jdcla / prompred

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Machine learning models in promoter prediction of microorganisms


To use this package, simply clone the project into a local folder

$ git clone https://github.com/Kleurenprinter/prompred.git

Code Example

The main module prompred.py is located in src/

The functionality of prompred can be directly accessed through the terminal. For more information on all implemented functions, simply type:

$ python prompred.py -h

The following script executes a gridsearch for the parameters alpha and gamma for a ridge regression using a third degree polynomial kernel, with features extracted over the [-7 12] and [-7 12] regions of the promoters (with respect to the 35- and 10-box)

$ python prompred.py GS -d ../data/external/mut_rand_mod_lib.csv -s -7 12 -7 12 -m ridge -k poly -g 3 --parL alpha gamma --parR 10 10  

Project Organization

├── Makefile           <- Makefile with commands like `make data` or `make train`
├── README.md          <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
│   ├── external       <- Data from third party sources.
│   ├── interim        <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│   ├── processed      <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│   └── raw            <- The original, immutable data dump.
├── docs               <- A default Sphinx project; see sphinx-doc.org for details
├── log.txt			   <- Log file holding a record all executed scripts
│   └── result_logger  <- folder holding logs of the results of finished scripts
├── models             <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
├── notebooks          <- Jupyter notebooks.
├── references         <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other explanatory materials.
├── reports            <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│   └── figures        <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── requirements.txt   <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
│                         generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├── src                <- Source code for use in this project.
│   ├── __init__.py    <- Makes src a Python module
│   ├── prompred.py    <- Main module, accessible through terminal
│   ├── log_utils.py   <- functions to create log files
│   │
│   ├── data           <- Scripts to download or generate data
│   │   └── make_dataset.py
│   │
│   ├── features       <- Scripts to turn raw data into features for modeling
│   │   └── build_features.py
│   │
│   ├── models         <- Scripts to train models and then use trained models to make
│   │   │                 predictions
│   │   ├── predict_model.py
│   │   └── train_model.py
│   │
│   └── visualization  <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations
│       └── visualize.py
└── tox.ini            <- tox file with settings for running tox; see tox.testrun.org

Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 63.4%Language:HTML 32.8%Language:Python 3.5%Language:Makefile 0.3%