Assignment #6 for HHA 504
I created numerous endpoints, one for "home", one called "pets", and one called "feeling".
- Charcterized by "@app.route('/')"
- Returns and displays text that says "Welcome to my Flask Endpoint :)"
- Characterized by "app.route('/pets')
- Takes in information about number of pets and type of pet
- Returns and displays text that says "I have {number} {pet}!"
- In the URL, the format should be "https:// .... dev/pets?number=&pet="
- Characterized by "app.route('/feeling')
- Takes in information about emotion
- Returns and displays text that says "Why are you feeling {emotion}?"
- In the URL, the format should be "https:// .... dev/feeling?emotion="
- Example:
def emotion_get(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
emotion = req.params.get("emotion")
if not emotion:
emotion = "nothing"
if emotion:
return func.HttpResponse(f'Why are you feeling {emotion}?')
: a separate "page" called feeling. The URL would be displayed as "https://" -
def emotion_get(reqL func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
: defined a get request. An http request is required in order to get an http response. -
if not emotion: emotion = "nothing" if emotion: return func.HttpResponse(f'Why are you feeling {emotion}?')
If there is no input in the URL for emotion such as:, then the response will return "why are you feeling nothing?". "Nothing" is the default value for when there is no input.
If there is an input in the URL for emotion such as:, then the response will return "why are you feeling angry?". "Angry" will substitute the placeholder for emotion in
(f'Why are you feeling {emotion}?')
- Install Azure CLI with this code:
curl -sL | sudo bash
- Log in with this code:
az login --use-device-code
- Install Azure Functions Core Tool with this code:
sudo apt-get install azure-functions-core-tools-4
- Create Local Function Project folder with this code:
func init
- Navigate to the "local.settings.json" file and edit the following file to have the following code:
"IsEncrypted: false,
"Values: {
"AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags: "EnableWorkerIndexing",
"AzureWebJobsStorage: "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
- Input code into file. My code is shown below:
import azure.functions as func
app = func.FunctionApp(http_auth_level=func.AuthLevel.ANONYMOUS)
def emotion_get(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
emotion = req.params.get("emotion")
if not emotion:
emotion = "nothing"
if emotion:
return func.HttpResponse(f'Why are you feeling {emotion}?')
- Create a resource group with the following code:
az group create --name AzureFunctionsQuickstart-rg --location <insert location>
- Create a storage account with the following code:
az storage account create --name <name of storage account> --location <insert location> --resource-group <insert resource group name> --sku Standard_LRS
- Create a function app with the following code:
az functionapp create --resource-group <insert resource group name> -rg --consumption-plan-location <insert location> --runtime python --runtime-version 3.9 --functions-version 4 --name <name of function app> --os-type linux --storage account <name of storage account>
- Deploy app with the following code:
func azure functionapp publish flaskapp504
- A link should appear in the console after running the previous code
Azure Link:
A challenge that I faced when completing this assignment was trying to install the Azure Functions Core Tools. When I was writing my code, I noticed that there was a red squiggly error that was on the line where I was importing azure.functions as funcs. I referred back to this website for help: I missed the step where it said to install Homebrew. However when I tried installing Homebrew, I kept running into an error where it was saying I had the incorrect password. I changed my password, refreshed the entire Cloud Shell page, and was still receiving the error. However, I decided to just keep on continuing with the assignment and I was still able to successfully deploy.