jden123 / vagrant-jekyll

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


That’s just a quick way to develop your own Jekyll site.

Getting Started

  1. To start working:

    vagrant up

    It setups VM with ruby 2.3 and github-pages. And maps local folder to "/projects" on VM. To choose the folder change vagrantfile(line 40):

    config.vm.synced_folder 'D:\Projects\GitHubPages', "/projects"
  2. Connect to VM

    vagrant ssh

    or putty and etc.

  3. On VM go to "/projects" folder.

  4. Make new site with:

    jekyll new my-site-name
  5. Go to created folder:

    cd my-new-site
  6. Start the local server:

     jekyll serve -H
  7. On local machine open a browser and go to:


Congratulation! You can see your new site! :)

  1. To edit the site go to "D:\Projects\GitHubPages"(or what you have set up) and put new articles to created site.
