jdthorpe / batch-config

Helpers for Azure Batch Configuration

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Opinionated convenience wrappers and best practices for Azure Batch


In principal Azure Batch can often speed up your long running for loops by several orders of magnitude, but converting your code to run in Azure Batch requires a good bit of configuration and there are a great variety of ways to do it. This package aims to simplify that process dramatically, and institutes some best practices too.

For example, the following code contains a nested for loop with work which can be spread across multiple workers and orchestrated by Azure Batch:

import numpy as np

SIZE = (10,)
SEEDS = (1, 12, 123, 1234)

out = np.zeros((len(SEEDS),))
for i, seed in enumerate(SEEDS):
    tmp = np.random.uniform(size=SIZE)
    out[i] = sum(np.power(tmp, POWER))


However, to leverage azure batch, we'll need to:

  • Set up an Azure Batch instance.
  • Bundle the code which does the actual work into it's own script.
  • Tell Azure Batch about each of the individual bits of work that need to be done (i.e. the for i, seed in enumerate(SEEDS) part)
  • Collect the results of each task
  • Aggregate the intermediate results to produce our final result (i.e the sum(out) part)

This module aims to make this process as smooth as possible, and will take some opinions on how to do so in order to reduce the amount of research you need to do and code you need to write to get your job up and running with Azure Batch. Specifically:

  • The Azure Batch instance will be set up using the Azure command line utility az. This makes setting up the Azure Batch Instance fast and repeatable, and allows us to authenticate without having to store credentials, which is a security best practice.
  • The code to be executed by azure batch will be bundled into a docker image. Using docker ensures that our code can be tested locally and then run in Azure Batch in the exact same computing environment without having to write custom scripts to configure the VMs which will run our code.

Overview of the solution

Azure batch is responsible for (1) loading our code into a computing environment, (2) loading the data that our code requires into the file system of that environment, (3) executing our code, (4) collecting the data produced by our code.

Therefor, we will need to:

  1. Bundle our code
  2. Specify where our code will read in required data and write results
  3. Run our code in Azure Batch
  4. Collect the results
  5. Shut down the Azure Batch instance

Step 0: specify the input and output file names

This module contains constants that for the contract between the controller which tells Azure Batch about the individual tasks that need to be completed, and the worker which executes an individual task.

# ./constants.py
GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE = "config.pickle"
TASK_INPUTS_FILE = "inputs.pickle"
TASK_OUTPUTS_FILE = "outputs.pickle"
LOCAL_INPUTS_PATTERN = "task_{}_inputs.pickle"
LOCAL_OUTPUTS_PATTERN = "task_{}_outputs.pickle"

Aside: In this example we'll be passing python pickle files between the controller and worker, because both the worker and the controller are written in python. While the SuperBatch helper scripts are written in Python, this package can be used to automate work which gets done in any language. Docker images exist for a great variety of languages, and using a worker from another language stack simply requires changing the files written and read from python .pickles to something more language agnostic, such as csv, yaml, json, or feather (to name a few).

Step 1: Write the worker code

First, we'll bundle our worker into a python script which is responsible for running a single task. Specifically, it reads in the global and iteration specific configuration, does the work, and writes the results to file in the local computing environment.

# ./worker.py
import numpy as np
import joblib

# Read the designated global config and iteration parameter files
global_config = joblib.load(GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE)
parameters = joblib.load(TASK_INPUTS_FILE)

# Do the actual work
out = sum( np.power(np.random.uniform(size=global_config["size"]), global_config["power"]))

# Write the results to the designated output file
joblib.dump(out, TASK_OUTPUTS_FILE)

Step 2: Build a docker image with your worker code

Next, we need to bundle this code so that it can be executed by Azure Batch. We'll use docker to bundle the code and it's dependencies, which requires writing a docker file like the following:

# ./Dockerfile
FROM python:3.7
RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
    && pip install numpy joblib
COPY worker.py .
COPY constants.py .

Best practice tip

In the above docker file, we explicitly installed two packages (numpy and joblib), but if your code requires more packages and you know your code runs locally, you can call pip freeze from the command line and copy the results of that call to a file called requirements.txt. Then simply copy the requirements file into the docker image and install the exact versions of your requirements into the docker image like so:

# ./Dockerfile
FROM python:3.7
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --upgrade pip \
    && pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY worker.py .
COPY constants.py .

Build and publish the docker image

To create a docker image locally, navigate to the project directory and call:

docker build -t myusername/sum-of-powers:v1 .

At this point, the docker image needs to be uploaded to a registry that is accessible to Azure Batch. If you own that user name (myusername) at Docker Hub and are logged in, you can push your code to a publicly available registry like so:

docker push myusername/sum-of-powers:v1

However, if you wish to keep your code private, you'll need to use a private registry such as Azure Container Registry which can be created at the command line via az acr create or via the web portal.

Once your private Azure Container Registry has been created, you can build, tag, and upload your image like so:

# build the image locally
docker build -t sum-of-powers:v1 .
# login to Azure and the container registry
az login
az acr login --name myownprivateregistry
# tag the local image
docker tag sum-of-powers:v1 myownprivateregistry.azurecr.io/sum-of-powers:v1
# push the image to the private registry
docker push myownprivateregistry.azurecr.io/sum-of-powers:v1

Step 3: Write the controller

We need to tell azure batch about our tasks, run the tasks, wait for their completion, download the results. The following script leverages a helper provided by super_batch, which can be installed via:

pip install git+https://github.com/jdthorpe/batch-config

Finally, while the following is one of the longer scripts you'll need to write, it can be written by adding the boiler plate code to you're original code containing the for loop containing the tasks that are to be deligated to Azure Batch.

You'll most likely just need to update it with your batch configuration preferences (e.g. vm size, node counts, etc), the name of your docker image, and then replace the body of the for loop from your original code with the boiler plate code in the for loop below:

# ./controller.py
import os
import datetime
import pathlib
import joblib
import super_batch
from constants import (

# used to generate unique task names:
_TIMESTAMP = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# a local directory where temporary files will be stored:
BATCH_DIRECTORY = os.path.expanduser("~/temp/super-batch-test")
pathlib.Path(BATCH_DIRECTORY).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# The `$name` of our created resources:
NAME = "superbatchtest"

batch_client = super_batch.client(
    COMMAND_LINE="python /worker.py",

global_parameters = {"power": 3, "size": (10,)}
joblib.dump( global_parameters, os.path.join(BATCH_DIRECTORY, GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE))
global_parameters_resource = batch_client.build_resource_file(

SEEDS = (1, 12, 123, 1234)
for i, seed in enumerate(SEEDS):
    param_file = LOCAL_INPUTS_PATTERN.format(i)
    joblib.dump({"seed": seed}, os.path.join(BATCH_DIRECTORY, param_file))
    input_resource = batch_client.build_resource_file(param_file, TASK_INPUTS_FILE)

    output_resource = batch_client.build_output_file(

        [input_resource, global_parameters_resource], [output_resource]


out = [None] * len(SEEDS)
for i in range(len(SEEDS)):
    fpath = os.path.join(BATCH_DIRECTORY, LOCAL_OUTPUTS_PATTERN.format(i))
    out[i] = joblib.load(fpath)

Step 4: Create the Required Azure resources

Using Azure batch requires an azure account, and we'll demonstrate how to run this module using the azure command line tool.

After logging into the console with az login (and potentially setting the default subscription with az account set -s <subscription>), you'll need to create an azure resource group into which the batch account is created. In addition, the azure batch service requires a storage account which is used to keep track of details of the jobs and tasks.

Although the resource group, storage account and batch account could have different names, for sake of exposition, we'll give them all the same name and locate them in the US West 2 region, like so:

Best Practice Tip: Use a dedicated resource group for your Azure Batch resources. This ensures that you can delete all the azure resources when you are done with a single command (az rg delete or via the portal) in order to avoid unnecessary charges to your Azure subscription when you have finished with your batch jobs.

Examples are for included for the bash, cmd, and powershell:


# parameters
$name = "azurebatchtest"
$location = "westus2"
# create the resources
az group create -l $location -n $name
az storage account create -n $name -g $name
az batch account create -l $location -n $name -g $name --storage-account $name


# parameters
# create the resources
az group create -l $location -n $name
az storage account create -n $name -g $name
az batch account create -l $location -n $name -g $name --storage-account $name


REM parameters
set name=azurebatchtest
set location=westus2
REM create the resources
az group create -l %location% -n %name%
az storage account create -n %name% -g %name%
az batch account create -l %location% -n %name% -g %name% --storage-account %name%

(Aside: since we're using the name for parameter for the resource group, storage account and batch account, it must consist of 3-24 lower case, letters and be unique across all of azure)

Gather Resource Credentials

In order to run our tasks in Azure batch, we need credentials for each of the azure resources (e.g. azure batch, storage, and optionally the azure container registry). The strategy employed by this package is to log in to the Azure CLI (az login) and export the necessary credentials as local variables in the terminal session.

After exporting these credentials, when the controller is executed in the same terminal session, super batch will read in credentials from local environment.

This implements the security best practice of least privilege (as our code only has the permissions to run a batch job and nothing more) and compartmentalization (as the credentials only handled by az and are never stored outside the terminal session).

Again, examples are for included for the bash, cmd, and powershell:


$env:BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY =  (az batch account keys list -n $name -g $name --query primary) -replace '"',''
$env:BATCH_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT =  (az batch account show -n $name -g $name --query accountEndpoint) -replace '"',''
$env:STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY = (az storage account keys list -n $name --query [0].value) -replace '"',''
$env:STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING= (az storage account show-connection-string --name $name --query connectionString) -replace '"',''


# Query the required parameters
export BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az batch account keys list -n $name -g $name --query primary)
export BATCH_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT=$(az batch account show -n $name -g $name --query accountEndpoint)
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(az storage account keys list -n $name --query [0].value)
export STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az storage account show-connection-string --name $name --query connectionString)
# clean up the quotes
BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY")
BATCH_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$BATCH_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT")
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY")


REM Query the required parameters
for /f %i in ('az batch account keys list -n %name% -g %name% --query primary') do @set BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY=%i
for /f %i in ('az storage account keys list -n %name% --query [0].value') do @set STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY=%i
for /f %i in ('az batch account show -n %name% -g %rgname% --query accountEndpoint') do @set BATCH_ACCOUNT_ENDPOINT=%i
for /f %i in ('az storage account show-connection-string --name $name --query connectionString') do @set STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING=%i
REM clean up the quotes

*Note, if used within a .bat file, replace %i with %%i above.

If using a private Azure Container Registry, you'll also need to export the following credentials:


$AZURE_CR_NAME = "MyOwnPrivateRegistry"
# only required once:
az acr update -n $AZURE_CR_NAME --admin-enabled true
$REGISTRY_SERVER = (az acr show -n $AZURE_CR_NAME --query loginServer) -replace '"',''
$REGISTRY_USERNAME = (az acr credential show -n $AZURE_CR_NAME --query username) -replace '"',''
$REGISTRY_PASSWORD = (az acr credential show -n $AZURE_CR_NAME --query passwords[0].value) -replace '"',''


export AZURE_CR_NAME="MyOwnPrivateRegistry"
# only required once:
az acr update -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --admin-enabled true
export REGISTRY_SERVER=$(az acr show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query loginServer)
export REGISTRY_USERNAME=$(az acr credential show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query username)
export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(az acr credential show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query passwords[0].value)


set AZURE_CR_NAME=MyOwnPrivateRegistry
REM Only required once:
az acr update -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --admin-enabled true
for /f %i in ('az acr show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query loginServer') do @set REGISTRY_SERVER=%i
for /f %i in ('az acr credential show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query username') do @set REGISTRY_USERNAME=%i
for /f %i in ('az acr credential show -n %AZURE_CR_NAME% --query passwords[0].value') do @set REGISTRY_PASSWORD=%i
REGISTRY_SERVER=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$REGISTRY_SERVER")
REGISTRY_USERNAME=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$REGISTRY_USERNAME")
REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$REGISTRY_PASSWORD")

Step 5: Execute the Batch Job

In the following Python script, a Batch configuration is created and the batch job is executed with Azure Batch. Note that the Batch Account and Storage Account details can be provided directly to the BatchConfig, with default values taken from the system environment.

python controller.py

Note that the pool configuration will only be used to create a new pool if no pool with the id specified by the POOL_ID exists. If a pool with that id already exists, these parameters are ignored and will not update the pool configuration. Changing pool attrributes such as type or quantity of nodes can be done through the Azure Portal, Azure Batch Explorer or the Azure CLI.

Note that if there is an error in your worker code, you can update your worker by incrementing the version portion of the tag (e.g v1 to v2), and then rebuild, publish your docker image (Step x), and updating the DOCKER_IMAGE name in your controller.py script.

Step 6: Clean Up

In order to prevent unexpected charges, the resource group, including all the resources it contains, such as the storge account and batch pools, can be removed with the following command:

Powershell and Bash

az group delete -n $name


az group delete -n %name%


Helpers for Azure Batch Configuration

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%