jeroenvisser101 / gcs_sign

A tiny package for signing Google Cloud Storage URLs and forms

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GCSSign helps signing URLs and HTTP form requests for Google Cloud Storage.

This library provides logic for signing URLs and POST policies locally with JSON service account key credentials.


Signing URLs

GCSSign.sign_url_v4/2 can be used to sign URLs. Signed URLs give limited, temporary access to a resource in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Google's documentation goes into further detail on the usage and best practices of signed URLs.

# Use a service account key
credentials = "GCP_CREDENTIALS" |> System.fetch_env!() |> Jason.decode!()

# Sign a simple URL
sign_opts = [bucket: "demo-bucket", key: "test.txt"]
url = GCSSign.sign_url_v4(credentials, sign_opts)

# Sign a URL with custom expiration time
sign_opts = [bucket: "demo-bucket", key: "test.txt", expires_in: 60]
url = GCSSign.sign_url_v4(credentials, sign_opts)

# Sign a URL with custom headers
headers = [
  # Or use
  # {"response-content-disposition", ContentDisposition.format(disposition: :attachment, filename: "file.txt")},
  {"response-content-disposition", "inline; filename=\"file.txt\"; filename*=UTF-8''file.txt"},
  {"response-content-type", "text/plain"}
sign_opts = [bucket: "demo-bucket", key: "test.txt", expires_in: 60]
url = GCSSign.sign_url_v4(credentials, sign_opts)

Signing XML POST Policies

Signed POST policies can be used to allow external parties limited upload access to a bucket. A policy document can be used to limit in which bucket, with what key a file can be uploaded, and it supports setting file-size limits.

GCSSign.sign_post_policy_v4/2 can be used to sign a POST policy. It requires a bucket and key and returns a map with a URL and a map of fields that should be passed as parameters in the upload request.

Google's documentation describes how this can be used to perform a multipart upload.

# Use a service account key
credentials = "GCP_CREDENTIALS" |> System.fetch_env!() |> Jason.decode!()

# Sign a simple URL
sign_opts = [
  expires_in: 600,
  bucket: "demo-bucket",
  key: "test.txt",
  fields: %{
    "content-type" => "text/plain",
    "cache-control" => "public, max-age=31536000"
  conditions: [["content-length-range", 0, 2_000_000]]

{:ok, policy} = GCSSign.sign_post_policy_v4(credentials, sign_opts)

Authorizer options

Google Cloud Storage accepts two different options for passing the credential scope's authorizer:

  • client_id: The ID of the service account key
  • client_email: The service account email

GCSSign will use the client_id by default because it exposes the least information when used in XML POST with HTML forms. You can optionally set authorizer: :client_email in sign_opts to make the credential scope use client_email.

Read more about authorizer in Google's documentation


Add gcs_sign to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:gcs_sign, "~> 1.0.0"}]


This library is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE file in this repository for details.


A tiny package for signing Google Cloud Storage URLs and forms

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%