This repository contains a library of user interface components that can be used to create web-applications based on Accord Project technology. The components use the React ( JavaScript library )
This repository is a monorepo, built using lerna. Each package is published as an independent npm module.
- Markdown Editor: A WYSIWYG editor based on Slate for markdown that conforms to the CommonMark specification.
- Contract Editor: An editor based on our Markdown Editor for handling smart legal contracts.
- Concerto UI: React components for models written in the Concerto Modeling Language.
- Web Components: Tools for implementing React components in your contract editing studio.
- Storybook: A React Storybook, and contains all the stories for all the sub-packages.
Netlify is used to automatically publish the static site generated by Storybook.
Use the interactive Storybook to discover the components and their properties.
View the Live Storybook Demo or Run Locally
To use these components refer to:
If you are not already using semantic-ui-react in your project, be sure to include import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css'
in the entry point of your react app.
npm install -g lerna
lerna clean && lerna bootstrap && lerna run build
cd packages/storybook
npm run storybook
Install cypress app on your local system:
Check if the system requirements are matched:
Start the storybook
cd packages/storybook
npm run storybook
Execute the following script to start e2e tesing
cd packages/storybook
npm run test:e2e
If you are writing the tests and want to see the tests in a browser, then do the following
cd packages/storybook
npx cypress open
Accord Project is an open source, non-profit, initiative working to transform contract management and contract automation by digitizing contracts. Accord Project operates under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. The technical charter for the Accord Project can be found here.
The Accord Project technology is being developed as open source. All the software packages are being actively maintained on GitHub and we encourage organizations and individuals to contribute requirements, documentation, issues, new templates, and code.
Find out what’s coming on our blog.
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For code contributions, read our CONTRIBUTING guide and information for DEVELOPERS.
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Accord Project source code files are made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Accord Project documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0).
Copyright 2018-2019 Clause, Inc. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. See LF Projects Trademark Policy.