jecklgamis / cucumber-jvm-scala-example

Example project using Cucumber-JVM and Scala steps

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Cucumber JVM Scala Example



  • JDK 21

This is an example Cucumber-JVM project.

  • Uses Scala step definitions
  • Packages tests into executable jar file

Getting Started

If you're new to Cucumber testing, start with Otherwise, run the example test in IDE or command line (see Running Cucumber Tests).

Essential Elements

  • Feature files - contains the BDD feature definitions (Gherkin, e.g. Example.feature)
  • Step definitions - Implementation of the step definitions (Scala, e.g. ExampleSteps.scala)
  • Test runners - run specific feature set ( Scala with Junit annotations, e.g. ExampleTestRunner.scala).

Creating Tests

  • Create or update feature file in src/main/resources/features
  • Implement or update steps in src/main/scala/steps
  • Create or update test runner in src/test/scala/runner with the appropriate tags

Intellij :

  • Install Scala plugin
  • Install Cucumber for Scala plugin (this allows easy navigation of glue steps)

Creating Feature Files


Feature: Example feature

  Scenario: Example scenario
    Given this pre condition
    And this pre condition
    When I do this
    And I do this
    Then I can verify that
    And I can also verify that

Creating Test Runner

See the example below and change the appropriate values of the CucumberOptions annotation.

  features = Array("classpath:features/Example.feature"),
  tags = Array("not @Wip"),
  glue = Array("classpath:steps"),
  plugin = Array("pretty", "html:target/cucumber/html"))
class ExampleFeatureRunner
  • This runs all scenarios in Example.feature not tagged with @Wip
  • The step definitions are loaded from class path steps
  • This generates reports in target/cucumber/html folder relative to some execution path

ANDing, NEGating, and ORing Cucumber Tags

  • not negates a tag
  • Comma separated tags are ORed (example tags = Array("@FeatureSet1,@FeatureSet2") means run both feature sets)
  • Separated tags are ANDed (example tags = Array("not @Wip","@FeatureSet1") means run @FeatureSet1 but not those tagged with @Wip)

Implementing Steps/Glue

After you create the feature files, run the test runner, it will give you hints on the missing steps you need to implement

Example (ExampleSteps.scala)

Given("""^this pre condition$""") { () =>
    //// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  When("""^I do this$""") { () =>
    //// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  Then("""^I can verify that$""") { () =>
    //// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  Then("""^I can also verify that$""") { () =>
    //// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions

Running Cucumber Tests from CLI

Using maven test:

mvn test

Using executable jar file:

mvn clean package
PLUGINS="--plugin pretty --plugin html:cucumber/html --plugin json:cucumber/json/cucumber.json"
java -jar target/cucumber-jvm-scala-example.jar ${PLUGINS} --glue steps classpath:features  --tags "not @Wip" --tags @ExampleFeature

Using maven exec:plugin:

PLUGINS="--plugin pretty --plugin html:cucumber/html --plugin json:cucumber/json/cucumber.json"
mvn exec:java -Dcucumber.options="${PLUGINS} --tags @ExampleFeature --tags 'not @Wip' --glue steps classpath:features"

The above command line examples generate reports in cucumber/html and in cucumber/json directories.

Using Docker:

Build Docker image (see

docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG} .

Run Docker image (see


ARGS=${ARGS:-"--plugin pretty --plugin html:cucumber/html --plugin json:cucumber/json/cucumber.json --glue steps classpath:features --tags @ExampleFeature"}

docker run -e "JAVA_OPTS=${JAVA_OPTS}" -e "ARGS=${ARGS}" ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_TAG}

Running Cucumber Tests from IDE


In the `Run/Debug Configuration` , add the steps directories (in this example, `steps`) in the `Glue` text field
and right click on a specific feature then click Run.

Sharing State In Steps

  • A number of options here, instance variables, thread local map.

Other Cucumber-JVM Examples



Example project using Cucumber-JVM and Scala steps

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 35.8%Language:Shell 34.3%Language:Dockerfile 13.1%Language:Makefile 9.9%Language:Gherkin 6.9%