jeremyjordan / machine-learning

Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum

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Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum, which includes projects and their descriptions.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Please refer to Udacity Terms of Service for further information.


Predicting Boston Housing Prices

Concepts covered: decision tree regression, evaluating regression models, learning curves, grid search with cross validation.

Finding Donors for CharityML

Concepts covered: data preprocessing, F-beta scoring, AdaBoost, logistic regression, support vector machines, building a prediction pipeline, extracting feature importance and feature selection.

Creating Customer Segments

Concepts covered: feature visualization, outlier removal, dimensionality reduction (PCA), soft clustering with a Gaussian mixture model.

Train a Smartcab to Drive

Concepts covered: reinforcement learning.

Dog Breed Classifier

Concepts covered: convolutional neural networks, image classification.


Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum


Language:Jupyter Notebook 66.3%Language:HTML 33.1%Language:Python 0.6%