jeremychone / rust-sqlb

Simple and expressive SQL Builder for Rust (Database Executor/Driver Independent).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

sqlb is a simple and expressive SQLBuilder for Rust for sqlx, focusing on PostgreSQL (for now).

UPDATE 2023-11-21: sqlb 0.4.x now uses sqlx 0.7.x

NOTE 2023-11-31: I am currently exploring integration synergy opportunities with sea-query, as they share similar "SQL builder" principles. Some initial integration might appear in sqlb 0.5.x. Feel free to share your perspective on our discord:

Key Concepts

  • Simple - Focused on providing an expressive, composable, and reasonably typed scheme to build and execute (via sqlx for now) parameterized SQL statements. The goal is NOT to abstract SQL but to make it expressive and composable using Rust programmatic constructs.
    • NOT a database executor/driver (Uses sqlx as an SQL executor)
    • NOT an ORM, just an SQL builder.
    • NOT a full replacement for sqlx. Dropping into sqlx when sqlb is too limiting is a valid pattern.
  • Expressive - From arbitrary typed data in and out (list of names/values) to struct and mapping rules.
  • Focused
    • sqlx - The first "database executor" provided will be sqlx.
    • PostgreSQL - First database support will be Postgres (via sqlx). Additional database support may be added based on interest and pull requests.
  • sqlb goal is to have a highly ergonomic API at a minimum performance cost. However, using sqlx directly for high batch commands or more advanced use-cases is an encouraged approach.
  • Prepared Statement ONLY!

Additional Notes

NOTE 1: SQL Builders are typically not used directly by application business logic, but rather to be wrapped in some Application Model Access Layer (e.g., DAOs or MCs - Model Controller - patterns). Even when using ORMs, it is often a good code design to wrap those access via some model access layers.

NOTE 2: sqlb has the feature runtime-tokio-rustls enabled by the sqlx crate. Do not enable a conflicting runtime feature when adding sqlx to your project.

NOTE 3: During the 0.y.z period, API changes will result in .y increments.

Goals for first 0.y.z releases:

  • sqlx - Only plan to be on top of sqlx.
  • PostgreSQL - Focus only on PostgreSQL.
  • Macros - Adding macros to keep things DRY (but they are optional. All can be implemented via trait objects)
  • Limitations - Currently, to make types work with sqlb they must implementsqlb::SqlxBindable trait. The aim is to implement SqlxBindable for all sqlx types and allowing app code to implement SqlxBindable for their specific types. If there are any external types that should be supported but are not currently, please feel free to log a ticket. A good pattern for this type is for sqlb to add type support by features (e.g., see chrono_support sqlb feature).

Early API Example (just conceptual for now)

// `sqlx::FromRow` allows to do sqlx_exec::fetch_as...
// `sqlb::Fields` allows to have:
//   - `toto.fields()` (name, value)[] (only direct or NOT Not values)
//   - `Todo::field_names()` here would return `["id", "title"]`
#[derive(sqlx::FromRow, sqlb::Fields)] 
pub struct Todo {
    id: i64,

    title: String,
	desc: Option<String>,

	someting_else: String,

pub struct TodoForCreate {
	title: String,
	desc: Option<String>,

	someting_else: String,	

pub struct TodoForUpdate {
	title: Option<String>,
	desc: Option<String>,

// -- Get the field names
let field_names = Todo::field_names();
// ["id", "title", "description"]

// -- Create new row
let todo_c = TodoForCreate { title: "title 01".to_string(), desc: "desc 01".to_string() };
// will update all fields specified in TodoForCreate
let sb = sqlb::insert().table("todo").data(todo_c.all_fields());
let sb = sb.returning(&["id", "title"]);
let (_id, title) = sb.fetch_one::<_, (i64, String)>(&db_pool).await?;

// -- Select 
let sb = sqlb::select().table("todo").columns(Todo::field_names()).order_by("!id");
let todos: Vec<Todo> = sb.fetch_as_all(&db_pool).await?;

// -- Update
let todo_u - TodoForUpdate { desc: "Updated desc 01".to_string()};
let sb = sqlb::update().table("todo").data(todo_u.not_none_fields()).and_where_eq("id", 123);
let row_affected = sb.exec(&db_pool).await?;
// will not update .title because of the use of `.not_none_fields()`. 


  • Thanks to KaiserBh for the bindable! generic type and chrono support.
  • Thanks to eboody for the potential sqlx conflict (see PR 3).

Open source is awesome! Feel free to enter ticket, ask questions, or do PR (concise and focused).

Happy coding!


! breaking change, ^ enhancement, + addition, - fix.

  • 0.4.0 - 2023-11-21
    • ^ Updated to sqlx 0.7
  • 0.3.8 - 2023-08-03
  • 0.3.2 .. 0.3.7
    • + Add support for partial and fully qualified table and column names. #8
    • + Add SqlxBindable blanket implementation for Option<T>. #7
    • + Add .limit(..) and .offset(..) for Select.
    • + Add .count() for Select.
    • + Add #[field(skip)] and #[field(name="other_name")] to skip or rename properties.
  • 0.3.1
    • ! BREAKING CHANGE - HasFields.fields has been rename to HasFields.not_none_fields().
    • ! BREAKING CHANGE - HasFields.not_none_fields() and HasFields.all_fields() consume the self (to avoid uncessary clone).
    • + - HasFields.all_fields() - returns all fields (even the one where value are None).
    • + - HasFields::field_names(): &'static [&'static] - list of field names (i.e., column names).
    • + - Added SqlxBindable for the Option<T> (not a blanket impl at this point).
    • 0.3.0 been deprecated since did not have the ...fields(self) behavior.
  • 0.2.0
    • Changing the generic order to match sqlx. From .fetch_one::<(i64, String), _> to .fetch_one::<_, (i64, String)>
  • 0.0.7
    • sqlb::insert().table("todo") (in 0.0.7) rather than sqlb::insert("toto") (<=0.0.6) (for all SqlBuilders)

For sqlb Dev

Start a PostgreSQL

# In terminal 1 - start postges
docker run --rm --name pg -p 5432:5432  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=welcome  postgres:15

# In terminal 2 - (optional) launch psql on the Postgres instance above
docker exec -it -u postgres pg psql

# In terminal 3 -
cargo test

# or watch a particular test target
cargo watch -q -c -x 'test --test test_sb_insert

[sqlb github repo](


Simple and expressive SQL Builder for Rust (Database Executor/Driver Independent).

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%