jelber2 / immunome_urtd

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Get Fastq files from BaseSpace

Rename fastq files

# make run and combined folders
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/
mkdir run1
mkdir run2
mkdir combined
# rename the files to remove spaces
cd ~/Desktop/
# run1
mv Bioo\
## copy the file to external drive
cp ~/Desktop/ /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/.
## go to the directory
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/
## unzip the archive
## rename the unzipped folder
mv Bioo\ NEXTflex-23135384 Bioo-NEXTflex-23135384
## grab all of the file names and save them as a document
find /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/Bioo-NEXTflex-23135384/ \
-maxdepth 5 -type f -print > rename-fastq-run1
## make a directory called fastq
mkdir fastq
## use regular expressions to create
perl -pe s"/(.+\/BaseCalls\/)(\w+)(_\w+_\w+_)(R\d)(_\d+.fastq.gz)/mv \1\2\3\4\5 \/media\/immunome_2014\/work\/jelber2\/immunome_urtd\/run1\/fastq\/\2-\4.fastq.gz/" rename-fastq-run1 >
# add #!/bin/bash to first line
sed -i '1 i\#!/bin/bash'
# run2
## copy fastq files to /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/
zip *.gz
## make a directory called fastq
mkdir fastq
## move data to fastq
mv *.gz ./fastq/.
## use regular expressions to create
cd fastq
ls *.gz > rename-fastq-run2
perl -pe s"/(\w+)(_\w+_\w+_)(R\d)(_\d+.fastq.gz)/mv \1\2\3\4 \1-\3.fastq.gz/" rename-fastq-run2 >
# add #!/bin/bash to first line
sed -i '1 i\#!/bin/bash'

Put Data on SuperMikeII

# run1
rsync --stats --progress --archive \
/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/ \ -n
# run2
rsync --stats --progress --archive \
/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/ \ -n

Install programs and get reference genome


cd /home/jelber2/bin/
mv Trimmomatic-0.32

bbmerge-5.4 (part of bbmap-34.33)

cd /home/jelber2/bin/
mkdir bbmap-34.33
cd bbmap-34.33/
mv BBMap_34.33.tar.gz\?r\=http\\?source\=dlp BBMap_34.33.tar.gz
tar xzf BBMap_34.33.tar.gz
cd bbmap/
mv * ..
cd ..
rm -r bbmap


cd /home/jelber2/bin/
mv 0.7.12 bwa-0.7.12.tar.gz
tar xzf bwa-0.7.12.tar.gz
mv bwa-0.7.12.tar.gz bwa-0.7.12
cd bwa-0.7.12/


cd /home/jelber2/bin/
tar xzf Stampy-latest.tgz
cd stampy-1.0.23

java jre1.7.0

#had to download using firefox on my Centos machine
#saved in /home/jelber2/bin/
rsync --stats --archive --progress /home/jelber2/bin/jre-7-linux-x64.tar.gz -n
#switched to SuperMikeII
cd /home/jelber2/bin/
tar xzf jre-7-linux-x64.tar.gz
mv jre-7-linux-x64.tar.gz jre1.7.0
#add  PATH += /home/jelber2/bin/jre1.7.0/bin  to .soft file
nano ~/.soft
#then resoft


#on my Centos machine
cd /home/jelber2/bin/
rsync --stats --archive --progress /home/jelber2/bin/ -n
#switched to SuperMikeII
cd /home/jelber2/bin/
mv picard-tools-1.128


#had to download using firefox on my Centos machine
#saved in /home/jelber2/bin/GATK-3.3.0
rsync --stats --archive --progress /home/jelber2/bin/GATK-3.3.0/ -n
#switched to SuperMikeII
cd /home/jelber2/bin/
cd GATK-3.3.0
tar xjf GenomeAnalysisTK-3.3-0.tar.bz2


cd /home/jelber2/bin/
tar xjf samtools-1.1.tar.bz2 
mv samtools-1.1.tar.bz2 samtools-1.1
cd samtools-1.1
nano ~/.soft #add the following line to .soft file using nano
PATH += /home/jelber2/bin/samtools-1.1/


cd /home/jelber2/bin/
tar xjf parallel-20150122.tar.bz2
mv parallel-20150122.tar.bz2 parallel-20150122

Get bedtools2.22.1

cd ~/bin/
tar xzf bedtools-2.22.1.tar.gz
mv bedtools2 bedtools-2.22.1
mv bedtools-2.22.1.tar.gz bedtools-2.22.1
cd bedtools-2.22.1

Got painted turtle reference genome (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/reference/
gunzip GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna.gz


1.Make indexes (on SuperMikeII)

qsub /home/jelber2/scripts/immunome_urtd/

2.Quality control and adapter trimming (on SuperMikeII)

# run1
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/fastq/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.fastq.gz
# run2
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/fastq/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.fastq.gz

3.BWA alignment (on SuperMikeII)

# run1
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/trimmed-data/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.trim.fastq.gz
# run2
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/trimmed-data/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.trim.fastq.gz

4.STAMPY alignment (on SuperMikeII)

# run1
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/bwa-alignment/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.bwa.sam
# run2
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/bwa-alignment/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.bwa.sam

5a.Clean,Sort,Add Read Groups (on SuperMikeII)

# run1
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/stampy-alignment/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.stampy.bam
# run2
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run2/stampy-alignment/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *.stampy.bam

5b.Clean,Sort,Add Read Groups, DeDup,Realign Around Indels(on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/run1/clean-sort-addRG/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *-CL-RG.bam

6.Merge BAM files, Call SNPs initially (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/realign-around-indels/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *-realigned.bam

7.Quality score recalibration 1 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/realign-around-indels/
find . -name '*-realigned.bam' -not -name 'ALL-samples-*' \
 -exec ~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ {} \;

8.Merge BAM files, Call SNPs recalibrated 1 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal01/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *-recal01.bam

9.Quality score recalibration 2 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal01/
find . -name '*-recal01.bam' -not -name 'ALL-samples-*' \
-exec ~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ {} \;

10.Merge BAM files, Call SNPs recalibrated 2 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal02/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *-recal02.bam

11.Quality score recalibration 3 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal02/
find . -name '*-recal02.bam' -not -name 'ALL-samples-*' \
-exec ~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ {} \;

12.Merge BAM files, Call SNPs recalibrated 3 (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal03/
~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ *-recal03.bam

13.Sequencing metrics

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal03/
~/scripts/immunome_2014/ ALL-samples-recal03.bam

14.plot coverage for each sample

run bedtools coverage on all bam files, then keep only lines with 'all' on them


#####make samplelist cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal03/ ls *.bam | grep -v "ALL"| perl -pe "s/-recal03.bam//g" > samplelist #####calculate coverage cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/ mkdir plot_coverage cd plot_coverage/ #command below takes 5-10 minutes while read i;do ~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools coverage -abam ../call-SNPs-recal03/$i-recal03.bam
-b /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/immunome_baits_C_picta-3.0.3.bed
-hist | grep ^all > $i.baitcoverage.all.txt done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist #now use modified R scripts from links above to plot coverage

15.Need to use featureCounts to summarize number of genes, reads per gene, etc

Get Subread

#featureCounts is part of the Subread package
cd ~/bin/
mv subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz? subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mv subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64

Get genometools-1.5.4 to annotate introns in gff file

cd ~/bin/
tar xzf genometools-1.5.4.tar.gz
mv genometools-1.5.4.tar.gz genometools-1.5.4
cd genometools-1.5.4
#on MacOSX
#on CentOS
#install ruby first
#become superuser
yum install ruby.x86_64
#stop being a super user
#make the executable using 64bit mode but without cairo
make 64bit=yes cairo=no
#test the install - will take a long time (>30min?)
make 64bit=yes cairo=no test

#####Use genometools to get introns ~/bin/genometools-1.5.4/bin/gt gff3 -addintrons yes
-o /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff.introns

Need to prefilter the GFF file for immune genes

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/
#intersect the gff file
~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
-a GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff.introns \
-b immunome_baits_C_picta-3.0.3.bed \
> GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gff

Convert GFF file of gene annotations to GTF

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/
perl -pe "s/\S+=GeneID:(\d+).+/gene_id \"\1\";/g" \
GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gff \
> GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gtf

run subread

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir featureCounts
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/featureCounts/

#####all samples at once #on CentOS machine #at the gene level ~/bin/subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gtf
-o ALL.gene -F GTF -T 2 --ignoreDup
../call-SNPs-recal03/ALL-samples-recal03.bam #at exon level ~/bin/subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gtf
-o ALL.exon -F GTF -T 2 -f --ignoreDup
../call-SNPs-recal03/ALL-samples-recal03.bam #####each sample separately #at the gene level while read i;do ~/bin/subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gtf
-o $i.gene -F GTF -T 2 --ignoreDup ../call-SNPs-recal03/$i-recal03.bam done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist #at the exon level while read i;do ~/bin/subread-1.4.6-Linux-x86_64/bin/featureCounts
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic_immunome_baits.gtf
-o $i.exon -F GTF -T 2 -f --ignoreDup ../call-SNPs-recal03/$i-recal03.bam done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

write an R function to do the following

#####count number of possible immune genes wc -l CF53.gene #total genes = 632 (after subtracting 2 header lines) #####count number of possible immune gene exons wc -l CF53.exon #total exons = 37275 (after subtracting 2 header lines) #####how many different immune genes were captured grep -Pv "\t0$" ALL.gene | wc -l #615 (after subtracting 2 header lines) #####how many different immune gene exons were captured grep -Pv "\t0$" ALL.exon | wc -l #4860 (after subtracting 2 header lines) #####count number of genes per sample while read i;do test=$(grep -Pv "\t0$" $i.gene | wc -l) echo -e $i'\t'$test > $i.gene.count done &lt; ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist cat *.gene.count &gt; gene.counts.per.sample #####count number of exons per sample while read i;do grep -Pv "\t0$" $i.exon | wc -l > $i.exon.count done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist cat *.exon.count > exon.counts.per.sample

16.Haplotype Caller (on SuperMikeII)

cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/call-SNPs-recal03/
#excludes file ALL-samples-recal03.bam
find . -name '*-recal03.bam' -not -name 'ALL-samples-*' \
-exec ~/scripts/immunome_urtd/ {} \;

17.Ran GenotypeGVCFs to perform joint genotyping

#on Cenots machine
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/hc/
java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T GenotypeGVCFs \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-stand_call_conf 30 \
-stand_emit_conf 10 \
--max_alternate_alleles 32 \
--variant CF219-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant CF53-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant CF69-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant CF72-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant CF80-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant CF90-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant FC13-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant FC15-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant FC19-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant FC47-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant FC58-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant OLD106-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant OLD107-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant OLD65-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant OLD77-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--variant OLD92-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
-o ALL-samples-raw-snps-indels.vcf

18.Added expressions to filter variants

java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T VariantFiltration \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-L /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/immunome_baits_C_picta-3.0.3.interval.list \
-V ALL-samples-raw-snps-indels.vcf \
--clusterWindowSize 10 \
--filterExpression "MQ0 >= 4 && ((MQ0 / (1.0 * DP)) > 0.1)" \
--filterName "Bad_Validation" \
--filterExpression "QUAL < 30.0" \
--filterName "LowQual" \
--genotypeFilterExpression "DP < 10.0" \
--genotypeFilterName "Low_Read_Depth_Over_Sample" \
--genotypeFilterExpression "GQ < 20.0" \
--genotypeFilterName "Low_GenotypeQuality" \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-snps-indels.vcf

19.Got only Indel variants

java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-T SelectVariants \
-V ALL-samples-Q30-snps-indels.vcf \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-indels.vcf \
-selectType INDEL

20.Got only SNP variants

java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-T SelectVariants \
-V ALL-samples-Q30-snps-indels.vcf \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-snps.vcf \
-selectType SNP

21.Ran Variant Recalibrator

Note: used SNPS and Indels from previous immunome_2014 data for "truthing" and filtration

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir vqsr
cd vqsr

#####Recalibrated snps java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
-T VariantRecalibrator
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna
-input ../hc/ALL-samples-Q30-snps.vcf
-resource:concordantSet,VCF,known=true,training=true,truth=true,prior=10.0 /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_2014/combined/beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.vcf
-an QD -an MQ -an MQRankSum -an ReadPosRankSum -an FS -an SOR -an DP -an InbreedingCoeff
-recalFile VQSR-snps.recal
-mode SNP
-tranchesFile VQSR-snps.tranches
-rscriptFile VQSR-snps.plots.R
--maxGaussians 4 #####Recalibrated indels java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
-T VariantRecalibrator
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna
-input ../hc/ALL-samples-Q30-indels.vcf
-resource:concordantSet,VCF,known=true,training=true,truth=true,prior=10.0 /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_2014/combined/beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle.vcf
-an QD -an DP -an FS -an SOR -an ReadPosRankSum -an MQRankSum -an InbreedingCoeff
-recalFile VQSR-indels.recal
-mode INDEL
-tranchesFile VQSR-indels.tranches
-rscriptFile VQSR-indels.plots.R
--maxGaussians 4

Applied the recalibration on snps

java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T ApplyRecalibration \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-input ../hc/ALL-samples-Q30-snps.vcf \
--ts_filter_level 99.5 \
-tranchesFile VQSR-snps.tranches \
-recalFile VQSR-snps.recal \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal.vcf

Applied the recalibration on indels

java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T ApplyRecalibration \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-input ../hc/ALL-samples-Q30-indels.vcf \
--ts_filter_level 99.0 \
-tranchesFile VQSR-indels.tranches \
-recalFile VQSR-indels.recal \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal.vcf

22.Needed to use beagle to improve SNPs (using Linkage Disequilibrium) called by Haplotype Caller

Downloaded beagle

cd ~/bin

Ran beagle on snps and indels separately

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir beagle
cd beagle
java -Xmx4000m -jar ~/bin/beagle.r1398.jar \
nthreads=2 \
java -Xmx4000m -jar ~/bin/beagle.r1398.jar \
nthreads=2 \

23.Get only polymorphic loci

# Because many SNP/indel loci will occur because "fixed" differeces
# between Gopher tortoise and Western Painted turtle

Downloaded vcftools

cd /home/jelber2/bin/
tar -xzf vcftools_0.1.12b.tar.gz 
mv vcftools_0.1.12b.tar.gz vcftools_0.1.12b
cd vcftools_0.1.12b/
nano ~/.soft #add the following two lines to using nano.soft file
PERL5LIB = /home/jelber2/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/perl
resoft #to refresh soft file
cd /home/jelber2/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/
make #compile vcftools
# Path to vcftools executable

Remove loci with AF=1

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/beagle/

#####snps #removes loci with AF=1 zcat ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.vcf.gz | grep -v "AF=1"
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle2.vcf #still leaves some unwanted non-polymorphic snps? #try calculating allele frequencies then ~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools
--vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle2.vcf
--freq --out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle #get only non-polymorphic loci grep ":1" ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.frq | cut -f 1-2 > nonpolymorphicsnps grep -v "\s2\s" ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.frq | cut -f 1-2 > multiallelicloci cat nonpolymorphicloci multiallelicloci > multiallelic_or_nonpolymorphicloci #calculate number of di-,tri-,tetra-allelic loci cut -f 3 ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.frq | sort | uniq -c # di = 19355 (includes non-polymorphic loci = 3186) # tri = 651 # tetra = 1 # #filter out nonpolymorphicsnps #might take a few minutes while read i;do perl -li -e $i perl -pi -e "s/(^$i)\t.\t(.+)\n/remove\tlocus\t\n/" ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle2.vcf done < multiallelic_or_nonpolymorphicloci grep -v "remove" ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle2.vcf
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf #####indels #removes loci with AF=1 zcat ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle.vcf.gz | grep -v "AF=1"
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle2.vcf #still leaves some unwanted non-polymorphic indels? #try calculating allele frequencies then ~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools
--vcf ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle2.vcf
--freq --out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle #get only non-polymorphic loci grep ":1" ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle.frq | cut -f 1-2 > nonpolymorphicindels #filter out nonpolymorphicindels #might take a few minutes while read i;do perl -li -e $i perl -pi -e "s/(^$i)\t.\t(.+)\n/remove\tlocus\t\n/" ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle2.vcf done < nonpolymorphicindels grep -v "remove" ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle2.vcf
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf


1.Download Tools First

Downloaded snpEff version 4.0e

#ideally want to know if variants will affect protein structure and possibly immune gene function
cd /work/jelber2/reference

Added Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 to snpEff.config using nano

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff
nano snpEff.config # added the following four lines after the Capsella_rubella_v1.0 entry (remove 4 spaces on left if cut and pasting)
# Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3
Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3.genome : western painted turtle
	Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3.reference :
	Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3.M.codonTable : Standard

Created data directory for Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 genome

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff
mkdir data
cd data
mkdir Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3
cd Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3
# downloaded FASTA file
# snpEff requires genome.fa file to be called "sequences.fa"
mv GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna.gz sequences.fa.gz
# have to unzip sequences.fa.gz
gunzip sequences.fa.gz
# downloaded gff3 file (i.e., gene annotation file)
# snpEff requires gene annotation file be called "genes.gff"
mv GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff.gz genes.gff.gz
# unzipped genes.gff.gz
gunzip genes.gff.gz
# download protein sequences
mv GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_protein.faa.gz protein.fa.gz
gunzip protein.fa.gz

Built snpEff database for Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff/
# used script to implement command below, which took < 30 minutes
java -jar -Xmx4g /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff/snpEff.jar build -gff3 -v Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 2>&1 | tee

Downloaded bcftools

cd ~/bin/
git clone --branch=develop git://
git clone --branch=develop git://
cd bcftools; make

2.Need to look for protein altering variants shared by samples in the same phenotype

a.Split vcf file for snpEff

#snpEff needs ALL-samples*.vcf file split by sample (i.e., into Sample1.vcf, Sample2.vcf)
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir split-vcfs
cd split-vcfs/
#compress vcf files
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/bgzip -f ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/bgzip -f ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
#index vcf.gz with tabix
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz
#split files
#code to split each vcf file
while read i;do
~/bin/bcftools/bcftools view -s $i ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz > $i-snps.vcf
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
while read i;do
~/bin/bcftools/bcftools view -s $i ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz > $i-indels.vcf
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

b.Ran snpEff on each split vcf file

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/split-vcfs/
# command below to run snpEff on all samples in samplelist
# not implemented on SuperMikeII b/c process was < 15 min
while read i;do
java -Xmx4g -jar /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff/snpEff.jar \
-v -i vcf -o gatk \
Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 \
$i-snps.vcf > $i-snps-snpeff.vcf
mv snpEff_genes.txt $i-snps-snpeff-genes.txt
mv snpEff_summary.html $i-snps-snpeff-summary.html
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
while read i;do
java -Xmx4g -jar /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/snpEff/snpEff.jar \
-v -i vcf -o gatk \
Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3 \
$i-indels.vcf > $i-indels-snpeff.vcf
mv snpEff_genes.txt $i-indels-snpeff-genes.txt
mv snpEff_summary.html $i-indels-snpeff-summary.html
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

c.Ran VariantAnnotator on each snpeff file

while read i;do
rm $i-snps.vcf.idx
rm $i-snps-snpeff.vcf.idx
java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T VariantAnnotator \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-A SnpEff \
--variant $i-snps.vcf \
--snpEffFile $i-snps-snpeff.vcf \
-L $i-snps.vcf \
-o $i-snps-annotated.vcf
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
while read i;do
rm $i-indels.vcf.idx
rm $i-indels-snpeff.vcf.idx
java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T VariantAnnotator \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-A SnpEff \
--variant $i-indels.vcf \
--snpEffFile $i-indels-snpeff.vcf \
-L $i-indels.vcf \
-o $i-indels-annotated.vcf
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

d.Merge split, annotated vcfs

#compress then index split files
while read i;do
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/bgzip -f $i-snps-annotated.vcf
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf $i-snps-annotated.vcf.gz
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
while read i;do
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/bgzip -f $i-indels-annotated.vcf
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf $i-indels-annotated.vcf.gz
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

e.Merge vcf files then index

~/bin/bcftools/bcftools merge \
-o ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz \
-O z -m none \
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz
~/bin/bcftools/bcftools merge \
-o ALL-samples-indels-annotated.vcf.gz \
-O z -m none \
~/bin/samtools-1.1/htslib-1.1/tabix -p vcf ALL-samples-indels-annotated.vcf.gz

f.Get only high quality non-synonymous alleles

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir shared-variants
cd shared-variants
#script to automate unzipping bgzipped files
#and get only  with non-synonymous variants
## what the proceeding complicated code does:
# 1.Reads in each line of samplelist passes that value to "i"
# 2.Unzips the file ../split-vcfs/i-snps-annotated.vcf.gz
# 3.Looks through the unzipped file stream, ignoring lines with "#" 
#   but keeping lines with "SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=CapitalLetterNumbersCapitalLetter"
# 4.Grabs only the first, second, and tenth columns of text
# 5.Converts haplotypes from format 1|1 to 1\t1 (where \t is a tab)
# 6.Sets the delimiter as a tab,
#   sets the 3rd column text as index 1 of array "a",
#   sets the 4th col text as index 2 of array "a",
#   sorts array "a" numerically, using gnu awk (gawk)
#   prints a new tab-delimited line in the form:
#   col 1, col 2, array a value 1, array a value 2
#   note that col 3 and 4 are sorted numerically
# 7.Converts columns 3 and 4 into a single column, and
#   saves the file as i-nonsyn-snps-genotype.txt
# 8.Adds the sample name to the first line
# 9.Repeats steps 1-7 for all lines of samplelist
while read i;do
zcat ../split-vcfs/$i-snps-annotated.vcf.gz | \
grep -v '#' | grep -P 'SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=\w*[A-Z]\d+\w*[A-Z]' | \
cut -f 1-2,10 | \
perl -pe "s/(\w+\.\d)\t(\d+)\t(\d)\|(\d).+\n/\1\t\2\t\3\t\4\n/" | \
gawk -v OFS='\t' '{a[1]=$3;a[2]=$4;asort(a);print $1,$2,a[1],a[2];}' - | \
awk -v OFS=' ' '{b=$3$4;print $1,$2,b;}' - | \
echo -e "$i\n$(cat - )" > $i-nonsyn-snps-genotype.txt
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
# then combine the files into one file with each file being a separate column
paste *snps* > ALL-samples-nonsyn-snps-genotype.txt
# how many SNP loci have non-synonymous variants
wc -l CF219-nonsyn-snps-genotype.txt
#3946 (after subtracting 1 for header)
while read i;do
zcat ../split-vcfs/$i-indels-annotated.vcf.gz | \
grep -v '#' | grep -P 'SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=\w*[A-Z]\d+\w*[A-Z]' | \
cut -f 1-2,10 | \
perl -pe "s/(\w+\.\d)\t(\d+)\t(\d)\|(\d).+\n/\1\t\2\t\3\t\4\n/" | \
gawk -v OFS='\t' '{a[1]=$3;a[2]=$4;asort(a);print $1,$2,a[1],a[2];}' - | \
awk -v OFS=' ' '{b=$3$4;print $1,$2,b;}' - | \
echo -e "$i\n$(cat - )" > $i-nonsyn-indels-genotype.txt
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
# then combine the files into one file with each file being a separate column
paste *indels* > ALL-samples-nonsyn-indels-genotype.txt
# how many indel loci have non-synonymous variants
wc -l CF219-nonsyn-indels-genotype.txt
#231 (after subtracting 1 for header)
# phenotypes
# Subclinical/Recovered (n=4): CF090, CF072, FC015, OLD065
# Sick at last observation (n=6): CF080, CF219, FC013, FC047, OLD092, OLD107
# Healthy (n=6): CF053, CF069, FC019, FC058, OLD077, OLD106

For getting snp alleles shared amongst phenotypes



1.Download tools

a.Download BayeScan

cd ~/bin/
mv BayeScan2.1
cd BayeScan2.1/
cd binaries/
chmod u+x BayeScan2.1_linux64bits # makes the file executable
# Path to BayeScan

b.Download Simple Fool's Guide (SFG) to RNA-seq scripts to convert vcf file to BayeScan input format

cd ~/scripts/immunome_2014/
mkdir fromSFG
cd fromSFG
mv Scripts\ for\ SFG/ Scripts_for_SFG

c. make directory

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir bayescan
cd bayescan

2.Run for BayeScan for snps

a.Add Genotype Qualities to ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
zcat ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz | perl -pe "s/(GT:DS:GP)/\1:GQ/" \
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed.vcf
perl -pe "s/(\d\|\d:\d:\d,\d,\d)/\1:30/g" \
ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed.vcf \
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf

b.Make populations.txt file

text file with samplename\tpopulation (samplename tab population)
CF219   CF
CF53    CF
CF69    CF
CF72    CF
CF80    CF
CF90    CF
FC13    FC
FC15    FC
FC19    FC
FC47    FC
FC58    FC

c.Make phenotypes.txt file

text file with samplename\tphenotype (samplename tab phenotype)
CF219   sick
CF53    healthy
CF69    healthy
CF72    subclinical
CF80    sick
CF90    subclinical
FC13    sick
FC15    subclinical
FC19    healthy
FC47    sick
FC58    healthy
OLD106  healthy
OLD107  sick
OLD65   subclinical
OLD77   healthy
OLD92   sick

c2.Make phenotypes.txt file

text file with samplename\tphenotype (samplename tab phenotype)
CF219   sick
CF53    healthy
CF69    healthy
CF72    sick
CF80    sick
CF90    sick
FC13    sick
FC15    sick
FC19    healthy
FC47    sick
FC58    healthy
OLD106  healthy
OLD107  sick
OLD65   sick
OLD77   healthy
OLD92   sick

d.Ran on snps and populations.txt

#30 = min genotype quality
#4 = min number of good quality genotype required from each population in order for a given SNP to be included in the analysis
#1 = min number of copies of the minor allele that are necc. for a locus to be considered trustworthy enough to be used in BayeScan
#1 = make outfile file (used_snp_genos.txt) showing what snp genotype were used
#> = creates a file so you know the values for each population
#output = bayes_input.tx, snpkey.txt, low_freq_snps.txt, used_snp_genos.txt
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
python ~/scripts/immunome_2014/fromSFG/Scripts_for_SFG/ \
../bayescan/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf \
populations.txt 30 4 1 1 > population-info.txt
mv bayes_input.txt bayes_input.txt.snps.pop
mv low_freq_snps.txt low_freq_snps.txt.snps.pop
mv population-info.txt population-info.txt.snps.pop
mv snpkey.txt snpkey.txt.snps.pop
mv used_snp_genos.txt used_snp_genos.txt.snps.pop

e.Ran on snps and phenotypes2.txt

#30 = min genotype quality
#4 = min number of good quality genotype required from each population in order for a given SNP to be included in the analysis
#1 = min number of copies of the minor allele that are necc. for a locus to be considered trustworthy enough to be used in BayeScan
#1 = make outfile file (used_snp_genos.txt) showing what snp genotype were used
#> = creates a file so you know the values for each population
#output = bayes_input.tx, snpkey.txt, low_freq_snps.txt, used_snp_genos.txt
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
python ~/scripts/immunome_2014/fromSFG/Scripts_for_SFG/ \
../bayescan/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf \
phenotypes2.txt 30 4 1 1 > population-info.txt
mv bayes_input.txt bayes_input.txt.snps.pheno
mv low_freq_snps.txt low_freq_snps.txt.snps.pheno
mv population-info.txt population-info.txt.snps.pheno
mv snpkey.txt snpkey.txt.snps.pheno
mv used_snp_genos.txt used_snp_genos.txt.snps.pheno

f.Run BayeScan on snps and pops (on SuperMikeII)

~/bin/BayeScan2.1/binaries/BayeScan2.1_linux64bits \
/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/bayes_input.txt.snps.pop \
-snp \
-d low_freq_snps.txt.snps.pop \
-od . \
-o bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.snps.pop \
-threads 16

#####i.View Bayescan results for pop R #source the plot_R.r script from Bayescan source("/home/jelber2/bin/BayeScan2.1/R functions/plot_R_no_plot.r") #plot fst values without minor alleles below minor allele frequency of 1 copy noMAF_snps_results <- plot_bayescan("bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.snps.pop_fst.txt", FDR=0.1) #save the candidate loci to a text file write(noMAF_snps_results$outliers, file= "noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps.pop.txt", ncolumns= 1,append= FALSE) q() #####ii.View Bayescan results in IGV #create a copy of snpkey.txt, so it can be modified cp snpkey.txt.snps.pop snpkey.txt.snps2.pop #code to create IGV batch file for noMAF loci while read i;do perl -pi -e "s/^$i\t(.+)(.+)\n/goto \1:\2\n/" snpkey.txt.snps2.pop done < noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps.pop.txt grep 'goto' snpkey.txt.snps2.pop > noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps_pop_igv.txt #view in IGV ~/bin/IGV_2.3.40/ /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz #open noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps__pop_igv.txt #####iii.Filter annotated VCF file by outlier snps cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/ zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz > ALL-samples-snps-pop-annotated2.vcf perl -pe "s/goto (\w+.\d):(\d+)\n/\1\t\2\n/" noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps_pop_igv.txt > noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps_pop_vcf.txt while read i;do perl -li -e $i perl -pi -e "s/(^$i)\t.\t(.+)\n/\1\tOUTLIER_SNP\t\2\n/" ALL-samples-snps-pop-annotated2.vcf done < noMAF_loci_FDR_0.1_outlier_snps_pop_vcf.txt grep 'OUTLIER_SNP|^#' ALL-samples-snps-pop-annotated2.vcf | grep -v "contig" > ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop.vcf # get only gene names, note that some SNPs are intergenic grep -v "#" ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop.vcf |
perl -pe "s/.+SNPEFF_GENE_NAME=(\w+);.+\n/\1\n/" |
perl -pe "s/NW
.+\n/intergenic\n/g" |
sort | uniq -c |
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop-gene-names.txt # how many SNPs are under selection? perl -ane '$sum += $F[0]; END {print $sum; print "\n"}' ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop-gene-names.txt # 2 # how many genes have SNPs under selection grep -v "intergenic" ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop-gene-names.txt | wc -l # note: the gff3 files says that both genic snps while snpeffect says only # ones is genic? # 2 # what genes? # interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1-like (IFIT1-like) # interferon-induced protein 44-like (IFI44-like) # how many SNPs are intergenic grep "intergenic" ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop-gene-names.txt | perl -ane '$sum += $F[0]; END {print $sum; print "\n"}' # 0 - based off of the gff3 # how many SNPs are contained in genes grep -v "intergenic" ALL-samples-outlier-snps-pop-gene-names.txt | perl -ane '$sum += $F[0]; END {print $sum; print "\n"}' # 2 - based off of gff3 file

g.Run BayeScan on snps and pheno (on SuperMikeII)

~/bin/BayeScan2.1/binaries/BayeScan2.1_linux64bits \
/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/bayes_input.txt.snps.pheno \
-snp \
-d low_freq_snps.txt.snps.pheno \
-od . \
-o bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.snps.pheno \
-threads 16

#####i.View Bayescan results for pheno #initiate R in the terminal R setwd("/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/bayescan/") #source the plot_R.r script from Bayescan source("/home/jelber2/bin/BayeScan2.1/R functions/plot_R_no_plot.r") #plot fst values without minor alleles below minor allele frequency of 1 copy noMAF_snps_results <- plot_bayescan("bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.snps.pheno_fst.txt", FDR=0.1) #save the candidate loci to a text file write(noMAF_snps_results$outliers, file= "noMAF_loci_FDR_0.05_outlier_snps.pheno.txt", ncolumns= 1,append= FALSE) q() # no outliers! even using FDR=0.5!

3.Run BayeScan for indels

a.Add Genotype Qualities to ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
zcat ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz | perl -pe "s/(GT:DS:GP)/\1:GQ/" \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed.vcf
perl -pe "s/(\d\|\d:\d:\d,\d,\d)/\1:30/g" \
ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed.vcf \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf

b.Ran on indels and populations.txt

#30 = min genotype quality
#4 = min number of good quality genotype required from each population in order for a given SNP to be included in the analysis
#1 = min number of copies of the minor allele that are necc. for a locus to be considered trustworthy enough to be used in BayeScan
#1 = make outfile file (used_snp_genos.txt) showing what snp genotype were used
#> = creates a file so you know the values for each population
#output = bayes_input.tx, snpkey.txt, low_freq_indels.txt, used_snp_genos.txt
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
python ~/scripts/immunome_2014/fromSFG/Scripts_for_SFG/ \
../bayescan/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf \
populations.txt 30 4 1 1 > population-info.txt
mv bayes_input.txt bayes_input.txt.indels.pop
mv low_freq_snps.txt low_freq_indels.txt.indels.pop
mv population-info.txt population-info.txt.indels.pop
mv snpkey.txt snpkey.txt.indels.pop
mv used_snp_genos.txt used_snp_genos.txt.indels.pop

c.Ran on indels and phenotypes2.txt

#30 = min genotype quality
#4 = min number of good quality genotype required from each population in order for a given SNP to be included in the analysis
#1 = min number of copies of the minor allele that are necc. for a locus to be considered trustworthy enough to be used in BayeScan
#1 = make outfile file (used_snp_genos.txt) showing what snp genotype were used
#> = creates a file so you know the values for each population
#output = bayes_input.tx, snpkey.txt, low_freq_indels.txt, used_snp_genos.txt
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/
python ~/scripts/immunome_2014/fromSFG/Scripts_for_SFG/ \
../bayescan/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic-fixed2.vcf \
phenotypes2.txt 30 4 1 1 > population-info.txt
mv bayes_input.txt bayes_input.txt.indels.pheno
mv low_freq_snps.txt low_freq_indels.txt.indels.pheno
mv population-info.txt population-info.txt.indels.pheno
mv snpkey.txt snpkey.txt.indels.pheno
mv used_snp_genos.txt used_snp_genos.txt.indels.pheno

d.Run BayeScan on indels and pops (on SuperMikeII)

~/bin/BayeScan2.1/binaries/BayeScan2.1_linux64bits \
/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/bayes_input.txt.indels.pop \
-snp \
-d low_freq_indels.txt.indels.pop \
-od . \
-o bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.indels.pop \
-threads 16

#####i.View Bayescan results for pop #initiate R in the terminal R source("/home/jelber2/bin/BayeScan2.1/R functions/plot_R_no_plot.r") #plot fst values without minor alleles below minor allele frequency of 1 copy noMAF_indels_results <- plot_bayescan("bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.indels.pop_fst.txt", FDR=0.1) #save the candidate loci to a text file write(noMAF_indels_results$outliers, file= "noMAF_loci_FDR_0.05_outlier_indels.pop.txt", ncolumns= 1,append= FALSE) q() # no outlier loci even using a FDR=0.2!

e.Run BayeScan on indels and pheno (on SuperMikeII)

~/bin/BayeScan2.1/binaries/BayeScan2.1_linux64bits \
/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/bayes_input.txt.indels.pheno \
-snp \
-d low_freq_indels.txt.indels.pheno \
-od . \
-o bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.indels.pheno \
-threads 16

#####i.View Bayescan results for pheno #initiate R in the terminal R #source the plot_R.r script from Bayescan source("/home/jelber2/bin/BayeScan2.1/R functions/plot_R_no_plot.r") #plot fst values without minor alleles below minor allele frequency of 1 copy noMAF_indels_results <- plot_bayescan("bayescan_no_loci_with_low_freq_minor_alleles.indels.pheno_fst.txt", FDR=0.1) #save the candidate loci to a text file write(noMAF_indels_results$outliers, file= "noMAF_loci_FDR_0.05_outlier_indels.pheno.txt", ncolumns= 1,append= FALSE) q() # no outlier loci even using a FDR=0.4!


Get FASTA read depth 20, min length 60

Get intervals at least read depth 20

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir fasta-intervals
mkdir fasta-seqs
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-intervals/
#Use GATK Callableloci
while read i;do
java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T CallableLoci \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-I ../call-SNPs-recal03/$i-recal03.bam \
-L /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/immunome_baits_C_picta-3.0.3.interval.list \
--summary $i.callableloci.summary \
--minBaseQuality 20 \
--minMappingQuality 10 \
--minDepth 20 \
--minDepthForLowMAPQ 10 \
--format BED \
--out $i.callableloci
#Use grep to get only "CALLABLE" intervals
#Use bedtools merge to get contiguous regions
grep "CALLABLE" $i.callableloci | ~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools merge > $i.callableloci.cont.bed
#Use awk to get interval lengths
awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$3-$2;print $1,$2,$3,a;}' $i.callableloci.cont.bed > $i.callableloci.bylength.bed
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist

Get only regions at least 60bp long using R

#set the working directory
#get the desired files
print(files <- list.files(pattern=".bylength.bed$"))
#convert files to samples (i.e., AL102 instead of AL102.callableloci.bylength.bed)
print(samples <- gsub("prefixToTrash-0|\\.callableloci\\.bylength\\.bed",
      "", files, perl=TRUE), sep="")
#for each sample:
#1.Create the string to name the input file
#2.Read in the file
#3.Get only intervals of length 60 or greater
#4.Create the string to name the output file
#5.Write the output file
for (i in samples){
  filein <- paste(i, ".callableloci.bylength.bed", sep="")
  i.callable <- read.table(filein)
  i.callablesixty = i.callable[i.callable$V4 > 59, ]
  fileout <- paste(i, ".callableloci.depth20.len60.bed", sep="")
              file= fileout,
              append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
              eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
              col.names = FALSE)

Use bedtools then grep to get regions shared among all samples

~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools multiinter -header -i *.callableloci.depth20.len60.bed > ALLsamples
#use grep to get intervals shared by all samples (n total = 16)
grep -P "\t16\t" ALLsamples | cut -f 1-3 > ALLsamples.callableloci.bed
#get only intervals that are the same length for all samples
~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
-a ALLsamples.callableloci.bed \
-b *.callableloci.depth20.len60.bed \
-f 1.0 -r -u > ALLsamples.callableloci.samelength.bed
#use awk to calculate lengths
awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$3-$2;print $1,$2,$3,a;}' ALLsamples.callableloci.samelength.bed \
> ALLsamples.callableloci.bylength.bed

Use R to get intervals >= 60 bp

callable <- read.table("ALLsamples.callableloci.bylength.bed")
callablesixty = callable[callable$V4 > 59, ]
            file= "ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.bed",
            append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
            eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE)

use awk to convert from 0-based to 1-based positions then use perl to convert format for samtools region

awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$2+1;print $1,a,$3,$4;}' ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.bed | 
perl -pe "s/(\w+_\w+\.\d)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t\d+/\1:\2-\3/" > ../fasta-seqs/loci2filterbams.txt

use GATK's FastaAlternateReferenceMaker to output consensus.fa with degenerate bases

#first combine Q30 snps and indels after beagle genotype imputation
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/beagle/
#concatentate snps and indels with GATK
java -Xmx4g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T CombineVariants \
-R /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
--variant ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle.vcf \
--variant ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle.vcf \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-snps-indels-recal-beagle.vcf \
--assumeIdenticalSamples \
-genotypeMergeOptions UNSORTED
#updated files with rsync
rsync --stats --progress --archive /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/beagle/ \ -n
rsync --stats --progress --archive /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/ \ -n
#ran the following on SuperMikeII using
#using 16 cores for at most 32 hours - actually took 6.5 hrs
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/
~/bin/parallel-20150122/src/parallel \
'while read i;do
java -Xmx2g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R /work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-T FastaAlternateReferenceMaker \
-o $i.{}.fa \
-L {} \
--variant ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-indels-recal-beagle.vcf \
-IUPAC $i \
--lineWidth 10000
perl -pi -e "s/>.+\\n/>$i.{}\\n/" $i.{}.fa
done < ../call-SNPs-recal03/samplelist
cat *.{}.fa > {}.fa
rm *.{}.fa' :::: loci2filterbams.txt
#get files from SuperMikeII
rsync --stats --progress --archive \
/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/ -n

add referenc/outgroup sequence

~/bin/parallel-20150122/src/parallel \
'java -Xmx2g -jar ~/bin/GATK-3.3.0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T FastaReferenceMaker \
-R /work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.fna \
-o ref.{}.fa \
-L {} \
--lineWidth 10000
perl -pi -e "s/>.+\\n/>ref.{}\\n/" ref.{}.fa
cat ref.{}.fa >> {}.fa
rm ref.{}.fa' :::: loci2filterbams.txt


cd ~/bin/
#note had to manually download and place in ~/bin/ because had to enter a password for download
tar xzf phase.2.1.1.linux.tar.gz 
mv phase.2.1.1.linux.tar.gz phase.2.1.1.linux

get SeqPHASE to generate PHASE input file and process PHASE output

cd ~/bin/
mkdir seqphase
cd seqphase/

get muscle

cd ~/bin/
mkdir muscle-3.8.31
cd muscle-3.8.31/
tar xzf muscle3.8.31_i86linux64.tar.gz

run muscle,SeqPHASE,PHASE,then SeqPHASE using gnu parallel

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/
~/bin/parallel-20150122/src/parallel \
'~/bin/muscle-3.8.31/muscle3.8.31_i86linux64 -in {}.fa -out {}.fa.aln
~/bin/seqphase/ -1 {}.fa.aln -p {}
~/bin/phase.2.1.1.linux/PHASE {}.inp {}.out
~/bin/seqphase/ -c {}.const -i {}.out_pairs -o {}.fa.phased' :::: loci2filterbams.txt

Rename fasta headers to CF219a and CF219b

perl -pi -e "s/>(\w+).\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+(\w)_.+/>\1\2/" *.fa.phased

created file phased for file conversion below

ls *.phased | perl -pe "s/(.+).fa.phased/\1/" > phased


#How many regions are there among the 16 samples that are at least 60bp and
#have a read depth of 20 reads per individual?
ls *.fa | wc -l
#How many of these regions are polymorphic, and thus phaseable?
#Also includes how many regions have a ref seq the same length as the tortoises
ls *.fa.phased | wc -l
#How many genes and exons do these 1764 regions represent
ls *.fa.phased | perl -pe "s/(\w+_\d+\.\d):(\d+)-(\d+)\.fa\.phased\n/\1\t\2\t\3\n/g" |
awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$2-1;print $1,a,$3;}' - | sort -k 1,1 -k2,2n > ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.poly.bed
#use bedtools to intersect the gff and bed file
~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff.introns \
-b ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.poly.bed -wao > ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.poly2.bed
grep -v "RefSeq" ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.poly2.bed | grep -Pv ".\t-1\t-1\t0" | \
grep -Pv "Gnomon\tmRNA" | grep -Pv "Gnomon\tCDS" | \
grep -Pv "Gnomon\ttranscript" > ALLsamples.callableloci.depth20.len60.poly3.bed

Run PGDSpider to convert FASTA to PHYLIP

make selection folder

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir selection
cd selection

now make the spid template

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/
java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar \
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/NW_007359913.1:1047555-1047630.fa.phased \
-inputformat FASTA \
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection/NW_007359913.1:1047555-1047630.fa.phased.phy \
-outputformat PHYLIP

#####Manually edit ../selection/template_FASTA_PHYLIP.spid # spid-file generated: Tue Jul 21 21:31:38 CDT 2015 # FASTA Parser questions PARSER_FORMAT=FASTA # Select the type of the data: FASTA_PARSER_DATA_TYPE_QUESTION=DNA # PHYLIP (RAxML) Writer questions WRITER_FORMAT=PHYLIP # Numeric SNP data: enter the integer that codes for nucleotide T: PHYLIP_WRITER_CODE_T_QUESTION= # Numeric SNP data: enter the integer that codes for nucleotide C: PHYLIP_WRITER_CODE_C_QUESTION= # Numeric SNP data: enter the integer that codes for nucleotide A: PHYLIP_WRITER_CODE_A_QUESTION= # Save relaxed PHYLIP format (e.g. for RAxML)? PHYLIP_WRITER_RELAXED_QUESTION= # Select the kind of file you want to write: PHYLIP_WRITER_DATA_KIND_QUESTION= # Numeric SNP data: enter the integer that codes for nucleotide G: PHYLIP_WRITER_CODE_G_QUESTION= # Specify the DNA locus you want to write to the PHYLIP (RAxML) file or write "CONCAT" for concatenation: ARLEQUIN_WRITER_ONCATENATE_QUESTION=

Save as fasta2phylip.spid

Convert all *.fa.phased to *.phy

#note used newer version of PGDSPider (i.e.,
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection/
while read i;do
java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar \
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/$i.fa.phased \
-inputformat FASTA \
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection/$i.fa.phased.phy \
-outputformat PHYLIP \
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection/fasta2phylip.spid
done < /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/fasta-seqs/phased

Get and install VariScan

cd ~/bin/
tar xzf variscan-2.0.3.tar.gz
mv variscan-2.0.3.tar.gz variscan-2.0.3
cd variscan-2.0.3/

./configure make distclean ./configure make

Make VariScan config files for all populations and combinations

#note actual files do not have leading four spaces on each line below
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Outgroup = none
RunMode = 12
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Outgroup = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
RunMode = 22
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Outgroup = none
RunMode = 12
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Outgroup = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
RunMode = 22
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Outgroup = none
RunMode = 12
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1
StartPos = 1
EndPos = 0
RefPos = 0
BlockDataFile = none
SeqChoice = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Outgroup = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
RunMode = 22
UseMuts = 1
UseLDSinglets = 0
CompleteDeletion = 1
FixNum = 1
NumNuc = 4
SlidingWindow = 0
WidthSW = 10
JumpSW = 10
WindowType = 0
IndivNames = 
RefSeq = 1

Run VariScan

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/selection/
#first make file to read file names
ls *.phy | perl -pe "s/(.+).fa.phased.phy/\1/" > phylip
#get headers
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan NC_024218.1:27914240-27914483.fa.phased.phy CF.conf | \
grep "Eta" | perl -pe "s/#/chr/" >
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan NC_024218.1:27914240-27914483.fa.phased.phy CF.outgroup.conf | \
grep "Eta" | perl -pe "s/#/chr/" > header.og
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy CF.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.CF.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.CF.vs > temp && mv temp $i.CF.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.CF.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.CF.vs
done < phylip
cat *.CF.vs > CF.out
rm *.vs
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy CF.outgroup.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.CF.outgroup.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.CF.outgroup.vs > temp && mv temp $i.CF.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.CF.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.CF.outgroup.vs
done < phylip
cat header.og *.CF.outgroup.vs > CF.outgroup.out
rm *.outgroup.vs
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy FC.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.FC.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.FC.vs > temp && mv temp $i.FC.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.FC.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.FC.vs
done < phylip
cat *.FC.vs > FC.out
rm *.vs
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy FC.outgroup.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.FC.outgroup.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.FC.outgroup.vs > temp && mv temp $i.FC.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.FC.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.FC.outgroup.vs
done < phylip
cat header.og *.FC.outgroup.vs > FC.outgroup.out
rm *.outgroup.vs
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy OLD.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.OLD.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.OLD.vs > temp && mv temp $i.OLD.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.OLD.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.OLD.vs
done < phylip
cat *.OLD.vs > OLD.out
rm *.vs
while read i;do
~/bin/variscan-2.0.3/src/variscan $i.fa.phased.phy OLD.outgroup.conf | \
grep -P "^#( )+" | grep -v "Eta" | \
perl -pe "s/( )+/\t/g" > $i.OLD.outgroup.vs
echo $i | cat - $i.OLD.outgroup.vs > temp && mv temp $i.OLD.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/(\w+_\d+.\d:\d+-\d+)\n/\1/" $i.OLD.outgroup.vs
perl -pi -e "s/#//" $i.OLD.outgroup.vs
done < phylip
cat header.og *.OLD.outgroup.vs > OLD.outgroup.out
rm *.outgroup.vs

Use R to combine CF.out CF.outgroup, etc.

#read in the neutrality stats into R
#stats calculated without outgroup
CF <-  read.table("CF.out",header=TRUE)
#stats calculated with outgroup
CF2 <- read.table("CF.outgroup.out",header=TRUE)
#combine the two into 1 data.frame
CF <- cbind(CF,CF2$FuLi_D,CF2$FuLi_F,CF2$FayWu_H)
            sep = "\t",
            eol= "\n",
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            na = "NA",
            append = FALSE,
            dec = ".")
#for FC samples
FC <-  read.table("FC.out",header=TRUE)
FC2 <- read.table("FC.outgroup.out",header=TRUE)
FC <- cbind(FC,FC2$FuLi_D,FC2$FuLi_F,FC2$FayWu_H)
            sep = "\t",
            eol= "\n",
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            na = "NA",
            append = FALSE,
            dec = ".")
#for OLD samples
OLD <-  read.table("OLD.out",header=TRUE)
OLD2 <- read.table("OLD.outgroup.out",header=TRUE)
OLD <- cbind(OLD,OLD2$FuLi_D,OLD2$FuLi_F,OLD2$FayWu_H)
            sep = "\t",
            eol= "\n",
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            na = "NA",
            append = FALSE,
            dec = ".")

Use cat to combine neutrality.stats.txt files

cat *neutrality* > neutrality_stats.txt
# remove extra column headers
grep -v "chr" neutrality_stats.txt > neutrality_stats.txt2
# get the header
grep "chr" CF.neutrality.stats.txt > header
# manually remove CF2$
nano header
# combine header and neutrality_stats.txt2
cat header neutrality_stats.txt2 > neutrality_stats.txt

What Genes have extreme values for Tajima's D?

Use ms to simulate the coalescent and extreme values

# see
# for program
# download manually by clicking the link
tar xzf ms.tar.gz
#saved tar and pdf file to ~/bin/msdir/
mv ms.tar.gz msdir/.
mv msdoc.pdf msdir/.
# compile ms with random number generator #1
cd msdir/
gcc -O3 -o ms ms.c streec.c rand1.c -lm
# compile sample_stats
gcc -o sample_stats sample_stats.c tajd.c -lm
#path to ms
#path to sample_stats
# simulate 1-138 segragating sites from population of 5 individuals
# with 1000 simulations
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir ms
cd ms/
for i in `seq 1 138`;do
~/bin/msdir/ms 5 1000 -s $i | ~/bin/msdir/sample_stats > $i.tsv
cat *.tsv > ms_simulations.txt
rm *.tsv

use R script to calculate p values for Tajima's D

ms.sims <- read.table("ms_simulations.txt") #read in the simulated data
AL <- read.table("neutrality_stats.txt", header = TRUE) #read in the empirical data
AL <- AL[AL$S != 0,] #get rid of empirical data that have 0 segragating sites
AL <- AL[with(AL, order(S, chr)), ] #sort the empirical data first by increasing segragating sites then by increasing chromosome
AL2 <- "" #make an empty list AL2
for (i in 1:138) { #go through the values of S, 1-138, S=# of segragating sites
  a <- ms.sims[ms.sims$V4 == i,] #get rows where the fourth column (S) is equal to "i" for the simulated data
  b <- a$V6 #get the values for Tajima's D for the ith value of S <- approxfun(density(b)) #get the density function for the ith value of S <- approx(density(b)) #get the density values for the ith value of S <- max($x) #get the max value for the ith value of S <- min($x) #get the min value for the ith value of S
  pFmax <- function(q) integrate(, q,$value #calculate the one-sided p value for values > 0
  pFmin <- function(q) integrate(,, q)$value #calculate the one-sided p value for values < 0
  y <- "" #make and empty list or clear y
  c <- AL[AL$S == i,] #get only rows where the values of S are "i" for the empirical data
  d <- c$Tajima_D #get only the 
  for (j in d) { #for each value of Tajima's D,
    if ( y <- rbind(y,"NA") #if the value is NA, then put an NA
    else { #else 
      if (j < 0) { #if the value of Tajima's D is negative,
        res <- try(y <- rbind(y, pFmin(j))) #determine if you can calculate the integral without an error
        if(inherits(res, "try-error")) { #if there is an error, 
          y <- rbind(y, 0) #then put p-value as "0"
      else { #if the value of Tajima's D is positive,
        res <- try(y <- rbind(y, pFmax(j))) #determine if you can calculate the integral without an error
        if(inherits(res, "try-error")) { #if there is an error,
          y <- rbind(y, 0) #then put the p-value as "0"
  y <- y[-1] #get rid of the empty first value
  AL2 <- c(AL2,y) #combine AL2 and y
AL2 = AL2[-1] #get rid of the first empty value of AL2
AL3 <- p.adjust(AL2,method = "fdr",n = length(AL2)) #adjust the p-values using false discovery rate method
AL <- cbind(AL, "prob_Tajima_D"= AL3) #add the AL3 data as a column to the AL data frame as "prob_Tajima_D"
BL2 <- "" #make an empty list BL2
for (i in 1:138) { #go through the values of S, 1-138, S=# of segragating sites
  a <- ms.sims[ms.sims$V4 == i,] #get rows where the fourth column (S) is equal to "i" for the simulated data
  b <- a$V10 #get the values for Way&Fu'sH for the ith value of S <- approxfun(density(b)) #get the density function for the ith value of S <- approx(density(b)) #get the density values for the ith value of S <- max($x) #get the max value for the ith value of S <- min($x) #get the min value for the ith value of S
  pFmax <- function(q) integrate(, q,$value #calculate the one-sided p value for values > 0
  pFmin <- function(q) integrate(,, q)$value #calculate the one-sided p value for values < 0
  y <- "" #make and empty list or clear y
  c <- AL[AL$S == i,] #get only rows where the values of S are "i" for the empirical data
  d <- c$FayWu_H #get only the 
  for (j in d) { #for each value of Way&Fu'sH,
    if ( y <- rbind(y,"NA") #if the value is NA, then put an NA
    else { #else 
      if (j < 0) { #if the value of Way&Fu'sH is negative,
        res <- try(y <- rbind(y, pFmin(j))) #determine if you can calculate the integral without an error
        if(inherits(res, "try-error")) { #if there is an error, 
          y <- rbind(y, 0) #then put p-value as "0"
      else { #if the value of Way&Fu'sH is positive,
        res <- try(y <- rbind(y, pFmax(j))) #determine if you can calculate the integral without an error
        if(inherits(res, "try-error")) { #if there is an error,
          y <- rbind(y, 0) #then put the p-value as "0"
  y <- y[-1] #get rid of the empty first value
  BL2 <- c(BL2,y) #combine BL2 and y
BL2 = BL2[-1] #get rid of the first empty value of BL2
BL3 <- p.adjust(BL2,method = "fdr",n = length(BL2)) #adjust the p-values using false discovery rate method
AL <- cbind(AL, "prob_Way_Fu_H"= BL3) #add the BL3 data as a column to the AL data frame as "prob_Way_Fu_H"
AL4 <- AL[AL$prob_Tajima_D != 0,] #get rid of values of prob ==0 because you couldn't properly calculate the integral
sig.TD <- AL4[AL4$prob_Tajima_D < 0.05,] #how many regions have Tajima's D values that are significant
#70 gene regions but including duplicates because 3 populations analyzed separately
nrow(sig.TD[sig.TD$Tajima_D < 0,])
#27 gene regions with negative Tajima's D
# these are regions with rare alleles present at low frequencies indicating
# Recent selective sweep, population expansion after a recent bottleneck, linkage to a swept gene
nrow(sig.TD[sig.TD$Tajima_D > 0,])
#43 gene regions with positive Tajima's D
# these are regions with multiple alleles present, some at low, others at high frequencies
# Balancing selection, sudden population contraction
unique.sig.TD <- unique(sig.TD$chr) #how many sig. gene regions are unique
#50 unique regions deviating from neutral expectations
#but how many genes? #use bedtools intersect
            sep = "\t",
            eol= "\n",
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = TRUE,
            na = "NA",
            append = FALSE,
            dec = ".")

convert to BED format for bedtools

cut -f 1 TajimaD.sig.txt | grep -v "chr" | sort -u | \
perl -pe "s/(\w+_\d+.\d):(\d+)-(\d+)\n/\1\t\2\t\3\n/" > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed

bedtools intersect

~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
-a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff.introns \
-b TajimaD.extr.regions.bed -wao > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap
grep -v "RefSeq" TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap | grep -Pv ".\t-1\t-1\t0" | \
grep -Pv "Gnomon\tmRNA" | grep -Pv "Gnomon\tCDS" | \
grep -Pv "Gnomon\ttranscript" > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes_exons_introns
# get only genes
grep "gene" TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes_exons_introns | \
grep -v "exon" > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes
#get only unique genes
perl -pe "s/.+Name=(\w+);.+\n/\1\n/" TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes | \
perl -pe "s/.+gene=(\w+);.+\n/\1\n/" | sort -u > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes.unique
#how many regions have extreme values for Tajima's D?
wc -l TajimaD.extr.regions.bed
#how many genes have extreme values for Tajima's D?
wc -l TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.genes.unique

Get protein accessions

# get protein accessions
grep -Pv ".\t-1\t-1\t0" TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap | \
grep "XP_" | \
cut -f 9 | \
perl -pe "s/.+Name=(XP_\d+\.\d).+/\1/" | \
sort | uniq > TajimaD.extr.regions.bed.overlap.proteins.txt



cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir popgen

1.Make copy of ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/beagle/
cp ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz ../popgen/.
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/
gunzip ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz

2.Get only non-synonymous SNPs

zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz| grep '#' > header
zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz| grep -P 'SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=\w*[A-Z]\d+\w*[A-Z]' > non-synonymous
cat header non-synonymous > ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf

3.Check loci for linkage disequilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

Had to make populations.txt file and population-specific files for vcf filtering

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/
grep "CF" ../bayescan/populations.txt > CF
grep "OLD" ../bayescan/populations.txt > OLD
grep "FC" ../bayescan/populations.txt > FC
cp ../bayescan/populations.txt .

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test

#all snps
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --hardy --out hwe.CF --keep CF
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --hardy --out hwe.OLD --keep OLD
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --hardy --out hwe.FC --keep FC
#only non-synonymous snps
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --hardy --out hwe.CF-nonsyn --keep CF
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --hardy --out hwe.OLD-nonsyn --keep OLD
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --hardy --out hwe.FC-nonsyn --keep FC

#####R function to count number of sites out of HWE (i.e., p_HWE < 0.05 after fdr correction) cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ #all snps R CFhwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.CF.hwe", header = TRUE) CFhwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = CFhwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(CFhwe$P_HWE)) summary(CFhwe.fdr) FChwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.FC.hwe", header = TRUE) FChwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = FChwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(FChwe$P_HWE)) summary(FChwe.fdr) OLDhwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.OLD.hwe", header = TRUE) OLDhwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = OLDhwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(OLDhwe$P_HWE)) summary(OLDhwe.fdr) #only nonsyn snps CFhwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.CF-nonsyn.hwe", header = TRUE) CFhwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = CFhwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(CFhwe$P_HWE)) summary(CFhwe.fdr) FChwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.FC-nonsyn.hwe", header = TRUE) FChwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = FChwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(FChwe$P_HWE)) summary(FChwe.fdr) OLDhwe <-read.table(file ="hwe.OLD-nonsyn.hwe", header = TRUE) OLDhwe.fdr <- p.adjust(p = OLDhwe$P_HWE, method = "fdr", n = length(OLDhwe$P_HWE)) summary(OLDhwe.fdr) # no snps or nonsyn snps out of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

outputs linkage disequilibrium pvalues

#all snps
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.CF --keep CF
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.FC --keep FC
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.OLD --keep OLD
#only nonsyn snps
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.CF-nonsyn --keep CF
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.FC-nonsyn --keep FC
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools --vcf ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf --geno-chisq --out geno.OLD-nonsyn --keep OLD

#####R function to count number of sites out of linkage equi (i.e., PVAL < 0.05 after fdr correction) cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ #all snps R FCld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.FC.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) FCld.fdr=p.adjust(p = FCld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(FCld$PVAL)) summary(FCld.fdr) CFld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.CF.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) CFld.fdr=p.adjust(p = CFld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(CFld$PVAL)) summary(CFld.fdr) OLDld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.OLD.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) OLDld.fdr=p.adjust(p = OLDld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(OLDld$PVAL)) summary(OLDld.fdr) #only nonsyn snps R FCld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.FC-nonsyn.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) FCld.fdr=p.adjust(p = FCld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(FCld$PVAL)) summary(FCld.fdr) CFld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.CF-nonsyn.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) CFld.fdr=p.adjust(p = CFld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(CFld$PVAL)) summary(CFld.fdr) OLDld = na.omit(read.table(file ="geno.OLD-nonsyn.geno.chisq", header = TRUE)) OLDld.fdr=p.adjust(p = OLDld$PVAL, method = "fdr", n = length(OLDld$PVAL)) summary(OLDld.fdr) # no snps or nonsyn snps out of Linkage Equilibrium

3.Convert VCF file to structure, fstat

VCF to Structure

#####use PGDSpider #get the program cd ~/bin/ wget unzip mv PGDSpider_2.0.8.3 #use following command to generate spider.conf.xml and spid file in ../popgen directory java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/structure-input.txt
-outputformat STRUCTURE #edit spider.conf.xml nano ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/spider.conf.xml #to add path to samtools #change #to /home/jelber2/bin/samtools-0.1.19/bcftools/bcftools #change #to /home/jelber2/bin/samtools-0.1.19/samtools #save and exit #edit the spid file nano /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/template_VCF_STRUCTURE.spid #contents after editing, minus the leading spaces # spid-file generated: Wed Jan 14 18:47:06 CST 2015 # VCF Parser questions PARSER_FORMAT=VCF # Do you want to include a file with population definitions? VCF_PARSER_POP_QUESTION=true # Only input following regions (refSeqName:start:end, multiple regions: whitespace separated): VCF_PARSER_REGION_QUESTION= # What is the ploidy of the data? VCF_PARSER_PLOIDY_QUESTION=DIPLOID # Only output following individuals (ind1, ind2, ind4, ...): VCF_PARSER_IND_QUESTION= # Output genotypes as missing if the read depth of a position for the sample is below: VCF_PARSER_READ_QUESTION= # Take most likely genotype if "PL" or "GL" is given in the genotype field? VCF_PARSER_PL_QUESTION= # Do you want to exclude loci with only missing data? VCF_PARSER_EXC_MISSING_LOCI_QUESTION= # Select population definition file: VCF_PARSER_POP_FILE_QUESTION=/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/populations.txt # Only output SNPs with a phred-scaled quality of at least: VCF_PARSER_QUAL_QUESTION= # Do you want to include non-polymorphic SNPs? VCF_PARSER_MONOMORPHIC_QUESTION=false # Output genotypes as missing if the phred-scale genotype quality is below: VCF_PARSER_GTQUAL_QUESTION= # # STRUCTURE Writer questions WRITER_FORMAT=STRUCTURE # Save more specific fastSTRUCTURE format? STRUCTURE_WRITER_FAST_FORMAT_QUESTION=false # Specify the locus/locus combination you want to write to the STRUCTURE file: STRUCTURE_WRITER_LOCUS_COMBINATION_QUESTION= # Specify which data type should be included in the STRUCTURE file (STRUCTURE can only analyze one data type per file): STRUCTURE_WRITER_DATA_TYPE_QUESTION=SNP # Do you want to include inter-marker distances? STRUCTURE_WRITER_LOCI_DISTANCE_QUESTION=false #saved as vcf2structure.spid #edit vcf2structure.spid nano vcf2structure.spid #change the following line from populations.txt to phenotypes.txt VCF_PARSER_POP_FILE_QUESTION=/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/bayescan/phenotypes.txt #####Do VCF to STRUCTURE file conversion #all snps using populations.txt java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/structure-input-allsnps.txt
-outputformat STRUCTURE
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2structure.spid > structure-input-allsnps.log #all snps using phenotypes.txt java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/structure-input-pheno.txt
-outputformat STRUCTURE
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2structurepheno.spid > structure-input-pheno.log #all snps using phenotypes2.txt java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/structure-input-pheno2.txt
-outputformat STRUCTURE
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2structurepheno2.spid > structure-input-pheno2.log


#####create the spid file #replace the STRUCTURE section of vcf2structure.spid with the following for FSTAT #minus the leading spaces nano /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2structure.spid # FSTAT Writer questions WRITER_FORMAT=FSTAT # Specify which data type should be included in the FSTAT file (FSTAT can only analyze one data type per file): FSTAT_WRITER_DATA_TYPE_QUESTION=SNP # Save label file FSTAT_WRITER_LABEL_FILE_QUESTION= # Do you want to save an additional file with labels (population names)? FSTAT_WRITER_INCLUDE_LABEL_QUESTION=false # Specify the locus/locus combination you want to write to the FSTAT file: FSTAT_WRITER_LOCUS_COMBINATION_QUESTION= #saved as vcf2fstat.spid #####Do VCF to FSTAT file conversion #all snps java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/fstat-input-allsnps.txt
-outputformat FSTAT
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2fstat.spid > fstat-input-allsnps.log #only nonsyn snps java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -jar ~/bin/PGDSpider_2.0.8.3/PGDSpider2-cli.jar
-inputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-nonsyn.vcf
-inputformat VCF
-outputfile /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/fstat-input-nonsyn.txt
-outputformat FSTAT
-spid /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/vcf2fstat.spid > fstat-input-nonsyn.log

4.Look at population structure with structure

Installed structure from source

#####Get source cd ~/bin/ mkdir structure cd structure wget tar xzf structure_kernel_source.tar.gz cd structure_kernel_src/ #####compile make #####used the following setting for mainparams file created using Windows front-end version #define OUTFILE /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/structure-results-001-k1 #define INFILE /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/structure-input-allsnps.txt #define NUMINDS 16 #define NUMLOCI 16821 #define LABEL 1 #define POPDATA 1 #define POPFLAG 0 #define LOCDATA 0 #define PHENOTYPE 0 #define MARKERNAMES 1 #define MAPDISTANCES 0 #define ONEROWPERIND 0 #define PHASEINFO 0 #define PHASED 0 #define RECESSIVEALLELES 0 #define EXTRACOLS 0 #define MISSING #define PLOIDY 2 #define MAXPOPS 1 #define BURNIN 100000 #define NUMREPS 1000000 #define NOADMIX 0 #define LINKAGE 0 #define USEPOPINFO 0 #define LOCPRIOR 0 #define INFERALPHA 1 #define ALPHA 1.0 #define POPALPHAS 0 #define UNIFPRIORALPHA 1 #define ALPHAMAX 10.0 #define ALPHAPROPSD 0.025 #define FREQSCORR 1 #define ONEFST 0 #define FPRIORMEAN 0.01 #define FPRIORSD 0.05 #define INFERLAMBDA 0 #define LAMBDA 1.0 #define COMPUTEPROB 1 #define PFROMPOPFLAGONLY 0 #define ANCESTDIST 0 #define STARTATPOPINFO 0 #define METROFREQ 10 #define UPDATEFREQ 1

Ran structure using the following command for k1,k2,k3,k4 for 20 reps each

# note had to make 80 mainparams.test.0* files
# ex: mainparams.test.001.k1, mainparams.test.002.k1, etc.
# run structure for populations.txt
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/
~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/structure \
-m mainparams.test.001.k1 \
-e ~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/extraparams
# etc.
# note we used default settings for extraparams
# (i.e., the correlated allele frequency and the admixture ancestry models)
# implemented on SuperMike II using /home/jelber2/scripts/immunome_urtd/

Ran structure using phenotypes.txt for k1,k2,k3,k4 for 20 reps each

# copy param files for phenotypes
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/
mkdir phenotypes
cp mainparams.test.0* phenotypes/.
cd phenotypes/
# edit the INFILE
perl -pi -e "s/structure-input-allsnps.txt/structure-input-pheno.txt/g" mainparams.test.0*
# edit the OUTFILE
perl -pi -e "s/(structure-results-0\w+.k\w)/\phenotypes\/\1/g" mainparams.test.0*
# run structure
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/phenotypes/
~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/structure \
-m mainparams.test.001.k1 \
-e ~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/extraparams
# etc.
# note we used default settings for extraparams
# (i.e., the correlated allele frequency and the admixture ancestry models)
# implemented on SuperMike II using /home/jelber2/scripts/immunome_urtd/

Ran structure using phenotypes2.txt (i.e., for 2 phenotypes) for k1,k2,k3,k4 for 20 reps each

# copy param files for phenotypes
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/
mkdir phenotypes2
cp mainparams.test.0* phenotypes2/.
cd phenotypes2/
# edit the INFILE
perl -pi -e "s/structure-input-allsnps.txt/structure-input-pheno2.txt/g" mainparams.test.0*
# edit the OUTFILE
perl -pi -e "s/(structure-results-0\w+.k\w)/\phenotypes2\/\1/g" mainparams.test.0*
#sync files
rsync --stats --progress --archive /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/ \ -n
#sync script
rsync --stats --progress --archive /home/jelber2/scripts/immunome_urtd/ \ -n
# run structure on SuperMikeII
cd /work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen2/phenotypes2/
~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/structure \
-m mainparams.test.001.k1 \
-e ~/bin/structure/structure_kernel_src/extraparams
# etc.
# note we used default settings for extraparams
# (i.e., the correlated allele frequency and the admixture ancestry models)
# implemented on SuperMike II using /home/jelber2/scripts/immunome_urtd/
#sync files back to my computer
rsync --stats --progress --archive \
/media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/phenotypes2/ -n
# zip structure-results on my computer
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/popgen/phenotypes2/
zip structure-results-*

Used STRUCTURE HARVESTER web v0.6.94 to select best K values

Used CLUMPAK web to visualize population assignments


FUNCTIONAL ENRICHMENT ANALYSIS of gene deviating from neutrality


cd ~/bin/
tar xzf ncbi-blast-2.2.31+-x64-linux.tar.gz 
mv ncbi-blast-2.2.31+-x64-linux.tar.gz ncbi-blast-2.2.31+

2.Get proteins in FASTA

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/blast/
gunzip protein.fa.gz
#change FASTA header from gi|#######|ref|XP_#######.#| to XP_######.#
perl -pi -e "s/gi\|\w+\|ref\|(XP_\d+.\d)\| /\1 /g" protein.fa

3.Make BLAST database

~/bin/ncbi-blast-2.2.31+/bin/makeblastdb \
-in protein.fa \
-input_type fasta \
-dbtype prot \
-parse_seqids \
-out C_picta_protein.db \
-title C_picta_protein

4.Perform BLAST to make input for BLAST2GO in xml format (on SuperMikeII)

~/bin/ncbi-blast-2.2.31+/bin/blastp \
-db C_picta_protein.db \
-query protein.fa \
-num_threads 4 \
-out prot.blast2go.input.xml \
-outfmt 5

5.Use BLAST2GO version 3.1

# import BLAST XML reults using default settings
File->Load->Load Blast Results->Xml Files
# wait for xml file to load in table
# then import FASTA sequences using default settings
File->Load->Load Sequences (e.g.:. fasta)
Select "Add to the existing project"
Select "Protein Sequences"

6.BLAST2GO InterproScan

# use default settings
InterProScan->Merge InterProScan GOs to Annotation

7.Enrichment Analysis

Analysis->Enrichment Analysis (Fisher's Exact Test)
# use default options
# proteins with gene regions that deviate from neutrality


GWAS with plink

1 install plink.107 and make dir for gwas

#install plink
cd ~/bin/
mv plink-1.07-x86_64
mv plink-1.07-x86_64/ plink-1.07
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir gwas
cd gwas

2 Use vcftools to create plink files

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/gwas/
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools \
--vcf ../popgen/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf --plink

3 Rename plink files

mv out.ped ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped
mv out.log ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.log

4 Coded phenotypes into .ped file

nano ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped
#edited 6th column (1=unaffected/asymptomatic, 2=affected/symptomatic)

5 Run plink association all samples

~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--allow-no-sex --adjust

6 Look for FDR_BH less than 0.05

less -S ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.assoc.adjusted
# no p values < 0.05

7 Repeat steps 5and6 with removing CF72 (4th line/sample)

sed '4d' ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-noCF72.ped
#make a map file copy but name it with -noCF72 filename
cp \
#run plink without CF72
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-noCF72 \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-noCF72 \
--allow-no-sex --adjust

8 Look for FDR_BH less than 0.05

less -S ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic-noCF72.assoc.adjusted
# no p values < 0.05

9 Get non-syn snps and indels

#get header
zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz | grep "#" > header
#get non-syn snps
zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-snps-annotated.vcf.gz | \
grep -v '#' | \
grep -P 'SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=\w*[A-Z]\d+\w*[A-Z]' \
> ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.txt
#combine the header and file
cat header ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.txt \
> ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.vcf
#get non-syn indels
zcat ../split-vcfs/ALL-samples-indels-annotated.vcf.gz | \
grep -v '#' | \
grep -P 'SNPEFF_AMINO_ACID_CHANGE=\w*[A-Z]\d+\w*[A-Z]' \
> ALL-samples-indels-annotated-nonsyn.txt
#combine the header and file
cat header ALL-samples-indels-annotated-nonsyn.txt \
> ALL-samples-indels-annotated-nonsyn.vcf

10 Repeat steps #2-6 on non-syn snps

#make plink input files
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools \
--vcf ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.vcf --plink \
--out ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn
#edit ped file to add phenotypes
nano ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.ped
#edited 6th column (1=unaffected/asymptomatic, 2=affected/symptomatic)
#run plink association on all samples
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn \
--allow-no-sex --adjust
#look for FDR_BH < 0.05
less -S ALL-samples-snps-annotated-nonsyn.assoc.adjusted
#no significant SNPs after correcting for multiple tests

11 Repeat steps #2-6 on indels

#make plink input files
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools \
--gzvcf ../beagle/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.vcf.gz \
--plink \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic
#edit ped file to put phenotypes
cut -f 1-6 ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped \
> first6rows
cut -f 7- ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic2.ped
paste first6rows ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic2.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.ped
#run plink association on all samples
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--allow-no-sex --adjust
#look for FDR_BH < 0.05
less -S ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.assoc.adjusted
#no significant SNPs after correcting for multiple tests

12 Repeat steps #2-6 on non-imputated snps

#make plink input files
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools \
--vcf ../vqsr/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal.vcf \
--plink \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal
#edit ped file to put phenotypes
cut -f 7- ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal2.ped
paste first6rows ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal2.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal.ped
#run plink association on all samples
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal \
--allow-no-sex --adjust
#look for FDR_BH < 0.05
less -S ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal.assoc.adjusted
#no significant SNPs after correcting for multiple tests

13 Repeat steps #2-6 on non-imputated indels

#make plink input files
~/bin/vcftools_0.1.12b/bin/vcftools \
--vcf ../vqsr/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal.vcf \
--plink \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal
#edit ped file to put phenotypes
cut -f 7- ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal2.ped
paste first6rows ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal2.ped \
> ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal.ped
#run plink association on all samples
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal \
--assoc \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal \
--allow-no-sex --adjust
#look for FDR_BH < 0.05
less -S ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal.assoc.adjusted
#no significant indels after correcting for multiple tests


GWAS with plink except use SNP-sets

1 Make snp.list and indel.list files

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/gwas/
while read i;do
    echo $i | \
    perl -pe "s/0\s(\w+_\d+\.\d):(\d+)\s0\s\d+/\1\t\2/" | \
    awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$2-1;print $1,a,$2;}' - | \
    ~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
    -a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff \
    -b stdin | \
    grep -P "Gnomon\tgene" | \
    sed -n '1p' | \
    cut -f 1,4,5,9 | \
    perl -pe "s/(\w+_\d+\.\d)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t.+Name=(\w+);.+/\1\t\2\t\3\t\4/" >> snp.list
done <
while read i;do
    echo $i | \
    perl -pe "s/0\s(\w+_\d+\.\d):(\d+)\s0\s\d+/\1\t\2/" | \
    awk -v OFS='\t' '{a=$2-1;print $1,a,$2;}' - | \
    ~/bin/bedtools-2.22.1/bin/bedtools intersect \
    -a /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/reference/GCF_000241765.3_Chrysemys_picta_bellii-3.0.3_genomic.gff \
    -b stdin | \
    grep -P "Gnomon\tgene" | \
    sed -n '1p' | \
    cut -f 1,4,5,9 | \
    perl -pe "s/(\w+_\d+\.\d)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t.+Name=(\w+);.+/\1\t\2\t\3\t\4/" >> indel.list
done <

2 Make setlists with plink

~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--make-set snp.list \
--write-set \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--make-set indel.list \
--write-set \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic

3 Do association tests with SNP- and Indel-sets

~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--set-test \
--set-max 1000 \
--set ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.set \
--mperm 10000 \
--assoc \
--allow-no-sex \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--set-test \
--set-max 1000 \
--set ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.set \
--mperm 10000 \
--assoc \
--allow-no-sex \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic


Controls for unknown population structure and unknown relatedness

1 install ROADTRIPS make dir roadtrips

cd ~/bin/
tar xzf ROADTRIPS2.0.tar.gz 
cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/
mkdir roadtrips


cd ~/bin/
tar xzf FORMAT_PED_PHENO1.0.tar.gz 

3 install KinINbcoef

cd ~/bin/
tar xzf KinInbcoef.tar.gz
mv KinInbcoef.tar.gz KinInbcoef

4 SNPs convert PLINK ped file to tped format and tfam format

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/roadtrips/
# make transposed ped file
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ../gwas/ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--recode12 \
--output-missing-genotype 0 \
--transpose \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic

5 Snps make .pedpheno, kinpedigree, and .kinlist files

-f ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.tfam \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic

6 Snps make kinfile to run ROADTRIPS

~/bin/KinInbcoef/KinInbcoef \
ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinpedigree \
ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinlist \

7 Snps make prevalence file - accurate prevalence increase statistical power

touch ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
nano ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
#type 0enter0 then save file

8 Snps run ROADTRIPS

-g ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.tped \
-p ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.pedpheno \
-k ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinfile \
-r ALL-samples-Q30-snps-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
#rename output files
mv ROADTRIPS_Software.err ROADTRIPS_Software.snps.err
mv ROADTRIPStest.out ROADTRIPStest.snps.out
mv ROADTRIPStest.pvalues ROADTRIPStest.snps.pvalues
mv ROADTRIPStest.testvalues ROADTRIPStest.snps.testvalues

10 Indels convert PLINK ped file to tped format and tfam format

cd /media/immunome_2014/work/jelber2/immunome_urtd/combined/roadtrips/
# make transposed ped file
~/bin/plink-1.07/plink \
--file ../gwas/ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic \
--recode12 \
--output-missing-genotype 0 \
--transpose \
--out ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic

11 Indels make .pedpheno, kinpedigree, and .kinlist files

-f ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.tfam \
-o ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic

12 Indels make kinfile to run ROADTRIPS

~/bin/KinInbcoef/KinInbcoef \
ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinpedigree \
ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinlist \

13 Indels make prevalence file - accurate prevalence increase statistical power

touch ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
nano ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
#type 0enter0 then save file

14 Indels run ROADTRIPS

-g ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.tped \
-p ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.pedpheno \
-k ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.kinfile \
-r ALL-samples-Q30-indels-recal-beagle-polymorphic.prevalence
#rename output files
mv ROADTRIPS_Software.err ROADTRIPS_Software.indels.err
mv ROADTRIPStest.out ROADTRIPStest.indels.out
mv ROADTRIPStest.pvalues ROADTRIPStest.indels.pvalues
mv ROADTRIPStest.testvalues ROADTRIPStest.indels.testvalues

GOT THE SAME Top SNPs and Indels as PLINK analysis

#see and


License:MIT License


Language:Python 98.4%Language:Shell 1.6%