jeluard / stone

A flexible time series database

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is not maintained anymore

Stone is a time series database library focused on simplicity, efficiency and robustness. It does only one thing but well: storing values changing over time.

Contrary to most other timeseries database a consolidation process pre-calculates what will be stored at publication time (inspired from RRD and OLAP databases). This greatly reduce the amount of data to store and remove the processing phase at read time.

CI status


stone is built around key principles:

  • Simplicity API is has simple as it can be. Advanced features are built on top of simple abstractions.
  • Robustness built to run for months
  • Performance low GC impact and optimised streaming algorithms
  • Extensibilityvarious SPI offer clean extension points (see provided implementations)

Getting started


All dependencies are available in maven central.

With maven:


With leiningen:

[com.github.jeluard.stone/stone-core "0.8-SNAPSHOT"]

Dependending on the components you choose to use you will need to include some other jars.

Core API

Time series

Time series is the lowest level abstration. timestamp/value pairs can be published to a time series and if valid pushed to every registered listeners. A timestamp is valid if strictly greater than previously accepted one modulo specified granularity.

In Java:

final TimeSeries timeSeries = new TimeSeries("timeseries", 1, Arrays.asList(new Listener() {
  //Will be called for each valid value published
  public void onPublication(long previousTimestamp, long currentTimestamp, int value) {
    System.out.println("Received value"+value);
}),new SequentialDispatcher());

//Publish some values to the TimeSeries.
timeSeries.publish(System.currentTimeMillis(), 123);

//Cleanup resources.

In clojure:

(def dispatcher (SequentialDispatcher.))

(def ts (create-ts "timeseries" (list (fn [a b c] (println (str "Got value " c)))) dispatcher))

(publish ts 123 1)

(close ts)

Windowed time series

Windowed time series build on top of time series and introduce the window concept. While in the same window every accepted timestamp/value pair is pushed to specified consolidators. When the window threshold is crossed (a window holds size consecutive timestamps) consolidates are pushed to specified consolidation listeners.

In java:

final Window window = Window.of(10).listenedBy(new ConsolidationListener(){
  public void onConsolidation(long timestamp, int[] consolidates) {
    System.out.println("Received consolidates"+Arrays.toString(consolidates));
}).consolidatedBy(MinConsolidator.class, MaxConsolidator.class);
final WindowedTimeSeries windowedTimeSeries = new WindowedTimeSeries("id", 1, Arrays.asList(window), new SequentialDispatcher());

final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

windowedTimeSeries.publish(now, 123);
windowedTimeSeries.publish(now+10, 234);


//Storages can be used to provide persistency

final Storage storage = new MemoryStorage(1000);
final Window window = Window.of(10).listenedBy(Storages.asConsolidationListener(storage, Logger.getAnonymousLogger())).consolidatedBy(MaxConsolidator.class);
final WindowedTimeSeries windowedTimeSeries = new WindowedTimeSeries("id", 1, Arrays.asList(window), new SequentialDispatcher());
final Iterable<Pair<Long, int[]>> all = storage.all();
final Iterable<Pair<Long, int[]>> subset = storage.during(now, now+5);

In clojure:

(def dispatcher (SequentialDispatcher.))

(def storage (MemoryStorage. 1000))

(def windows (list (window 3 (list MaxConsolidator MinConsolidator)
                             (list storage (fn [timestamp consolidates] (println (str "Got consolidates " consolidates)))))))

(def wts (create-windowed-ts "windowed-timeseries" windows dispatcher))

(publish wts now 1)
(publish wts (+ 2 now) 2)

(println (take 1 (all storage)))

(close wts)


On top of basic API usage higher level patterns facilitates common usages.


A database ease creation of windowed time series sharing dispatcher and storage factory. Each time series created will have a storage instance created per id/window couple.

In java:

final Database database = new Database(new SequentialDispatcher(), new MemoryStorageFactory());

final TimeSeries timeSeries = database.createOrOpen("id", 1000, Window.of(10).consolidatedBy(MaxConsolidator.class));
timeSeries.publish(System.currentTimeMillis(), 1);


In clojure:

(def db (create-db (SequentialDispatcher.) (MemoryStorageFactory.)))

(def windows (list (window 3 (list MaxConsolidator MinConsolidator)
                             (list storage (fn [timestamp consolidates] (println (str "Got consolidates " consolidates)))))))

(def ts-db (create-windowed-ts-from-db db "timeseries" 1000 windows))

(publish ts-db now 1)

(close db)


A poller helps keeping regularly track of a unique metric for a collection of similar resources.

In java:

final Poller<String> poller = new Poller<String>(1000, windows, Poller.<String>defaultIdExtractor(), new Function<String, Future<Integer>>() {
  public Future<Integer> apply(final String input) {
    return Futures.immediateFuture(input.length());
}, new SequentialDispatcher(), new MemoryStorageFactory(), Scheduler.defaultExecutorService(10, Loggers.BASE_LOGGER));





In clojure:

(def es (Scheduler/defaultExecutorService 10 (Loggers/BASE_LOGGER)))
(def poller (create-poller 1000 windows (fn [s] (.length s)) dispatcher sf es))

(st/enqueue poller "aaaa")

(st/start poller)

(st/cancel poller)

More examples explore advanced features.


A number of extension points are defined with some defaults implementations:

  • dispatcher responsible for calling listeners after a publication has been issued
  • storage which can be used to store generated consolidates


stone ships with integration modules for some popular tool.


Wrap time series data as a dataset and benefit from incanter statistical and charting power. Find some examples here.


Released under Apache 2 license.


A flexible time series database

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 96.2%Language:Clojure 3.5%Language:Perl 0.3%