jeffrymorris / java-couchbase-encryption

Crypto extensions for Couchbase Java Client

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Field-Level Encryption for Couchbase Java SDK

This library adds support for Field-Level Encryption (FLE) to the Couchbase Java SDK. It includes cryptographic algorithms and keyrings you can use out of the box, and provides a framework for implementing your own crypto components.

Use of this software is subject to the Couchbase Inc. Enterprise Subscription License Agreement v7.


Couchbase Java SDK version 3.0.5 or later is required.

Maven Coordinates


Optional Dependencies

To reduce the footprint of this library, some of its dependencies are optional. Using certain features requires adding additional dependencies to your project.

HashiCorp Vault Transit integration requires Spring Vault:



To enable Field-Level Encryption, supply a CryptoManager when configuring the Java SDK's ClusterEnvironment.

KeyStore javaKeyStore = loadJavaKeyStore();
Keyring keyring = new KeyStoreKeyring(javaKeyStore, keyName -> "swordfish");

// AES-256 authenticated with HMAC SHA-512. Requires a 64-byte key.
AeadAes256CbcHmacSha512Provider provider = AeadAes256CbcHmacSha512Provider.builder()

CryptoManager cryptoManager = DefaultCryptoManager.builder()

ClusterEnvironment env = ClusterEnvironment.builder()

Cluster cluster = Cluster.connect("localhost",
    ClusterOptions.clusterOptions("username", "password")


Two modes of operation are available: transparent encryption/decryption during Jackson data binding, and manual field editing using JsonObjectCrypto.

Data Binding

Sensitive fields of your POJOs can be annotated with @Encrypted. Let's use this class as an example:

public class Employee {
  private boolean replicant;

  // alternatively you could annotate the getter or setter
  public boolean isReplicant() {
    return replicant;

  public void setReplicant(boolean replicant) {
    this.replicant = replicant;

Now let's create an employee record:

Collection collection = cluster.bucket("myBucket")

Employee employee = new Employee();
collection.upsert("employee:1234", employee);

You can get the document as a JsonObject to verify the field was encrypted:

JsonObject encrypted = collection.get("employee:1234")


Because contentAsObject() does not decrypt anything, the expected output is something like:

  "encrypted$replicant": {
    "alg": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512",
    "ciphertext": "xwcxyUyZ.....",
    "kid": "myKey"

Now let's read the employee record using data binding:

Employee readItBack = collection.get("employee:1234")


This prints true.

Using a custom ObjectMapper

The code that enables encryption/decryption during data binding is packaged as a Jackson module called EncryptionModule. You can register this module with any Jackson ObjectMapper.

You'll need to do this if you want to supply your own customized ObjectMapper for the Java SDK to use when serializing documents. Here's how to configure the cluster environment to use a a custom JSON serializer backed by your own ObjectMapper with support for Field-Level Encryption:

CryptoManager cryptoManager = createMyCryptoManager()

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new JsonValueModule()); // for JsonObject
mapper.registerModule(new EncryptionModule(cryptoManager));

// Here you can register more modules, add mixins, enable features, etc.

ClusterEnvironment env = ClusterEnvironment.builder()

Cluster cluster = Cluster.connect("localhost",
    ClusterOptions.clusterOptions("username", "password")


If you need more control of which fields get decrypted, or if you prefer working with the Couchbase JsonObject tree model, you can use a JsonObjectCrypto instance to read and write encrypted field values of a JsonObject.

Collection collection = cluster.bucket("myBucket").defaultCollection();

JsonObject document = JsonObject.create();
JsonObjectCrypto crypto = document.crypto(collection);

crypto.put("locationOfBuriedTreasure", "Between palm trees");

// This displays the encrypted form of the field

collection.upsert("treasureMap", document);

JsonObject readItBack = collection.get("treasureMap").contentAsObject();
JsonObjectCrypto readItBackCrypto = crypto.withObject(readItBack);

Creating Encryption Keys

The AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA512 algortihm included in this library uses encryption keys that are 64 bytes long.

Here's an example that shows how to create a Java key store file containing a suitable encryption key:

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
keyStore.load(null); // initialize new empty key store

// Generate 64 random bytes
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[64];

// Add a new key called "my-key" to the key store
KeyStoreKeyring.setSecretKey(keyStore, "my-key", keyBytes,

// Write the key store to disk
try (OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("MyKeystoreFile.jceks")) {, "integrity-password".toCharArray());

And here's how to use that file to create a Keyring for use with Couchbase Field-Level Encryption:

KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream("MyKeystoreFile.jceks")) {
  keyStore.load(is, "integrity-password".toCharArray());

KeyStoreKeyring keyring = new KeyStoreKeyring(
    keyStore, keyName -> "protection-password");


Crypto extensions for Couchbase Java Client



Language:Java 100.0%