jeffreyvalle / fullstack-workshop

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build out the file structure for your fullstack app and install of the the dependencies that you think you will need.

After you have built out the stucture of your app, build out your server file. Build out the the routes and controllers for GET, POST, and DELETE requests. Use Postman to make sure your routes are working.

In your database folder, create a folder called mongoose and establish a connection to your mongo database using mongoose. Export the connection to the your models.js folder and create the schema that you will want to use to store your todolist data.

Use Postman to build out your controller functionality.

In your client, create a component called App and render it the DOM.

Build out a class component called List. Inside of the component, build out functionality that will allow the user to enter a todo in an input field and send a request to your server where that data will be saved.

Inside of your List component, build out functionality that will make a get request to your database and fetch all of the todos from the list. Save those todos to an array on the client side.

Create a functional component called ListEntry and have it list out the todos stored in the array. Build functionality that will allow the user to delete the todo by clicking on a button.

Create another folder in your database called Sequelize. Comment out your mongoose connection and the models you have imported into your controller. Establish a connection to your mySQL database using sequelize. Export that connection to a models.js file. And refactor your controller logic to work with the sequelize.
