jeremN / formControl

Form validations with Javascript (es2015+)

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Form Validation with Javascript (es6+)


npm i @jeremn/form-control-js
import formControl from '@jeremn/form-control-js'


formControl take three arguments:

  • forms: an array containing all yours forms object, set to null by default (see Forms).
const forms = [
    form: '.js__form__control--1',
    validate: '',
    fields: [
        field: '#name',
        errorsMsg: {
          isRequired: 'my cutom error message',
          minLen: 'my cutom error message',
          maxLen: 'my cutom error message',
        isRequired: true,
        minLen: 4,
        maxLen: 12,
      }, {
        field: '#number',
        isRequired: true,
      }, {
        field: '#phone',
        isPhone: true,
      }, {
        field: '#email',
        isEmail: true,
      }, {
        field: '#siret',
        isSiret: true,
      }, {
        field: '#bic',
        isBic: true,
      }, {
        field: '#iban',
        isIban: true,
      }, {
        field: '#url',
        isUrl: true,
      }, {
        field: '#checking',
        isChecked: true,
  }, {
    form: '.js__form__control--2',
    fields: [
        field: '#name2',
        isRequired: true,
        minLen: 4,
        maxLen: 12,
      }, {
        field: '#number2',
        isRequired: true,
      }, {
        field: '#phone2',
        isPhone: true,
      }, {
        field: '#email2',
        isEmail: true,
      }, {
        field: '#siret2',
        isSiret: true,
      }, {
        field: '#bic2',
        isBic: true,
      }, {
        field: '#iban2',
        isIban: true,
      }, {
        field: '#url2',
        isUrl: true,
      }, {
        field: '#checking2',
        isChecked: true,
  • config: an object containing your properties, custom validators, errors messages... that will overwrite the default settings (see Config object).

  • useDateAttr: a boolean, telling formControl to use data-attr or not, set to true by default.


  1. Using data-attributes

You can use data-attributes to initialize formControl, see Data-attributes below.

<form class="form js__form__control--2" data-form-control="true">
    <div class="form__group">
      <label for="name2">Name</label>
        data-form-validators="isRequired minLen_4 maxLen_12"/>
    <div class="form__group form__group--row">
      <button type="submit">Send</button>

import formControl from './form-control';

  1. Using forms array

Or you can use forms array to initialize formControl, see Forms below.

<form class="form js__form__control">
    <div class="form__group">
      <label for="name2">Name</label>
    <button type="submit">Send</button>
import formControl from './form-control';

const forms = [ 
    form: '.js__form__control--2',
    fields: [
        field: '#name2',
        isRequired: true,
        minLen: 4,
        maxLen: 12,
      }, {
        field: '#number2',
        isRequired: true,
      }, {
        field: '#phone2',
        isPhone: true,
      }, {
        field: '#email2',
        isEmail: true,
      }, {
        field: '#siret2',
        isSiret: true,
      }, {
        field: '#bic2',
        isBic: true,
      }, {
        field: '#iban2',
        isIban: true,
      }, {
        field: '#url2',
        isUrl: true,
      }, {
        field: '#checking2',
        isChecked: true,

  1. Adding custom validators

You can add your own validator by:

  • adding an object in customValidators in the config object
const customState = {
  customValidators: {
    myCustomValidator: (value) => { 
      return value != "2"
  errorsMsg: {
    isNotEqualTwo: 'Field should not be equal to two'

then add the corresponding data-attr:

<input data-form-validators="myCustomValidatorName"/>

or in the field object:

<input data-form-validators="myCustomValidatorName"/>
  • or add in field object your validator
const forms = [
    form: '.js__form-control',
    fields: [
        field: '#text4',
        myCustomValidator: (value) => {
          return value === 'hello'

in both case, don't forget to add the corresponding error message.

  1. Adding custom error message

You can add custom error message:

  • by setting a data-attr
<input id="text2" class="form__field" type="text" data-error-msg-is-not-equal-two="Field should not be equal to two" />
  • by using the errorsMsg key in config
const customState = {
  errorsMsg: {
    myCustomErrorMsg: 'My error message'
  • by using the errorMsg key in field object
const forms = [
    form: '.js__form-control',
    fields: [
        field: '#text4',
        errorMsg: {
          myCustomErrorMsg: 'My error message'
  1. Changing event type

By default formControl perform validation when the form is submitted, you can use the onFields validation type if you want to perform 'live' validation when a user type in an input field.

To do this, set validationType key in config with the value: onFields

const config = {
  validationType: 'onFields'

or use validate key in form object:

const forms = [
    form: '#myFormID',
    validate: 'onFields',

by default input event listener will be used, to change this behavior, you can:

  • add the evtType key in field object
const forms = [
    fields: [ 
        field: '.myField',
        evtType: 'keyup'
  1. Adding custom classes

You can set custom CSS classes for field and error text block by passing an object as the config argument (see Config object below for the used properties).

  1. Ajax form

If you need form that send data by ajax you can set callback afterValidation. It will be called only if form is valid and afterValidation is a function. Two arguments will be passed, the current form, and the corresponding fields array.

let validation = formControl(null, {
  afterValidation: (currentForm, fields) {
    '...your code here'
Name Type Description Default (if applicable) Example
form String Form selector (ID, className...) '.js__form__control--1'
validate String Validation type used by FormControl (two possible value: 'onSubmit', 'onFields') 'onSubmit' 'onSubmit'
fields Array Fields to validate [{ field: '#number', isRequired: true }, {...}]
Name Type Description Example
field String Input selector (ID, className...) '#name'
validatorsName Boolean or Value or String Validator applied to field (see Validators below) minLen: 4
errorsMsg Object Custom errors message errorsMsg: { minLen: 'my custom error msg {{cond}}' }
evtType String Event applied to field event listener (if validationType = 'onFields') evtType: 'keyup'
Name Type Description Default
regexp Object Regex used by some validators see Default regex
errorsMsg Object Errors message showed when validators return false see Default error messages
errorClass String Default error class added to container has__error
successClass String Default success class added to container has__success
inputParentClass String ClassName used by input parent container .form__group
inputClass String ClassName used by input field .form__control
fieldMessageClass String ClassName used by field message element .form__message
allowedFileExtensions Array Allowed file extension used by validators for input[type="file"] ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.webp']
fieldMessageTemplate Template string Error field template used to display error/message message <div class="form__message"></div>
noValidateAttributes Array This attributes will not be used by runValidators method ['field', 'rule']
noValidateKeys Array This keys will not fire the runValidator callback when user use their keyboard ['Tab', 'Shift']
validationType Object Type of validation used by FormControl onSubmit
fieldEvent Object Default field event for 'onFields' validation listener input
timer Object Debounce timer for field type validation null
afterValidation Function Function called after submit validation (if form has no error) null
customValidators Object An object containing your custom validators functions null
Name Description Example
[data-form-control="true"] Form with this data-attr will be processed by FormControl '<form [data-form-control="true"]>'
[data-form-validators] Apply validation rules on input ''
[data-validation-type] Modify validator event listener on form ''
[data-event-type] Apply custom event listener on input event listener ''
[data-error-msg-my-validator-name] Apply custom error message on input ''
Name Description Example
isRequired Field isn't empty isRequired
isEmail Field is email isEmail
isSiret Field is Siret isSiret
isBic Field is BIC isBic
isUrl Field is Siret isUrl
isIban Field is IBAN isIban
isInteger Value must be integer isInteger
isChecked Field must be checked isChecked
isPassword Field must be an acceptable password (watch your regex!) isPassword
isEqual_{condition} Field with specified name must have same value isEqual_#password1
isLen_{condition} Value length equal to condition isLen_4
isNumeric Any valid number isNumeric
minLen_{condition} Value length must be equal or more then contition minLen_4
maxLen_{condition} Value length must be equal or less then contition maxLen_34
min_{condition} Value must be equal or more then contition min_4
max_{condition} Value must be equal or less then contition max_34
radioIsChecked One radio input must be checked radioIsChecked
fileHasExtension File should have allowed extension fileHasExtension

Default regex

Key Regex
isName /\d/
isEmail /^[a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+@[a-z0-9-]{1,67}.[a-zA-Z]{2,67}$/
isPhone /^0[1-9]{1}(([0-9]{2}){4})
isIban /^[a-zA-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{7}([a-zA-Z0-9]?){0,16}$/
isBic /([a-zA-Z]{4}[a-zA-Z]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})?)/
stringRegexp /^\s+
isUrl /^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+.(com
isPassword /^(?=.[a-z])(?=.[A-Z])(?=.\d)(?=.[$@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d$@$!%*?&]{6,12}/
msgRegexp /^\s+$/
isNumeric /^[0-9]+$/
isSiret /^[0-9]{3}[ .-]?[0-9]{3}[ .-]?[0-9]{3}[ .-]?[0-9]{5}$/

Default error messages

Key Message
isEmail 'Please enter a valid email adress'
isPhone 'Please enter a valid phone number'
isUrl 'Please enter a valid url'
isChecked 'This field must be checked'
isIban 'Your IBAN is invalid'
isSiret 'Your Siret is invalid'
isBic 'Your BIC is invalid'
isRequired 'This field is required'
isNumeric 'Value must be set to a number'
isInteger 'Value must be an integer'
isEqual 'Value must match {{cond}} field'
isLen 'Value must contain {{cond}} characters'
isPassword 'Password shoud contain 6 to 12 characters, numbers, at least one special character(@$_!%*?&), and at least one uppercase character and one lowercase'
minLen 'Value is too short, minimum is {{cond}} characters'
maxLen 'Value is too long, maximum is {{cond}} characters'
min 'Value is too small, minimum is {{cond}}'
max 'Value is too big, maximum is {{cond}}'
quantity 'Use digits only'
radioIsChecked 'You must checked one field at least'
fileHasExtension 'Your file is invalid, this extension is not allowed'


Form validations with Javascript (es2015+)


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