jennyzzt / AlgoManim

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Introduction to AlgoManim

What is AlgoManim?

A Python GUI-based application to create beautiful Manim animations for algorithms and data structures.



Assumes setup on Ubuntu Linux.

First, install Python and Python Dev Tools (if not already installed)

sudo apt install python3 python3-dev

Next, install all system library dependencies of Manim (this will consume quite a bit of disk space)

sudo apt install sox ffmpeg libcairo2 libcairo2-dev texlive-full

For alternative system setup, please check out the official Manim documentation

Lastly, set up a virtual environment and install the Python dependencies. The command line should now be prefaced by (venv).

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Verify installation by running the following command, which will produce preview files under ./media.

python3 -m manim SquareToCircle -pl


You can run the video-rendering GUI as follows:

python3 -m cmdgui

Overview of the Codebase

Directory Content Description
algomanim/ Library containing implementations of Data Structures and Animations
algomanim_examples/ Various examples showing how to use AlgoManim library
gui/ AlgoManim GUI Source Code
manim_example/ Animations written in pure manim for reference
tests/ Tests


Examples that show the usage of the customizations and data structures that we support currently are provided in the algomanim_examples/ folder. If you would like to get a quick overview of all the features we provide, please see algomanim_examples/

First Program

The simplest algomanim program, only requires a single python file with a class that extends AlgoScene and overrides the algo(self) method (as seen below). This scene, implements the BubbleSort Algorithm.

from algomanim.algoscene import AlgoScene
from algomanim.algolist import AlgoList

class DefaultBubbleSortScene(AlgoScene):
    def algo(self):
        algolist = AlgoList(self, [25, 43, 5, 18, 30])
        swaps_made = True
        while swaps_made:
            swaps_made = False
            for i in range(algolist.len() - 1):
                j = i + 1
                if, j):
                    swaps_made = True
                    algolist.swap(i, j)

To run this program, simply type python3 -m manim algomanim_examples/ DefaultBubbleSortScene -pl. The animation will automatically play once it is rendered.


Next Steps

Please read to find out more about how to customize the animations generated by us and to find out more about how to extend the library to the Data Structures of your choice and the operations on data structures currently supported.

Coding style and conventions

All Python code should adhere to PEP8. Pylint is used to enforce this, so it would probably be a good idea to select the linter in your editor if it allows you to. If there are any linting rules that you want to exclude (for good reason), disable it in .pylintrc. In order to pre-empt pipeline failure, please run pytest -v --cov=algomanim and pylint * locally before pushing.



Language:Python 100.0%