- combination: return all possible combinations of n choose k
- container: stores any type of data
- diffdir: vimdiff over many directories
- directory: allow to search for a file in directories
- factorial: implements of a naive factorial function for int (actually, used to test Chrono.hpp)
- fit: wrapper of the library cminpack.h that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
- gnuplot: write a gnuplot script and provide a "compiler" for gnuplot files (*.gp->*.pdf/*.png/*.jpg)
- header: allows to write a header(footer) in a *.jdbin file
- interpolation: use of radial basis functions to perform multi-dimensional fits
- iofiles: custom file format that works with my other classes and allow easy read/write processes of text or binary files
- jdtools: allows to find, read and convert *.jdbin files
- lib : main folder containing all source files for all custom classes
- linux: allows to launch system command
- list: custom linked list that supports my other classes
- matrix-lapack: naive implementation matrices (for double and std::complex) that allows an easy use of LAPACK routines via the class Lapack
- miscellaneous: defines a namespace my with simple tools
- multi-dim-array: failed and aborted attempt to create multi-dimensional arrays
- optimisation: implement a simple optimisation algorithm
- parseur: récupère les arguments du main et fourni une méthode d'assertion de valeur
- prime: génère les n premiers nombres premier
- pso: Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithm
- pstricks2pdf: create a pstriks figure from a *.tex file
- rand: random numbers generator provided by Sandro Sorella
- rst: provides tools to write a rst file
- run: allow to run a software exactly n times when it is launched N>n time
- sampling: class that performs the binning analysis during the Monte-Carlo process. could be improved a lot by using M.Troyer's idea
- time: class that handle the time, chrono
- tofraction: simple method that transform a fractional number to fraction
- young: compute the product of Young tableaux