- Flutter: 2.10.0
- Dart: 2.16.0
- Open quiz from list
- Search quiz
- Store quiz result
- Show last quiz result
- Base URL : https://quipoquiz.com/module/sed/quiz/fr
- Select and Get quiz question : /start_quiz.snc?quiz={quiz_id}
- Answer question : /answer_question.snc?quiz={quiz_id}&answer={true || false}&question={question_id}
- Finish quiz and get result : /end_quiz.snc?quiz={quiz_id}
- Extracted with python_quipoquiz_scraping Project.
- all quizzes (recycler grid view) loaded form share preferences
- quiz image / label
- score
- on tap open view with quiz questions
- new score for an quiz erase previous score => saved in share preferences
- on tap all question loaded from API
- all quizzes (recycler grid view) loaded form share preferences
- for each question
- image
- text question
- buttons, 2 response button (True, False) => send answer to API
- result of answer displayed on dialog element
- After last response, redirect to finish quiz view
- for each question
Finish quiz
- register result => in share preferences
- score ( good response / answer number )
- stats from API
- buttons return to home