jedwards1211 / vscode-flow-ide

Visual Studio Code extension for javascript Flowtype static type checker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An alternative-alternative Flowtype extension for Visual Studio Code. This is my heavily cleaned up fork of vscode-flow-ide. Flowtype is a static type checker meant to find errors in Javascript programs.


Autocomplete & diagnostics


Show types on hover Hover

  1. Parameter hints Param hints

  2. Inline flow type coverage Open command pallete(CTRL+SHIFT+P) -> Toggle flow coverage: you will see an inline display of the code covered by Flow.


  • Have a .flowconfig file in project root
  • Make sure you gave NodeJS in path
  • Make sure you have Flow installed globally or locally. We recommnend using flow-bin NPM package.
  • If you get the error 'types' can only be used in a .ts file, please set javascript.validate.enable option to false.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • flowide.enable: enable/disable this extension
  • flowide.pathToFlow: Absolute path to the Flow executable. Set it only if the default behaviour of the extension doesn't work out for you. The extension will try first to read it from local node_modules/flow-bin or globally if not otherwise set here.
  • flowide.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest - Add the function paramters when selecting a function to autocomple.

Known Issues

  • Parameter hints are not highlighted as the user types.

Release Notes


Made the formatting of hover provider nicer. Fixed a bug that caused caching of coverage results. Now it displays coverage as you save the files. Add go to definition capabilities( thanks @SaboteurSpk) Fix misplaced error for missing JSX props( thanks @SaboteurSpk)


Fix incorrectly detecting local Flow installs Format properly the hover text Guard against various crashes due to running flow on files it shouldn't run against


Initial release of VSCode flow-ide


Inspired by Flow for VSCode and Atom Flow-ide .


Visual Studio Code extension for javascript Flowtype static type checker

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%