jdjadav / webpubsubdemo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create a Chat app


Use localtunnel to expose localhost

localtunnel is an open-source project that help expose your localhost to public. Install the tool and run:

lt --port 8080 --print-requests

localtunnel will print out an url (https://<domain-name>.loca.lt) that can be accessed from internet, e.g. https://xxx.loca.lt.

Tip: There is one known issue that localtunnel goes offline when the server restarts and here is the workaround

There are also other tools to choose when debugging the webhook locally, for example, ngrok, loophole, TunnelRelay or so. Some tools might have issue returning response headers correctly. Try the following command to see if the tool is working properly:

curl https://<domain-name>.loca.lt/eventhandler -X OPTIONS -H "WebHook-Request-Origin: *" -H "ce-awpsversion: 1.0" --ssl-no-revoke -i

Check if the response header contains webhook-allowed-origin: *. This curl command actually checks if the WebHook abuse protection request can response with the expected header.

Setup event handler settings

  1. Navigate to settings in portal.
  2. Click Add to add setting for hub sample_chat.
  3. Fill in the URL copied from the previous step to URL template.
  4. Set URL Pattern to https://<domain-name>.loca.lt/eventhandler and check connected in System Event Pattern, click "Save".
  5. Click Save button to update the settings, wait until the settings are updated successfully. Event Handler

Start server

  1. Copy Connection String from Keys tab of the created Azure Web PubSub service, run the below command with the <connection-string> replaced by your Connection String:
mvn compile & mvn package & mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.tutorial.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="'<connection_string>'"

connection string

Send Messages in chat room

  1. Open a browser in and visit http://localhost:8080.

  2. Input your user name, and click OK button to attend the chat.

  3. You will get welcome message [SYSTEM] <user-name> is joined.

  4. Input a message to send, press Enter key to publish.

  5. You will see the message in the chat room.

  6. Repeat the above steps in a window, you can see messages broadcast to all the windows. chat room "# webpubsubdemo"
