This is a stock screener that allows users to filter through a list of stocks based on various criteria such as sector, price, metric, and technical indicators.
- Users can filter by sector, price range, metric, technical indicators and predictions
- The app displays a list of stocks that match the user's criteria
- Users can view additional information on a stock, such as its price and sector, by clicking on its ticker symbol
- Users can view a chart of a stock's price history by clicking on its ticker symbol
- Users can view charts of training metrics for each ticker symbol
Deep Learning Objective:
- Predict if the price will go up in the next 10 days
Python 3.7 or higher Required packages are listed in the requirements.txt file
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to the project directory
- Install the required packages by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app by running
streamlit run
- Open the app by running
streamlit run
- Use the sidebar on the left to select the filters you wish to apply
- Click the "Apply Filters" button to apply the filters and display the list of filtered stocks
- Use the "Train and Predict" button to train the model and apply the filters including prediction filter
- Click on a stock's ticker symbol to view additional information or a chart of its price history
Contributions are welcome! Please create a pull request for any changes you would like to make.