jean-merelis / yo-lib

Angular components library example (with preview app and docs).

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Example of reusable angular components library.


Repo should be used as a template for creating of your own library with reusable Angular 5 components, services, pipes, etc.

Library development

Clone this repository on your local machine. Also, it would be better if you have @angular/cli installed globally.

git clone
cd yo-lib/source

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no sense in installing and using library with name 'yo-lib' in your angular 5 project, because it will bring just a bundled package with two test/demo components. You may do that for testing purposes if you want (examples provided in the 'using in project' section). So I recommend to rename library and reset version in package.json just after you have cloned this repository

Ok, now you are in the library source directory, which actually is a simple but a bit tricky Angular app.

npm install

Get in touch with existing components (aka preview/development mode)

Make sure that you are in the source folder. Simply serve the preview app.

npm run serve

Or, I would recommend to run it with the basic docs using this command:

npm run serve:wd

Now the preview app is running at your localhost:4444 By the way, generated docs will appear in documentation folder (gitignored by default).

alt text

Creating new component

FYI: this section should be automated in the nearest future. Please be careful and patient, generate new components and their previews using same syntax as in example. Also, all commands below should be executed from the source directory.

Imagine, that we need to create yo-user component. ('yo' prefix is just for example. Use your own prefix.) Let's start from creating a separate module:

ng g m yo-user

It means "generate module yo-user". New module will be created in src/app/yo-user directory/

Now generate our component in the same place and in the same way:

ng g c yo-user

And now lets generate a preview for our new component (which will be available in the preview app soon):

ng g c previews/yo-user-preview

NOTE: I am using consistent namings for components and module. It starts from 'yo-'' then I place name ('user'). For preview component I am using same construction but with the 'previews/' in the beginning and the '-preview' postfix.

Now let's add few final changes to make our component ready for using in the preview and external apps.

In the yo-user.module file add 'exports' line with our component:

declarations: [YoUserComponent],
exports: [YoUserComponent]         //add this

Now in the source directory find public_api.ts file (it lists what is exported by our lib). Add line below others and export module.

export * from './src/app/yo-user/yo-user.module';

After library rebuild our component will be available for using in external apps. But let's add its own route in our preview app. Go to src/app/app.routes file and add a route for our YoUserPreviewComponent:

    path: 'yo-user',
    component: YoUserPreviewComponent

And the last step, add it to the componentsList in app.component to create new link in preview app.

componentsList: [... , 'yo-user'];

After that place your 'yo-user' component into 'yo-user-preview' component template. (Look at yo-test and yo-loader examples in previews folder) That is all. Now you can easily start to develop your component and check it in preview component.


Increment version in package.json (in the 'source' directory) and simply run:

npm run build:lib

And then:

npm publish ../lib

NOTE: Commands are executed from ./source directory.

Using in project

Installing is simple. First of all switch into root directory of your angular 5 project.

cd my-angular-project

And now install your library using :

npm install --save yo-lib  // or YOUR YOUR PUBLISHED LIBRARY NAME

Simply import necessary modules into your app.module. After that you can use a component (or even few) which is exported byt that module. Feel free to use YoTestModule for testing if library is installed correctly (ofc, if you have not removed it before publishing your library):

//your app.module.ts
 import YoTestModule from { yo-lib }

 imports: [

After that, place this line into any template of your project:

<yo-test [interval]="1000">Yo library!</yo-test>

Then, if you see green rectangle with blinking text - everything is OK.

Local development.

Changing or fixing existing components with immediate (almost) changes applying in particular app.

Step one. In Angular app change library import name to lib directory of local yo-lib project. For example:

import { YoTestModule } from '../../../yo-lib/lib';   // before it was 'yo-lib'

Step two. Extend 'compilerOptions' field of tsconfig.json in root of your angular app. (It is necessary for local development).

"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
  "@angular/*": [

Step three. Back to library source and make necessary changes. Then just rebuild lib (about 7-10 secs). Refreshed library will be put into ../lib directory, so all running apps which are linked to the lib will get changes immediately.

npm run build:lib

If you prefer to use watch mode (aka live-reload), then instead of manual rebuilding run shown below command before starting work. This mode is experimental.

npm run build:lib:watch

NOTE: Commands should be run from the ./source directory!

Built With

  • ng-packagr - Young but cool tool for packaging Angular libraries
  • Compodoc - Documentation tool for Angular app.


Artem Arkhipov


  • If you experience troubles with third-party dependencies in you library:
    • info - Base info from ng-packagr team


Angular components library example (with preview app and docs).


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