jeff231li / CppND-Capstone-Ising

My Udacity C++-NanoDegree Capstone project

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CppND: Capstone Interactive 2D Ising model

This my Capstone project for the Udacity C++ Nanodegree.

Table of Contents


Capstone project for Udacity's C++ Nanodegree program consisting on an implementation of the 2D Ising model using the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm.

Most codes available requires the user to set the parameters of the simulation by changing the code and recompiling. Here, The 2D Ising model is implemented in C++ combined with the SDL library that allows the user to change simulation parameters interactively without having to change the code.

The user can change the following parameters (see the table below for all possible keyboard interaction):

  • Lattice size
  • Temperature of the system
  • Initial probability of spin distribution
  • Number of frames to skip for rendering

Example Simulation Flow

The program starts in "paused" mode with a default lattice size of 100x100, temperature value of 1.0 and the spins are initialized randomly with a probability of 0.5. Pressing the space key starts the simulation (Note: the simulation can be paused interactively using the space key at anytime). Once the spins have converged (i.e., either all pointing up or down), the simulation will be paused. The R key resets the simulation with the current lattice size and temperature value. Once a simulation is completed you can save the results by pressing the S key. The temperature, energy and spin state at each step is printed to a text file called "ising2d_results.txt". The results can be visualized using gnuplot or python-matploblit etc.

It is possible for the simulation to fall into a local minimum (i.e., the lattice never reaches a state where all the spins are pointing up or down). Instead of waiting a really long time for the simulation to converge or restarting the simulation, it is possible to get out of the local minimum by increasing the temperature. By pressing the H key, the temperature of the simulation is increased by 0.1 up to a maximum value of 3.0 interactively while the simulation is running. This will "uncluster" the spins, i.e. randomizing the spins. Then the lattice can be cooled slowly (annealing) or quickly (quenching) by pressing the C key (also in steps of 0.1).

Keyboard Interaction

The user can interact with the simulation using the following keys:

Key Action
Up Increase lattice size
Down Decrease lattice size
Right Increase number of frames to skip
Left Decrease number of frames to skip
H Increase temperature of system
C Decrease temperature of system
P Increase initial probability
O Decrease initial probability
S Save simulation results
SPACE Pause the simulation
R Restart the simulation
ESC Exit the simulation

The program will print to the terminal a "feedback" when any of the key above is pressed.

Below are the possible ranges/values for the configurable parameters

  • Lattice size (Default: 100 | N: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000)
  • Temperature (Default: 1.0 | T:0.1 → 3.0 in steps of 0.1)
  • Probability (Default: 0.5 | P: 0.1 → 0.9 in steps of 0.1)
  • Frame skip (Default: 1 | sf: 1 → 100 in steps of 10)


Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory in the top level directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./Ising2D

Project Files


main.cpp is the entry point for the program. The main function in this file sets the default values for the screen width and height (480x480) and initial lattice size (100x100). Then, the main function creates instances of the Renderer, Controller and Simulator class. Finally, the simulation is started by calling the Simulation::Run method.

renderer.h and renderer.cpp

renderer.h and renderer.cpp defines the Renderer class, which uses the SDL library to render the spins on the screen. The Renderer class constructor creates the SDL window an SDL renderer object that can draw in to the window. The Renderer::Render method draws the current lattice state to the window using the SDL renderer. The Renderer class also includes the Renderer::UpdateWindowTitle that updates the window title with the following information:

  • Current step
  • Lattice size
  • Current temperature
  • Initial spin probability
  • Frame skip
  • Simulation state (paused or running)

controller.h and controller.cpp

controller.h and controller.cpp defines the Controller class. This class handles keyboard input from the user using the SDL2 library. See table above for the possible keyboard interaction.

simulator.h and simulator.cpp

simulator.h and simulator.cpp defines the Simulator class, which controls the flow of the simulation. This class creates the Ising2D instance and contains the Simulator::Run method. This method is adapted from the Snake game example where the method includes a "game" while loop. In this loop, the method continuously checks for any user key input and runs the Ising simulation including rendering the spins with the Renderer::Render method.

ising.h and ising.cpp

ising.h and ising.cpp defines the Ising2D class. This class creates the lattice (container) for the spins, initializes the spins and flips the spins randomly using the Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. There are also a number of getter methods and controller specific methods.


array.h define a template class I created that acts as an API for 1D and 2D array. This API makes it easier to deal with multi-dimensional arrays using a 1D std::vector container. The 2D class inherits the 1D class and can be extended to 3D arrays as well (but not implemented here). There a number of methods built in to the API like reset, which deletes all elements of the array and shrinks the array. Also, operator overloading is implemented in the class, e.g. an array equal to a number sets all the element of the array to that number. The Array2D class is used to define the lattice in Ising2D.

Rubric Points

Below are the rubric points that are addressed/implemented in this project.

Loop, Functions, I/O

  • The project demonstrates an understanding of C++ functions and control structures.
  • The project reads data from a file and process the data, or the program writes data to a file. (see line 79 in simulator.cpp, the Simulator::write_results method writes the results of the simulation to a text file)
  • The project accepts user input and processes the input (this is done in the form of a keyboard interaction from the user, see controller.cpp from line 14).

Object Oriented Programming

  • The project uses Object Oriented Programming techniques.
  • Classes use appropriate access specifiers for class members (see simulator.h, controller.h, renderer.h and ising.h).
  • Class constructors utilize member initialization lists (see line 5 in ising.cpp for an example).
  • Classes abstract implementation details from their interfaces.
  • Classes encapsulate behavior.
  • Templates generalize functions in the project (see implementation of an array API in array.h).
  • Overloaded functions allow the same function to operate on different parameters (see line 57, 65 and 112 in array.h).
  • Classes follow an appropriate inheritance hierarchy (see class in array.h).

Memory management

  • The project makes use of references in function declarations.
  • The project uses destructors appropriately (see line 36 in renderer.cpp).
  • The project uses scope / Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) where appropriate (see constructor in renderer.cpp).


My Udacity C++-NanoDegree Capstone project


Language:C++ 97.9%Language:CMake 2.1%