jeanwang2dev / scrimba-tenzies

Scrimba course Learn React Tenzies project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scrimba Course Tenzies Preject

with tailwindcss and webpack5

  • Challenge: Start a brand new React app!

    • Create a separate App component
    • Import and render the App component here
    • In the App component, render a element
    • Style everything to look like the slide
  • Challenge:

    • Write a function (allNewDice) that returns an array
    • of 10 random numbers between 1-6 inclusive.
    • Log the array of numbers to the console for now
  • Challenge:

    • Create state to hold our array of numbers. (Initialize
    • the state by calling our allNewDice function so it
    • loads all new dice as soon as the app loads)
    • Map over the state numbers array to generate our array
    • of Die elements and render those in place of our
    • manually-written 10 Die elements.
  • Challenge: Update the array of numbers in state to be

    • an array of objects instead. Each object should look like:
    • { value: , isHeld: false }
    • Making this change will break parts of our code, so make
    • sure to update things so we're back to a working state
  • Challenge: Add conditional styling to the Die component

    • so that if it's held (isHeld === true), its background color
    • changes to a light green (#59E391)
    • Remember: currently the Die component has no way of knowing
    • if it's "held" or not.
  • Challenge: Create a function holdDice that takes

    • id as a parameter. For now, just have the function
    • console.log(id).
    • Then, figure out how to pass that function down to each
    • instance of the Die component so when each one is clicked,
    • it logs its own unique ID property. (Hint: there's more
    • than one way to make that work, so just choose whichever
    • you want)
  • Challenge: Update the holdDice function to flip

    • the isHeld property on the object in the array
    • that was clicked, based on the id prop passed
    • into the function.
    • Hint: as usual, there's > 1 way to accomplish this.
    • I'll be using and checking for the id
    • of the die to determine which one to flip isHeld on,
    • but you can do whichever way makes the most sense to you.
  • Challenge: Update the rollDice function to not just roll

    • all new dice, but instead to look through the existing dice
    • to NOT roll any that are being held.
    • Hint: this will look relatively similiar to the holdDice
    • function below. When creating new dice, remember to use
    • id: nanoid() so any new dice have an id as well.
  • Challenge:

      1. Add new state called tenzies, default to false. It
    • represents whether the user has won the game yet or not.
      1. Add an effect that runs every time the dice state array
    • changes. For now, just console.log("Dice state changed").
  • Challenge: Check the dice array for these winning conditions:

      1. All dice are held, and
      1. all dice have the same value
    • If both conditions are true, set tenzies to true and log
    • "You won!" to the console
  • Challenge: Tie off loose ends!

      1. If tenzies is true, Change the button text to "New Game"
      1. If tenzies is true, use the "react-confetti" package to
    • render the component 🎉
    • Hint: don't worry about the height and width props
    • it mentions in the documentation.
  • Challenge: Allow the user to play a new game when the button is clicked and they've already won

  • Extra Credit

    • put real dots on the dice with css
    • track the numer of rolls
    • track the time it took to win
    • save your best time to localStorage
    • reference work that others did link


Scrimba course Learn React Tenzies project


Language:JavaScript 89.1%Language:CSS 7.2%Language:HTML 3.7%