jedeschaud / ct_icp

CT-ICP: Continuous-Time LiDAR Odometry

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libgflags link error

HeXu1 opened this issue · comments


Hi,thanks for your work
when I run "./slam -c robust_high_frequency_config.yaml" ,the output is "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I have install gflag in “usr/local/”. And I can't find where link gflags in cmakelists.txt.
hope for your reply,thanks a lot.


it seems well now after install libgflags. but it has “Segmentation fault” when parse param with "OPTION_CLAUSE" function.


Do you have an error associated with the Segmentation Fault (perhaps before) ?
Have you tried to debug (with a breakpoint) to know precisely where is the errror ?

I will need a bit more to be able to help you,

Best Regards,


Segmentation Fault does not occur before.
Segmentation Fault comes from parse param part with "OPTION_CLAUSE" function. I have debug it,it cannot parse any param successfully.

OPTION_CLAUSE is a MACRO, so you can look at the code it generates to see if there is any problem.

So i understand that it fails at "OPTION_CLAUSE(icp_node, icp_options, threshold_voxel_occupancy, int);"
In the main script, is that right ?

Can you:

  • Give your system specifications (OS, compiler with version, etc..)
  • Print the YAML Node before calling the OPTION_CLAUSE

my OS: Ubuntu16.04
compiler with version :gcc8
And i print yaml node in "SLAMOptions read_config(const std::string &config_path)" function,the output is:
slam_node: max_num_threads: 1
save_trajectory: true
suspend_on_failure: false
output_dir: .outputs
all_sequences: true
sequence: ""
start_index: 0
max_frames: -1
display_debug: true
dataset: NCLT
root_path: /home/cidi/slam_data/ct-slam/2012-01-08
fail_if_incomplete: false
min_dist_lidar_center: 0.5
max_dist_lidar_center: 100.0
nclt_num_aggregated_pc: 220
voxel_size: 0.3
sample_voxel_size: 1.5
max_distance: 200.0
max_num_points_in_voxel: 20
debug_print: true
min_distance_points: 0.15
distance_error_threshold: 100.0
motion_compensation: CONTINUOUS
initialization: INIT_NONE
init_num_frames: 20
robust_registration: true
robust_full_voxel_threshold: 0.6
robust_num_attempts: 3
robust_max_voxel_neighborhood: 4
robust_threshold_relative_orientation: 2
robust_threshold_ego_orientation: 2
log_to_file: false
debug_viz: true
size_voxel_map: 0.8
num_iters_icp: 30
min_number_neighbors: 20
threshold_voxel_occupancy: 5
voxel_neighborhood: 1
max_number_neighbors: 20
max_dist_to_plane_icp: 0.5
power_planarity: 2
threshold_orientation_norm: 0.1
threshold_translation_norm: 0.01
debug_print: false
point_to_plane_with_distortion: false
num_closest_neighbors: 1
beta_location_consistency: 0.001
beta_constant_velocity: 0.000
beta_orientation_consistency: 0.000
beta_small_velocity: 0.01
solver: CERES
debug_viz: true
min_num_residuals: 200
max_num_residuals: 600
loss_function: CAUCHY
ls_max_num_iters: 10
ls_num_threads: 8
ls_sigma: 0.2
ls_tolerant_min_threshold: 0.05
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


and i'm confused with "kitti_raw_transform_trajectory_frame()" function:
R_Tr,T_Tr: does this mean extrinsic lidar to left camera ,T_lidar2came;
center_R,center_t: does this mean lidar absolute pose ,T_lidar2world;
And follows transformation means T_lidar2cameT_lidar2worldinv(T_lidar2came)? it seems not right.
center_R = R_Tr * center_R * R_Tr.transpose();
center_t = -center_R * T_Tr + T_Tr + R_Tr * center_t;

thanks a lot.


T_lidar2came * T_lidar2world * inv(T_lidar2came)


I rebuild it with gcc-9,it works when build with ".\ Release "Unix Makefiles" ON OFF" ,but failed with ".\ Release "Unix Makefiles" ON ON". the output is "Target glfw could not be found". the glfw has installed in "cmake-build-Release/external" path,but cann't link well.
hope for your reply,thanks.


I have fixed it by replace "find_package(glfw3 REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${GLFW_DIR})" with "find_package(glfw3 3.3 REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${GLFW_DIR})" in external.cmake file.

So it didn't work with gcc8 ? That is strange as I had no problem with gcc-7.5. I will investigate.

Your latest problem is probably due to conflicting glfw installed on your system and cmake-build-Release/external

The "proper way" to fix it would be to add NO_DEFAULT_PATH to the cmake command


  1. yes, gcc8 didn't work.
  2. I build successfully with "find_package(glfw3 REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS ${GLFW_DIR} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)"
  3. and the last problem about "center_R = R_Tr * center_R * R_Tr.transpose()", I understand the first "R_Tr" means transformation from lidar odometry to visual odometry . because the two odometry start at the same the extrinsic pram means the two odometry's transformation.
    thanks a lot.

And by the way, how to change pcd file to ply used in ct-icp. I found the "writeFile()" function in "PlyFile.h" ,but I cann't use it well. thanks.