jessesadler / madisonamg

AMG analysis in R

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The goal of madisonamg is to provide a simplified pathway for loading AMG data, checking for any issues, finding peaks of the response, analyzing the data, and visualizing it. madisonamg (Madison AMG) is named in honor of Madison, a golden retriever who passed away from myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune neuromuscular disease.


You can install madisonamg from GitHub with remotes:

# install.packages("remotes")

Please open an issue if you have any questions, comments, or requests.

Example analysis

This document shows the basic capabilities of the madisonamg package and how an analysis of a trace might be performed.


The data

The data is expected to be imported as a wave file using tuneR::readWave("path/file.wav", toWaveMC = TRUE). Make sure to set toWaveMC = TRUE, which imports multiple tracks, since madisonamg functions expect readings for the amplitude of both the stimulus and the response. madisonamg provides an example wave file imported in this fashion: ex_waveMC. Let’s load it.

wav <- ex_waveMC

To work with the data we need to get it into the form of a data frame with waveMC_to_tbl(). This will make it much easier to use the normal data analysis pipeline of R and the tidyverse on the AMG data. waveMC_to_tbl() also creates a data frame, or tibble, that conforms to the structure expected by the functions in madisonamg. We can refer to this as a trace tibble. waveMC_to_tbl() creates a tibble with four columns: sample, secs, stimulus, and response. The function automatically distinguishes the stimulus recording channel from the response recording channel. The frequency (freq argument) of the recording is used to convert samples into seconds (secs). The secs variable is there for convenience. It makes it easier to see how long the recording is, where events are in the recording, or how far apart they are.

Let’s make a trace tibble with waveMC_to_tbl(). This is equivalent to the example data ex_trace_tbl which comes with madisonamg.

trace_tbl <- waveMC_to_tbl(wav, freq = 10000)
#> Loading required package: tuneR

#> # A tibble: 192,804 × 4
#>    sample   secs stimulus response
#>     <int>  <dbl>    <int>    <int>
#>  1      1 0.0001     -256      128
#>  2      2 0.0002     -256      128
#>  3      3 0.0003     -320      128
#>  4      4 0.0004     -384      128
#>  5      5 0.0005     -320      128
#>  6      6 0.0006     -320      128
#>  7      7 0.0007     -256      128
#>  8      8 0.0008     -192      128
#>  9      9 0.0009     -192      128
#> 10     10 0.001       -64      128
#> # ℹ 192,794 more rows

Most functions from madisonamg expect a trace tibble as an input. A trace tibble is a data frame or tibble with numeric columns named “sample”, “stimulus”, and “response” plus any other metadata columns such as secs. If any of these three columns are not present or if they have different names, the functions in madisonamg will not work.

Examing the data

The easiest way to inspect the data is to start by visualizing it. We can separately visualize the recording of the response and stimulus to make sure there are no oddities. Setting filter_response = FALSE visualizes the entire recording.

viz_response(trace_tbl, filter_response = FALSE, title = "Full response")

viz_stimulus(trace_tbl, filter_stimulus = FALSE, title = "Full stimulus")

Both of the plots look good. They both have ten clearly distinguished peaks. The response plot shows the points in red where the stimuli were performed and these seem to correspond to the peaks. We can get a closer look at the shape of the response by using the same function but setting filter_response to TRUE, which is the default. This filters out the response before the first stimulus and after the last stimulus.

viz_response(trace_tbl, title = "Response")

Note that you can change the aesthetic features of the plot by adding ggplot2 commands. For instance, we can focus more on the response by getting rid of extra elements through theme_void(). I also add a bit more data before to each side of the plot with buffer. Make sure to load ggplot2.

             title = "Response",
             show_stimulus = FALSE,
             buffer = 1000) + 

Another very useful way to explore the data through visualization is with viz_response_interactive(), which creates an interactive plot of the response data, enabling the user to zoom in on the data.

Finding the stimuli and peaks

The next step is to find when the stimuli performed and calculate the starting and ending point for the corresponding response peaks. Finding the stimuli is relatively simple because when the stimuli is performed the amplitude of the stimulus rises immediately from its baseline. This is how find_stimuli() works, using the stimulus_diff argument to provide a minimum amplitude difference between samples.

#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>    sample  secs stimulus response amp_diff sample_diff sec_diff    hz
#>     <int> <dbl>    <int>    <int>    <int>       <int>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  35331  3.53    32576      128    32576          NA    NA       NA
#>  2  45385  4.54    32640      192    32256       10054     1.01     1
#>  3  55439  5.54    32640      192    32192       10054     1.01     1
#>  4  65492  6.55    27584      192    27136       10053     1.01     1
#>  5  75545  7.55    32320      448    31872       10053     1.01     1
#>  6  85598  8.56    32640      256    32256       10053     1.01     1
#>  7  95653  9.57    32640     -128    32192       10055     1.01     1
#>  8 105709 10.6     32640      256    32128       10056     1.01     1
#>  9 115765 11.6     32640      256    32512       10056     1.01     1
#> 10 125821 12.6     27712      192    27136       10056     1.01     1

In addition to finding the number of stimuli and the samples where they were performed, find_stimuli(trace_tbl) shows the time gap between stimuli and the calculated hertz. In this case, we can see that the stimuli were performed once per second, or 1hz.

Finding the peaks of the response is a bit more difficult and not nearly as clear cut. Looking at the response column in the output from find_stimuli(trace_tbl), you can see that the response amplitude differs between -128 and 448. There is no completely consistent baseline. It can, therefore, be difficult to determine when the amplitude of the response begins to rise as a result of the stimulus. madisonamg provides three functions to help find peaks: find_peaks_response(), find_peaks_stimulus(), and find_peaks_manual(). These functions should most likely be used in this order.

find_peaks_response() is the most robust method and works well when the peaks are relatively uniform. It works by finding response amplitudes above a specified min_amp and then extends the region down to all samples above the given baseline. The defaults all work pretty well with the trace_tbl data, but they may have to be altered for different data. In particular, the baseline argument can be manipulated to have unique baselines for each peak if the data is a bit messier.

It should also be noted that instead of returning a tibble, the find_peaks_() functions return a list of numeric vectors of the samples where the peaks occur. This data type is used throughout the madisonamg package wherever there is a peaks argument.

peaks <- find_peaks_response(trace_tbl)

find_peaks_stimulus() is a simpler function. It finds the onset of the stimuli in a fashion similar to find_stimuli() and starts the peak a set number of milliseconds after each stimulus as defined by the delay argument. The baseline argument can either be defined by the user or decided separately for each peak based on the value of the response after the given delay. This latter method is the default.

Finally, find_peaks_manual() is a helper function to manually input the start and end of peaks. This is useful for particularly odd peaks. The starting and ending points can be determined through visualizing the peaks. viz_response_interactive() is particularly useful here.

Because find_peaks_response() works well here, we will use that to define peaks.

Checking the peaks

The find_peaks_() functions will define the beginning and end of peaks, but that does not mean that they will correctly find them. You can perform a number of checks to ensure that the peaks were correctly identified. The simplest check is to ensure that the number of peaks identified is the same as the number of stimuli identified. We can then move to see what the delay is between the onset of the stimuli and the beginning of the peaks.

length(peaks) == nrow(find_stimuli(trace_tbl))
#> [1] TRUE
peaks_delay(trace_tbl, peaks)
#>  [1] 5.9 6.6 6.5 6.5 3.1 5.8 6.5 5.9 6.3 6.7

peaks_delay() shows that the fifth peak is a bit of an outlier with a delay of only 3.1 milliseconds. This is somewhat unsurprising as the fifth stimulus occurred when the response amplitude was at 448.

We can also make some other checks on the peaks data to see what we are dealing with. Here, we are looking for consistency. However, it is important to note that the amplitude values are discontinuous.

peaks_min_amp(trace_tbl, peaks)
#>  [1] 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320
peaks_max_amp(trace_tbl, peaks)
#>  [1] 3584 2816 2880 3008 3328 3008 3008 3136 3072 3392
peaks_first_amp(trace_tbl, peaks)
#>  [1] 320 320 320 320 384 320 320 320 320 320
peaks_last_amp(trace_tbl, peaks)
#>  [1] 320 448 448 448 320 320 384 320 448 320

Looking at the results for peaks_last_amp(trace_tbl, peaks), we can see that the amplitudes often do not get down to the baseline. We can fix this by augmenting the lengthen argument in find_peaks_response().

peaks2 <- find_peaks_response(trace_tbl, lengthen = 200)

Rechecking the peaks with peaks2, we can see that the end of the peaks is now correct. However, the fifth peak now starts before the stimulus, which is clearly wrong.

peaks_last_amp(trace_tbl, peaks2)
#>  [1] 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320
peaks_delay(trace_tbl, peaks2)
#> Warning: Peak(s) 5 begin less than 0 milliseconds after the stimulus.
#>  [1]  5.9  6.6  6.5  6.5 -1.9  5.8  6.5  5.9  6.3  6.7

Visual checks on the peaks

The other primary manner of checking the peaks is to do so visually. The easiest first step to double check that the peaks broadly correspond to the stimuli is with viz_highlight_peaks().

viz_highlight_peaks(trace_tbl, peaks2, title = "Highlight peaks")

To get into a more in depth visual analysis of the peaks, we can use viz_peak() to visualize individual peaks and provide information about them. Let’s look at the fifth peak.

viz_peak(trace_tbl, peaks2, peak_nr = 5)
#> Warning: Peak begins less than 0 milliseconds after the stimulus.

You could also get an even closer view with viz_response_interactive(trace_tbl, peaks) and zooming in on the fifth peak. Using this method, it is possible to see that the baseline of the fifth peak is 448. At this point, you could manually create a peak with find_peaks_manual() and inputting the samples where the amplitude goes above 448 and then back below 448. Or you can create separate baselines in find_peaks_response(), which we will do here.

peaks3 <- find_peaks_response(trace_tbl, lengthen = 200,
                              baseline = c(rep(256, 4), 448, rep(256, 5)))

We can then check this change.

peaks_first_amp(trace_tbl, peaks3)
#>  [1] 320 320 320 320 512 320 320 320 320 320
peaks_last_amp(trace_tbl, peaks3)
#>  [1] 320 320 320 320 512 320 320 320 320 320
peaks_delay(trace_tbl, peaks3)
#>  [1] 5.9 6.6 6.5 6.5 5.7 5.8 6.5 5.9 6.3 6.7

The numbers are much more consistent now. Let’s see how it looks visually.

viz_peak(trace_tbl, peaks3, peak_nr = 5)

Analyzing the data

Finally, we can analyze the peak data by creating an AMG report with create_report(). This shows the peak amplitude of each peak and the area under the curve along with percentage decrease in relation to the first peak. The area is calculated using the minimum value of each peak as the baseline, but you can also provide your own through the baseline argument.

create_report(trace_tbl, peaks3)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#>    pot_no peak_amp amp_decr_pct   area area_decr_pct delay_mS
#>     <int>    <int>        <dbl>  <dbl>         <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1      1     3584         0    325952         0          5.9
#>  2      2     2816        21.4  283840        12.9        6.6
#>  3      3     2880        19.6  285056        12.5        6.5
#>  4      4     3008        16.1  322816         0.962      6.5
#>  5      5     3328         7.14 315392         3.24       5.7
#>  6      6     3008        16.1  330816        -1.49       5.8
#>  7      7     3008        16.1  328384        -0.746      6.5
#>  8      8     3136        12.5  322048         1.20       5.9
#>  9      9     3072        14.3  339456        -4.14       6.3
#> 10     10     3392         5.36 327680        -0.530      6.7


AMG analysis in R



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