jearle / jada

Simple JavaScript datastore

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jada is a simple, lightweight library for storing data. It does not update localStorage, nor does it provide hooks for syncing data to a server. It simply gets and sets data, and provides hooks for listening to when data has been set both before and after.


npm install jada


Jada is 2.6kb in size when minified.


var datastore = Jada.create();

function listenerFired (label, key, oldValue, newValue) {
  var currentValue = datastore.get(key);

  console.log('          Key: ' + key);
  console.log('Current Value: ' + currentValue);
  console.log('    Old Value: ' + oldValue);
  console.log('    New Value: ' + newValue);

// Fires twice,
// once before setting 'my-key' and
// once before setting 'my-other-key'
// This callback will fire before any key is set.
datastore.before(function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  listenerFired('Before All', key, oldValue, newValue);

// Fires twice,
// once after setting 'my-key' and
// once after setting 'my-other-key'
// This callback will fire after any key is set.
datastore.after(function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  listenerFired('After All', key, oldValue, newValue);

// Fires once,
// once before setting 'my-key'
// This callback will fire once before the specified key is set.
datastore.before('my-key', function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  listenerFired('Before my-key', key, oldValue, newValue);

// Fires once,
// once after setting 'my-key'
// This callback will fire once after the specified key is set.
datastore.after('my-key', function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  listenerFired('After my-key', key, oldValue, newValue);

// Sets 'my-key' to the value 'Hello, world!'
datastore.set('my-key', 'Hello, World!');

// Sets 'my-other-key' to the value 'Goodbye, Bob!'
datastore.set('my-other-key', 'Goodbye, Bob!');

// This will log the value 'Hello, World!'
// for the key 'my-key'.

// This will log the value 'Goodbye, Bob!'
// for the key 'my-other-key'.

The above will output the following log:

Before All
          Key: my-key
Current Value: undefined
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Hello, World!

Before my-key
          Key: my-key
Current Value: undefined
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Hello, World!

After All
          Key: my-key
Current Value: Hello, World!
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Hello, World!

After my-key
          Key: my-key
Current Value: Hello, World!
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Hello, World!

Before All
          Key: my-other-key
Current Value: undefined
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Goodbye, Bob!

After All
          Key: my-other-key
Current Value: Goodbye, Bob!
    Old Value: undefined
    New Value: Goodbye, Bob!

Hello, World!
Goodbye, Bob!


The Jada API consists of a very simple set of verbs for manipulating and listening to the data within your store.

Jada Singleton


Create is the sole method on the Jada object. It is used to create a datastore instance.


Creating a datastore with no predefined values.

var datastore = Jada.create();

Creating a datastore with predefined values.

var datastore = Jada.create({ 'my-key': 'Hello, World!'});

console.log(datastore.get('my-key')); // outputs 'Hello, World!'

Datastore Instance


Get the current value associated with the specified key.


var datastore = Jada.create({ 'key': [1, 2, 3] });

var val = datastore.get('key');

console.log(val); // outputs [ 1, 2, 3 ]

set(key, value)

Sets a key to the specified value.


var datastore = Jada.create();

datastore.set('my-key', { name: 'Jesse' });

var val = datastore.get('my-key');

console.log(val); // outputs { name: 'Jesse' }


Removes both the key and value from the datastore.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse' });

console.log(datastore.get('name')); // outputs 'Jesse'


console.log(datastore.get('name')); // outputs undefined


Dumps the entire contents of the data store as a javascript object.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse' });

console.log(datastore.dump()); // outputs { name: 'Jesse' }


Returns an array of all the keys within the datastore.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse', height: '4 foot nothin' });

console.log(datastore.keys()); // outputs [ 'name', 'height' ]


Clears all the data out of the datastore.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse' });

console.log(datastore.dump()); // outputs { name: 'Jesse' }


console.log(datastore.dump()); // outputs {}

before([key], callback)

The before listener fires before a key is set. The key is optional, if only a callback is provided, then the callback will fire before all keys are set.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse', height: '4 foot nothin' });

// Only fires when 'name' is set.
datastore.before('name', function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  var currentValue = datastore.get(key);
  console.log(currentValue === oldValue); // outputs true

// Fires before any key is set
datastore.before(function (key, oldValue, newValue) {

datastore.set('name', 'Fred'); // outputs true
                               // outputs 'name'

datastore.set('height', '6 foot'); // outputs 'height'

after([key], callback)

The after listener fires after a key is set. The key is optional, if only a callback is provided, then the callback will fire after all keys are set.


var datastore = Jada.create({ name: 'Jesse', height: '4 foot nothin' });

// Only fires after 'name' is set.
datastore.after('name', function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
  var currentValue = datastore.get(key);
  console.log(currentValue === newValue); // outputs true

// Fires after any key is set
datastore.after(function (key, oldValue, newValue) {

datastore.set('name', 'Fred'); // outputs true
                               // outputs 'name'

datastore.set('height', '6 foot'); // outputs 'height'


Simple JavaScript datastore


Language:JavaScript 100.0%