jdantonio / A-Journey-Through-Ruby-Concurrency-RubyConf-Brazil-2016

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This repo contains the slide deck from my presentation at RubyConf Brazil 2016.


The concurrency model for a language is tightly coupled to its characteristics, and Ruby is in a class of languages that make concurrency hard. But I love Ruby and so do you. So how do we make concurrency easier in Ruby without abandoning everything we love? Libraries like Concurrent Ruby do this by embracing the language, providing strong guarantees, and encouraging proven design practices. Guilds, the proposed concurrency model for Ruby 3, take it to the next level. This presentation will be a trip through Ruby's past, present, and future. We'll introduce the tools needed to build concurrent applications today, give some insight into what's coming next, and provide a roadmap for getting there.

Important Stuff
