jeanwang2dev / shopping-cart-update

Shopping Cart project update from web230

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shopping-cart project

This is an online-shopping website base on a WCC course. This project is built using MEAN Stack, AJAX and Bootstrap3.

Project Online demo is at

You can Re-Create the Project on Digital Ocean

Getting Started

Setting up the environment on your server

  1. Create a droplet with Ubuntu operating system under your Digital Ocean account

  2. Root login after receiving the email from Digital Ocean with ssh root@your ip address

  3. Create a New User with adduser USERNAME

  4. Add your new user to the sudo group with usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

    Note : remember to log out and login with your new user. shouldn't run node with root.

  5. You can also setup SSH access to the droplet, more info here

  6. Set up the ufw firewall, more info here

  7. Install node.js and npm on Ubuntu, better use nvm so you can switch between versions.

  8. Installing MongoDB and secure it, more info here Or connect to a cloud mongodb database like the mongodb atlas

Create collections in Mongodb if you install Mongodb yourself

  1. Login to Mongodb with the admin user you created before mongo -u USERNAME -p --authenticationDatabase admin
  2. Create your database and add a user to the database
show dbs
use classProject
... {
...    user: "DB_USER",
...     pwd: "DB_PASS",
...    roles: [ {role: "readWrite", db: "DB_NAME" } ]
... });
  1. Then Logout Mongodb, login with the new user you created, then create four collections for the project.
mongo -u CharlotteHale -p --authenticationDatabase classProject
use classProject
show collections
  1. Create a initial first admin user and log out
db.admins.insert({ username: "firstuser", password: "$2b$10$90FnudVyfAwjiaRfETKvQunWB2/Fy4/jJBOJnGMCTXHh5LFnvdb6a"});

you can confirm the insert with db.admins.find().pretty()

NOTE: the password is using bcrypt hashing function to compute.

Set up the Website

  1. Git clone the repo to your sever
  2. Create .env file and put in your MongoDB information NOTE the env file has not simicolon or other pucuation, it looks like
DB_USERNAME = Your DB UserName
DB_PASSWORD = Your DB Password
  1. in the directory of the project run npm install
  2. then run node index.js you should see
Server up : http://YOURSERVERIP:PORT
Mongoose Connected.

you can visit the webiste from the browser by typing http://yourserverip:port


Shopping Cart project update from web230


Language:JavaScript 82.5%Language:Handlebars 14.6%Language:CSS 2.9%