange LED 21
1 Red LED 22
1 Pink LED 23

Hardware Schematics


πŸ…‰πŸ„ΈπŸ„ΆπŸ„±πŸ„΄πŸ„΄ (πŸ…‡πŸ„±πŸ„΄πŸ„΄) πŸ„ΌπŸ„ΎπŸ„³πŸ…„πŸ„»πŸ„΄πŸ…‚

Project Overview

This project interfaces two Zigbee (XBEE) modules for communication purposes between hardware setups (multiple ESP's, for example).



To test the two XBEE-modules an ESP32 has been used, combined with a notebook with XCTU installed. The XBEE-module connected to the notebook was configured as End-device, while the module connected to the ESP32 was set to function as coordinator.

3.3V VCC

The XCTU-configuration for, respectively, the end-device and coordinator looks like the following.

Enddevice Coordinator

After uploading the sketch the functionality can be demonstrated by sending a simple message string from the coordinator, which is being received on the XBEE-module configured as end-device.



The Xbee-module(s) can also be operated from Command Mode. This allows more advances configuration and other actions to be performed. These can be grouped in a few categories.

Special Commands
Networking and Security Commands
RF Interfacing Commands
Sleep Commands
Serial Interfacing Commands
I/O Settings Commands
I/O Line Passing Commands
Diagnostic Commands
Command Mode Options

Each section contains various commands. Commands can be sorted by section:

Special Commands
WR (Write)
RE (Restore Defaults)
FR (Software Reset)
Networking and Security Commands
C8 (802.15.4 Compatibility)
CH (Operation Channel)
ID (Network ID)
DH (Destination Address High)
DL (Destination Address Low)
MY (Source Address)
SH (Serial Number High)
SL (Serial Number Low)
MM (MAC Mode)
RR (Xbee Retries)
RN (Random Delay Slots)
ND (Network Discovery)
NT (Node Discover Timeout)
NO (Node Discovery Options)
DN (Discover Node)
CE (Coordinator Enable)
SC (Scan Channels)
SD (Scan Duration)
A1 (End Device Association)
A2 (Coordinator Association)
AI (Association Indication)
DA (Force Disassociation)
FP (Force Poll)
AS (Active Scan)
ED (Energy Detect)
EE (Encryption Enable)
KY (AES Encryption Key)
NI (Node Identifier)
NP (Maximum Packet Payload Bytes)
RF Interfacing Commands
PL (TX Power Level)
PM (Power Mode)
CA (CCA Threshold)
Sleep Commands
SM (Sleep Mode)
ST (Time Before Sleep)
SP (Cyclic Sleep Period)
DP (Disassociated Cyclic Sleep Period)
SO (Sleep Options)
Serial Interfacing Commands
BD (Interface Data Rate)
NB (Parity)
RO (Packetization Timeout)
AP (API Enable)
I/O Settings Commands
D0 (DIO0/AD0)
D1 (DIO1/AD1)
D2 (DIO2/AD2)
D3 (DIO3/AD3)
D4 (DIO4)
D5 (DIO5)
D8 (DIO8)
P0 (PWM0)
P1 (PWM1)
P2 (SPI)
M0 (PWM Duty Cycle)
M1 (PWM Duty Cycle)
PR (Pull-up/Down Resistor Enable)
PD (Pull-up/Down Direction
IU (I/O Output Enable)
IT (Samples before TX)
IS (Force Sample)
IO (Digital Output Level)
IC (DIO Change Detect)
IR (Sample Rate)
I/O Line Passing Commands
IA (I/O Input Address)
T0 (D0 Timeout)
T1 (D1 Output Timeout)
T2 (D2 Output Timeout)
T3 (D3 Output Timeout)
T4 (D4 Output Timeout)
T5 (D5 Output Timeout)
T6 (D6 Output Timeout)
T7 (D7 Output Timeout)
PT (PWM Output Timeout)
Diagnostic Commands
VR (Firmware Version)
VL (Version Long)
HV (Hardware Version)
DB (Last Packet RSSI)
EC (CCA Failures)
EA (ACK Failures)
DD (Device Type Identifier)
Command Mode Options
CT (Command Mode Timeout)
CN (Exit Command Mode)
AC (Apply Changes)
GT (Guard Times)
CC (Command Character)


IoT programming exercises.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%