jesuscc1993 / flat-light-icons

Flat light icon collection built from scratch (some based on existing designs).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Flat light icon collection built from scratch (some based on existing designs). Both SVG and PNG files have been loslessly compressed.


  • SVG (vector)
  • PNG (256px)
  • ICO (16px, 24px, 32px, 48px, 256px)


  • 16px folder contains icons designed at 16px, which means they will perfectly scale to 32px, 48px and 256px.
    • 16px/outline folder contains icons consisting only of outlines
  • 32px folder contains icons designed at 16px, which means they will perfectly scale to 32px and 256px.
  • In summary
    • 32px icons might not look perfect at 48px.
    • All icons will look poorly at 24px (because it's an odd resolution, every other resolution is multiple of 16).

Live demo



Flat light icon collection built from scratch (some based on existing designs).
