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Hi , I'm Jeseías Domingos

I'm a full-stack developer, I've been programing for 5 years now in total, and 2 years as a professional. The key of my programming stack is Javascript/Typescript. I used it on the backend, web, mobile and desktop

On a daily bases I mostly on the frontend with ReactJS using the NextJS framework. On the backend, I work the ExpressJS and for my database mostly MongoDB or Postgres. On Mobile I work with ReactNative, nowadays using Expo. For Desktop development ElectronJS along side ReactJS

You can contact or find me here

Github Badge Jeseías Domingos Jeseías Domingos Jeseías Domingos Rocketseat

Learning now

Right now I am totally focused on mastering Mobile development, and afterwards Desktop

As I am quite very much comfortable with the backend and web development.


Electron Next React React Native

Tools I use

Git Nodejs NPM Yarn

Architetures & Others

MVC APIs Restful

My Skills

Visual Studio Code JavaScript typescript Node.js React docker SQL MongoDB postgresql Git GitHub Terminal
