jelver / java-client

Java language binding for writing Appium Tests, conforms to Mobile JSON Wire Protocol

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Java language binding for writing Appium Tests, conforms to Mobile JSON Wire Protocol

Depends upon the Selenium Java client library, available here

Hosted in Maven Central Repository:


Or, the compiled jar can be found in out/artifacts/java_client


###Added functions### More can be found in the docs, but here's a quick list of features which this project has added to the usual selenium binding.

  • resetApp()
  • getAppString()
  • sendKeyEvent()
  • currentActivity()
  • pullFile()
  • pushFile()
  • hideKeyboard()
  • runAppInBackground()
  • performTouchAction()
  • performMultiTouchAction()
  • tap()
  • swipe()
  • pinch()
  • zoom()
  • getNamedTextField()
  • isAppInstalled()
  • installApp()
  • removeApp()
  • launchApp()
  • closeApp()
  • endTestCoverage()
  • lockScreen()
  • shake()
  • complexFind()
  • scrollTo()
  • scrollToExact()
  • Context Switching: .context(), .getContextHandles(), getContext())


  • findElementByAccessibilityId()
  • findElementsByAccessibilityId()
  • findElementByIosUIAutomation()
  • findElementsByIosUIAutomation()
  • findElementByAndroidUIAutomator()
  • findElementsByAndroidUIAutomator()

##Changelog## github HEAD

  • MultiGesture with a single TouchAction fixed for Android


  • fix dependency issue


  • complexFind() now returns MobileElement objects
  • added scrollTo() and scrollToExact() methods for use with complexFind()


  • AppiumDriver now implements Rotatable. rotate() and getOrientation() methods added
  • when no appium server is running, the proper error is thrown, instead of a NullPointerException


  • recompiled to include some missing methods such as shake() and complexFind()

Running tests

Run a test using

mvn -Dtest=io.appium.java_client.MobileDriverAndroidTest clean test


Java language binding for writing Appium Tests, conforms to Mobile JSON Wire Protocol