This is a very minimal HTTP client library for the CEPT API. Currently, it only converts words into standard distributed representations based on the bitmap values return by the /term2bitmap endpoint.
Get CEPT API credentials here. This will give you a free trail. To upgrade to the "Beta Program", you'll need to go to the admin page and click on "Change Plan" on the right, which will notify CEPT that you'd like expanded API access. This is required for usage of pycept! Pycept depends on expanded API endpoints unavailable to the free trial.
python install
import pycept
ceptClient = pycept.Cept("your_app_id", "your_app_key")
catSdr = ceptClient.getSdr("cat")
catBitmap = ceptClient.getBitmap("cat")
similarTerms = ceptClient.bitmapToTerms(
To prevent duplicate requests to the CEPT API, pycept will cache SDR responses by default to /tmp/pycept
. You can provide your own cache directory location by specifying a cache_dir
value to the constructor:
pycept.Cept("your_app_id", "your_app_key", cache_dir="./my-cache")