jdolitsky / dockerspaniel

Create Dockerfiles from JSON

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cocker spaniel

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Check out this demo which makes use of dockerspaniel to create a Node.js build environment on 5 different distros: https://github.com/jdolitsky/dockerspaniel-demo

Why would anyone ever use this?

Short answer? Continuous integration.

Docker has wide applications in platform engineering. It is particularly useful for creating isolated build environments. Docker images are created from Dockerfiles, which contain various steps. If you are targeting multiple platforms, you may find yourself juggling a bunch of similar Dockerfiles with slight variations.

This tool will help maximize code reuse and enable you to generate unique Dockerfiles on-the-fly based on several features, such as tag-driven step inclusion/exclusion and variable substitution.


$ npm install -g dockerspaniel

Quick Start

Create a Spanielfile (JSON)

    "from": "ubuntu:12.04",
    "maintainer": "Josh Dolitsky <jdolitsky@gmail.com>",
    "steps": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get update",
            "comment": "update packages"
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get install -y nodejs",
            "comment": "install dependencies"

Convert the Spanielfile to a Dockerfile

The following command

$ dockerspaniel

will create a Dockerfile in the same directory:

FROM ubuntu:12.04
MAINTAINER Josh Dolitsky <jdolitsky@gmail.com>

# update packages
RUN apt-get update

# install dependencies
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs

Command-line Options

  Usage: dockerspaniel -i [input] -o [output] -b [baseimage] -t [tag]

  -h|--help    This help screen
  -i|--input   JSON file to use for input (default: Spanielfile)
  -o|--output  Path of new Dockerfile to create (default: Dockerfile)
  -b|--base    Override Docker base image to use in FROM instruction
  -t|--tag     Tag(s) for use by 'unless' and 'only' step attributes
               Supports mutliple tags via format '-t tag1 -t tag2' etc.


The step attributes unless_one, unless, only_one, and only will allow you to include or exclude steps based on provided tags.

    "from": "ubuntu:12.04",
    "steps": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get update",
            "unless_one": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get install -y nodejs",
            "only_one": [

From the above Spanielfile, many different Dockerfiles can be created.

(no tags)

Includes all steps without an only or only_one array.

$ dockerspaniel
. . .
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get update


Prevents update step because 'no_update' is present in the step's unless_one array.

$ dockerspaniel -t no_update
. . .
FROM ubuntu:12.04


Includes nodejs install step because 'nodejs' is present in the step's only_one array.

$ dockerspaniel -t nodejs
. . .
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs

no_update and nodejs

Prevents update AND installs nodejs.

$ dockerspaniel -t no_update -t nodejs
. . .
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs

Variable Substitution

Variable substitution is supported via Handlebars in the format {{my_var}}.

The following Spanielfile has the defaults object defined, which defines default values:

    "from": "ubuntu:12.04",
    "steps": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get install -y {{dependencies}}"
    "defaults": {
        "dependencies": "wget curl screen vim"
$ dockerspaniel

FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get install -y wget curl screen vim

Variables can be overridden by environment variables prefixed with DS_:

$ export DS_DEPENDENCIES="tmux nodejs"
$ dockerspaniel

FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get install -y tmux nodejs

You are also able to use other Handlebar features, such as the each block helper. Notice in the example below that defaults.dependencies is now an array.

    "from": "ubuntu:12.04",
    "steps": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "apt-get install -y {{#each dependencies}}{{this}} {{/each}}"
    "defaults": {
        "dependencies": ["wget", "curl", "screen", "vim"]
$ dockerspaniel

FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN apt-get install -y wget curl screen vim

External Files

If a step contains either the file or include attribute, step.arguments and step.instuction are ignored.

file attribute

step.file is the path to a raw Dockerfile to include in place, which supports templating.


    "from": "ubuntu:12.04",
    "steps": [
            "file": "path/to/Dockerfile1",
            "newline": true
    "defaults": {
        "install_jdk": "RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jdk"


# Dockerfile1
RUN apt-get update

Resulting Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:12.04

# Dockerfile1
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jdk

include attribute

step.include is the path to another Spanielfile to include in place.


    "from": "fedora:20",
    "steps": [
            "include": "path/to/add_user.json",
            "comment": "create new user"
    "defaults": {
        "username": "paul"


    "steps": [
            "instruction": "run",
            "arguments": "adduser {{username}}"

Resulting Dockerfile

FROM fedora:20

# create new user with sudo access
RUN adduser paul

Spanielfile Attributes


Base image for subsequent instructions. Required unless the --base option is used.


Author field of generated images.


Key-value pairs to use for Handlebars templating.


Array of step objects. A step object has the following attributes:


Docker instruction. All instructions are supported, see the official documentation for a list: https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder


Arguments to pass to Docker instruction. For the step RUN apt-get update, RUN is the instruction and apt-get update is the arguments.


Array of tags that, when ONE is provided, will cause this step to be excluded.
See NOR gates.


Array of tags that, when ALL are provided, will cause this step to be excluded.
See NAND gates.


Array of tags that, when ONE is provided, will cause this step to be included.
See OR gates.


Array of tags that, when ALL are provided, will cause this step to be included.
See AND gates.


Comment placed above the step.


When true, adds a newline above the step without a comment.


Include an external Spanielfile. This should be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the parent file. Any defaults defined here will override defaults from the parent (but environment variables will still override these). This causes both step.instruction and step.arguments to be ignored.


Include an external Dockerfile (with optional Handlebars templating). This should be either an absolute path, or a path relative to the parent file. This causes step.include, step.instruction, and step.arguments to be ignored.

Using Programmatically

generateContents(data, callback)

var ds = require('dockerspaniel');

var data = {
    from: 'ubuntu:12.04',
    maintainer: 'John Smith',
    steps: [
            instruction: 'run',
            arguments: 'apt-get update'
            instruction: 'run',
            arguments: 'apt-get install -y nodejs',
            only: [
            instruction: 'run',
            arguments: 'apt-get install -y mysql-server mysql-client',
            unless: [

var tags = ['nodejs', 'no_database'];

ds.generateContents(data, tags, function(err, contents) {
    if (err) throw err;

createDockerfile(options, callback)

var ds = require('dockerspaniel');

var options = {
    input: '/path/to/json/file.json',
    output: '/path/to/new/Dockerfile',
    tags: [
    base: 'ubuntu:12.04'

ds.createDockerfile(options, function (err) {
    if (err) throw err;
    // new Dockerfile was created at options.output


Create Dockerfiles from JSON


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