jdormit / db-to-sqlite

CLI tool for exporting tables or queries from any SQL database to a SQLite file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PyPI Changelog Travis CI License

CLI tool for exporting tables or queries from any SQL database to a SQLite file.


Install from PyPI like so:

pip install db-to-sqlite

If you want to use it with MySQL, you can install the extra dependency like this:

pip install 'db-to-sqlite[mysql]'

Installing the mysqlclient library on OS X can be tricky - I've found this recipe to work (run that before installing db-to-sqlite).

For PostgreSQL, use this:

pip install 'db-to-sqlite[postgresql]'


Usage: db-to-sqlite [OPTIONS] CONNECTION PATH

  Load data from any database into SQLite.

  PATH is a path to the SQLite file to create, e.c. /tmp/my_database.db

  CONNECTION is a SQLAlchemy connection string, for example:



  More: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html#database-urls

  --version                     Show the version and exit.
  --all                         Detect and copy all tables
  --table TEXT                  Specific tables to copy
  --skip TEXT                   When using --all skip these tables
  --redact TEXT...              (table, column) pairs to redact with ***
  --sql TEXT                    Optional SQL query to run
  --output TEXT                 Table in which to save --sql query results
  --pk TEXT                     Optional column to use as a primary key
  --index-fks / --no-index-fks  Should foreign keys have indexes? Default on
  -p, --progress                Show progress bar
  --postgres-schema TEXT        PostgreSQL schema to use
  --help                        Show this message and exit.

For example, to save the content of the blog_entry table from a PostgreSQL database to a local file called blog.db you could do this:

db-to-sqlite "postgresql://localhost/myblog" blog.db \

You can specify --table more than once.

You can also save the data from all of your tables, effectively creating a SQLite copy of your entire database. Any foreign key relationships will be detected and added to the SQLite database. For example:

db-to-sqlite "postgresql://localhost/myblog" blog.db \

When running --all you can specify tables to skip using --skip:

db-to-sqlite "postgresql://localhost/myblog" blog.db \
    --all \

If you want to save the results of a custom SQL query, do this:

db-to-sqlite "postgresql://localhost/myblog" output.db \
    --output=query_results \
    --sql="select id, title, created from blog_entry" \

The --output option specifies the table that should contain the results of the query.

Using db-to-sqlite with PostgreSQL schemas

If the tables you want to copy from your PostgreSQL database aren't in the default schema, you can specify an alternate one with the --postgres-schema option:

db-to-sqlite "postgresql://localhost/myblog" blog.db \
    --all \
    --postgres-schema my_schema

Using db-to-sqlite with Heroku Postgres

If you run an application on Heroku using their Postgres database product, you can use the heroku config command to access a compatible connection string:

$ heroku config --app myappname | grep HEROKU_POSTG
HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_OLIVE_URL: postgres://username:password@ec2-xxx-xxx-xxx-x.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dbname

You can pass this to db-to-sqlite to create a local SQLite database with the data from your Heroku instance.

You can even do this using a bash one-liner:

$ db-to-sqlite $(heroku config --app myappname | grep HEROKU_POSTG | cut -d: -f 2-) \
    /tmp/heroku.db --all -p
1/23: django_migrations
17/23: blog_blogmark
[####################################]  100%

Related projects

  • Datasette: A tool for exploring and publishing data. Works great with SQLite files generated using db-to-sqlite.
  • sqlite-utils: Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases.
  • csvs-to-sqlite: Convert CSV files into a SQLite database.


CLI tool for exporting tables or queries from any SQL database to a SQLite file

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%