jeffgbutler / mybatis-cockroach-demo

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Demo of MyBatis and Cockroach DB

This demo is fashioned off of the Cockroach DB demos here:

The demo shows how to use MyBatis to interact with CockroachDB. The demo is a Spring Boot application and uses the MyBatis Spring Integration to make things easy to configure.

How To Run the Demo

  1. Install cockroach: brew install cockroachdb/tap/cockroach

  2. Start a Cockroach cluster: cockroach start --insecure

    You could also run CockroachDB constantly in the background with brew services start cockroachdb/tap/cockroach

  3. Connect to cockroach shell: cockroach sql --insecure

    If you are running CockroachDB from the command line, you will need to do this in a separate terminal session.

  4. Run SQL commands to create the user and database...

    GRANT ALL ON DATABASE bank TO maxroach;
  5. The application is configured to connect to CockroachDB running locally at the default port (26257). If you have CockroachDB running elsewhere, modify the values in src/main/resources/application.yml appropriately.

  6. Run the application: ./gradlew bootRun - you should see the Spring app start, then several messages about database updates. Note that this requires CockroachDB to be running and available as configured in src/main/resources/application.yml

  7. You can also run the integration tests with ./gradlew test. This will start CockroachDB in a Docker container and run the tests against that instance. This requires you to have Docker installed, but you do not need to install CockroachDB manually.



Language:Java 100.0%