jeremypeter /

Personal Website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adam Sandoval Portfolio

My personal website

Requirements to run site locally

  • Node >=4
  • NVM (Node Version Manager)


Once you've installed Nodejs and NVM, open Terminal and run the following command to install the dependencies

npm install


After you've installed the dependencies, you can create a local server by running the following command:

npm start

Creating new slides

  1. New menu items get a data-slide-id attribute on the link which matches the data-slide attribute on the actual slide
  2. Then you'll use the following markup inside of the <section class="slides"> container:
    <div class="slide" data-slide="1" data-slide-bg="./path-to-image/img.png">
      <div class="slide__content">
        <div class="slide__width">
          <h1 class="slide__title">...</h1>
          <p class="slide__copy">...</p>
          <a href="..." class="slide__button">...</a>
    <!-- end slide 1 -->


Personal Website


Language:HTML 54.7%Language:CSS 36.2%Language:JavaScript 9.1%