jeremielate / terraform-gcp-pgsql-module

Terraform module for provisionning a Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance

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Google Cloud PostgreSQL Terraform module

By default, this module will create a backup enabled regional postgresql 14 database with no public IP. The maintenance window, where updates can occur, is programmed every Monday at 6 am. This database will be saved every day and a maximum of 7 backups will be retained. For security, SSL is required to connect to the database. It also possible to use the Cloud SQL authentication proxy to connect to the database. The database will have a random generated suffix appended to the name because it makes it easier to recreate the database if needed since the name is retained by GCP for some days after deletion.

Followed the best practices for PostgreSQL.


Private IP zonal database instance for testing

module "database" {
  source = "git::ssh://jeremielate/terraform-gcp-pgsql-module.git"

  name                = "padok"
  tier                = "db-f1-micro"
  region              = "europe-west1"
  public              = false
  compute_network_id  =
  deletion_protection = false
  backup_enabled      = false

  databases = [

  builtin_users = [

Other examples, can be found in /examples.

Required variables

Name Description
name Name of the instance database
region Database region location (eg. europe-west1)
tier Database tier (instance size)
databases List of sql databases on this instance

Optional variables

Name Description Default
availability_type Database availability "REGIONAL"
public Database public ip enabled false
builtin_users List of builtin sql users allowed to connect to the instance []
iam_users List of IAM users allowed to connect to the instance []
iam_service_accounts List of IAM service accounts allowed to connect to the instance []
deletion_protection Protection against accidental deletion true
vpc_peering_enabled Create a peering between a VPC and this database false
compute_network_id VPC network id (used when vpc_peering_enabled is true) null
network_prefix_length Subnet where the private ip for the instance will be allocated 16
backup_enabled Enable regular backups of the database true
backup_point_in_time_recovery_enabled Point-in-time recovery false
backup_start_time Time of the day when a backup can be started "23:00"
backup_transaction_log_retention_days Transaction log retention days 7
backup_retained_backups Retained backup count 7
maintenance_window_day Day of the week when a instance maintenance can occur 1
maintenance_window_hour Hour of the day when a instance maintenance can occur 6
maintenance_window_update_track Update track, canary or stable "stable"
user_labels User labels (key/value tags) {}


Name Description
name Name of the database (formated as db-xxxx)
self_link Unique name reference of the database
connection_name The connection name of the instance to be used in connection strings. For example, when connecting with Cloud SQL Proxy
public_ip_address The public IPv4 address assigned
private_ip_address The first private IPv4 address assigned
user_credentials[].password Builtin user password
user_credentials[].ssl_cert Builtin user SSL client certificate
user_credentials[].ssl_private_key Builtin user SSL client private key
user_credentials[].ssl_expiration_time Builtin user SSL client certificate expiration date
settings_version Database settings version
server_ca_cert.cert The CA Certificate used to connect to the SQL Instance via SSL
server_ca_cert.common_name The CN valid for the CA Cert
server_ca_cert.create_time Creation time of the CA Cert
server_ca_cert.expiration_time Expiration time of the CA Cert
server_ca_cert.sha1_fingerprint SHA Fingerprint of the CA Cert

Decisions on input/output variables

This module has made choices about his input/output variables:

  • The PosgreSQL version cannot be set with an input variable to ensure that the module version follows the database version
  • Configuration blocks to set replicas, binary logs and other MySQL specific things cannot be set with input variables either
  • The variable settings.ip_configuration.require_ssl is always true as a best practice
  • The db instance variable settings.ip_configuration.ipv4_enabled is confusing, an input variable named public is used to set this
  • A choice must be made when configuring the connectivity of the database since the variable public and vpc_peering_enabled are false
  • Apart from the point mentioned above, the default configuration is ready for production (backup, maintenance window and regional availability enabled)
  • Every database builtin user will have a generated client certificate for login, exported as user_credentials[].{ssl_cert,ssl_private_key}


Terraform module for provisionning a Google CloudSQL PostgreSQL instance


Language:HCL 100.0%