jejjohnson / FiniteDiffX

Finite difference tools in JAX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Differentiable finite difference tools in jax Implements :

Array accepting functions:

  • difference(array, axis, accuracy, step_size, method, derivative)
  • gradient(array, accuracy, method, step_size)
  • jacobian(array, accuracy, method, step_size)
  • divergence(array, accuracy, step_size, method, keepdims)
  • hessian(array, accuracy, method, step_size)
  • laplacian(array, accuracy, method, step_size)
  • curl(array, step_size, method, keep_dims)

Function transformation:

  • fgrad, and value_and_fgrad : similar to jax.grad and jax.value_and_grad but with finite difference approximation.
  • define_fdjvp: define custom_jvp rules using finite difference approximation (see example below).

🛠️ Installation

pip install FiniteDiffX

Install development version

pip install git+

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⏩ Examples

Array accepting functions:

import jax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy.testing as npt

import finitediffx as fdx

# lets first define a vector valued function F: R^3 -> R^3
# F = F1, F2
# F1 = x^2 + y^3
# F2 = x^4 + y^3
# F3 = 0
# F = [x**2 + y**3, x**4 + y**3, 0]

x, y, z = [jnp.linspace(0, 1, 100)] * 3
dx, dy, dz = x[1] - x[0], y[1] - y[0], z[1] - z[0]
X, Y, Z = jnp.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij")
F1 = X**2 + Y**3
F2 = X**4 + Y**3
F3 = jnp.zeros_like(F1)
F = jnp.stack([F1, F2, F3], axis=0)
# ∂F1/∂x : differentiate F1 with respect to x (i.e axis=0)
dF1dx = fdx.difference(F1, axis=0, step_size=dx, accuracy=6, method="central")
dF1dx_exact = 2 * X
npt.assert_allclose(dF1dx, dF1dx_exact, atol=1e-7)

# ∂F2/∂y : differentiate F2 with respect to y (i.e axis=1)
dF2dy = fdx.difference(F2, axis=1, step_size=dy, accuracy=6)
dF2dy_exact = 3 * Y**2
npt.assert_allclose(dF2dy, dF2dy_exact, atol=1e-7)
# ∇.F : the divergence of F
divF = fdx.divergence(F, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), keepdims=False, accuracy=6, method="central")
divF_exact = 2 * X + 3 * Y**2
npt.assert_allclose(divF, divF_exact, atol=1e-7)
# ∇F1 : the gradient of F1
gradF1 = fdx.gradient(F1, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), accuracy=6, method="central")
gradF1_exact = jnp.stack([2 * X, 3 * Y**2, 0 * X], axis=0)
npt.assert_allclose(gradF1, gradF1_exact, atol=1e-7)
# ΔF1 : laplacian of F1
lapF1 = fdx.laplacian(F1, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), accuracy=6, method="central")
lapF1_exact = 2 + 6 * Y
npt.assert_allclose(lapF1, lapF1_exact, atol=1e-7)
# ∇xF : the curl of F
curlF = fdx.curl(F, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), accuracy=6, method="central")
curlF_exact = jnp.stack([F1 * 0, F1 * 0, 4 * X**3 - 3 * Y**2], axis=0)
npt.assert_allclose(curlF, curlF_exact, atol=1e-7)
# Jacobian of F
JF = fdx.jacobian(F, accuracy=4, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), method="central")
JF_exact = jnp.array(
        [2 * X, 3 * Y**2, jnp.zeros_like(X)],
        [4 * X**3, 3 * Y**2, jnp.zeros_like(X)],
        [jnp.zeros_like(X), jnp.zeros_like(X), jnp.zeros_like(X)],
npt.assert_allclose(JF, JF_exact, atol=1e-7)
# Hessian of F1
HF1 = fdx.hessian(F1, accuracy=4, step_size=(dx, dy, dz), method="central")
HF1_exact = jnp.array(
            2 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂x2
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂xy
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂xz
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂yx
            6 * Y**2,              # ∂2F1/∂y2
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂yz
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂zx
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂zy
            0 * jnp.ones_like(X),  # ∂2F1/∂z2
npt.assert_allclose(JF, JF_exact, atol=1e-7)

Function transformation:


fgrad can be used in a similar way to jax.grad, however the fgrad differentiates a function based on the finite difference rules.

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp
import numpy as onp  # Not jax-traceable
import finitediffx as fdx
import functools as ft
from jax.experimental import enable_x64

with enable_x64():

    def np_rosenbach2_fdx_style_1(x, y):
        """Compute the Rosenbach function for two variables in numpy."""
        return onp.power(1-x, 2) + 100*onp.power(y-onp.power(x, 2), 2)

    @ft.partial(fdx.fgrad, derivative=2)
    def np2_rosenbach2_fdx_style2(x, y):
        """Compute the Rosenbach function for two variables."""
        return onp.power(1-x, 2) + 100*onp.power(y-onp.power(x, 2), 2)

    def jnp_rosenbach2(x, y):
        """Compute the Rosenbach function for two variables."""
        return jnp.power(1-x, 2) + 100*jnp.power(y-jnp.power(x, 2), 2)

    print(jnp_rosenbach2(1., 2.))
# 402.0000951997936
# 402.0000000002219
# 402.0
Train a simple neural network using finitediff vs backprop
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = jnp.linspace(0, 1, 1_000)[:, None]
y = x**2

params = {
    "w1": jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), shape=[1, 20]),
    "b1": jnp.zeros([20]),
    "w2": jax.random.uniform(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), shape=[20, 1]),
    "b2": jnp.zeros([1]),

def forward(params: dict[str, jax.Array], x: jax.Array):
    x = x @ params["w1"] + params["b1"]
    x = jax.nn.relu(x)
    x = x @ params["w2"] + params["b2"]
    return x

def loss_func(params: dict[str, jax.Array], x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array):
    ypred = forward(params, x)
    return jnp.mean((ypred - y) ** 2)

def backprop_train_step(
    params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    x: jax.Array,
    y: jax.Array,
    lr: float,
    loss, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_func)(params, x, y)
    params = {k: v - lr * grads[k] for k, v in params.items()}
    return params, loss

def forward_train_step(
    params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    x: jax.Array,
    y: jax.Array,
    lr: float,
    loss, grads = fdx.value_and_fgrad(loss_func)(params, x, y)
    params = {k: v - lr * grads[k] for k, v in params.items()}
    return params, loss

def train(
    params: dict[str, jax.Array],
    x: jax.Array,
    y: jax.Array,
    lr: float,
    epochs: int,
    fd_grad: bool = False,
    train_step = forward_train_step if fd_grad else backprop_train_step

    for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
        params, loss = train_step(params, x, y, lr)
        if epoch % 1_000 == 0:
            print(f"Epoch {epoch} loss {loss:.3e}")
    return params

print("backprop training")
params_backprop = train(params, x, y, lr=1e-2, epochs=10_000, fd_grad=False)

print("\nfinitediff training")
params_forward = train(params, x, y, lr=1e-2, epochs=10_000, fd_grad=True)

yhat_backprop = forward(params_backprop, x)
yhat_forward = forward(params_forward, x)

plt.plot(x, y, "-k", label="y", linewidth=3)
plt.plot(x, yhat_backprop, "--r", label="yhat_backprop")
plt.plot(x, yhat_forward, "--b", label="yhat_finitediff")

# backprop training
# Epoch 1000 loss 2.005e-02
# Epoch 2000 loss 1.237e-02
# Epoch 3000 loss 4.084e-03
# Epoch 4000 loss 7.694e-04
# Epoch 5000 loss 5.541e-04
# Epoch 6000 loss 4.421e-04
# Epoch 7000 loss 2.853e-04
# Epoch 8000 loss 1.073e-04
# Epoch 9000 loss 4.786e-05
# Epoch 10000 loss 3.234e-05

# finitediff training
# Epoch 1000 loss 3.307e-03
# Epoch 2000 loss 2.012e-04
# Epoch 3000 loss 5.370e-05
# Epoch 4000 loss 3.066e-05
# Epoch 5000 loss 2.365e-05
# Epoch 6000 loss 1.993e-05
# Epoch 7000 loss 1.718e-05
# Epoch 8000 loss 1.487e-05
# Epoch 9000 loss 1.289e-05
# Epoch 10000 loss 1.122e-05



define_fdjvp combines custom_jvp and fgrad to define custom finite difference rules,when used with pure_callback it can to make non-tracable code works within jax machinary.


This example is based on the comment from jax proposed JEP

For example this code will fail to work with jax transformations, becasue it uses numpy functions.

import numpy as onp
import jax

def numpy_func(x: onp.ndarray) -> onp.ndarray:
    return onp.power(x, 2)

except jax.errors.TracerArrayConversionError as e:

# The numpy.ndarray conversion method __array__() was called on the JAX Tracer object Traced<ConcreteArray(2.0, dtype=float32, weak_type=True)>with<JVPTrace(level=2/0)> with
#   primal = 2.0
#   tangent = Traced<ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True)>with<JaxprTrace(level=1/0)> with
#     pval = (ShapedArray(float32[], weak_type=True), None)
#     recipe = LambdaBinding()
# See

We can use define_fdjvp to make this work with non-jax code

import functools as ft

import jax
from typing import Callable, Any, Union
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as onp
import finitediffx as fdx
import functools as ft

def wrap_pure_callback(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        args = [jnp.asarray(arg) for arg in args]
        func_ = lambda *a, **k: func(*a, **k).astype(a[0].dtype)
        dtype_ = jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(
            jnp.broadcast_shapes(*[ai.shape for ai in args]),
        return jax.pure_callback(func_, dtype_, *args, **kwargs, vectorized=True)

    return wrapper

@jax.jit  # -> can compile
@jax.grad  # -> can take gradient
    # automatically generate offsets
    # manually set step size
def numpy_func(x: onp.ndarray) -> onp.ndarray:
    return onp.power(x, 2)

# 1.9999794

@jax.jit  # -> can compile
@jax.grad  # -> can take gradient
    # provide the desired evaluation points for the finite difference stencil
    # in this case its centered finite difference (f(x-1) - f(x+1))/(2*step_size)
    offsets=jnp.array([1, -1]),
    # manually set step size
def numpy_func(x: onp.ndarray) -> onp.ndarray:
    return onp.power(x, 2)

# 2.0000048


Finite difference tools in JAX

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 93.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 6.3%