jdalley / kbmod-ms-extension

Chrome Extension for working with Twitch TV and KBMOD's MultiStream tool.

Repository from Github https://github.comjdalley/kbmod-ms-extensionRepository from Github https://github.comjdalley/kbmod-ms-extension


Chrome Extension for working with Twitch TV and https://multistre.am. Current version found here.

This tool is intended to provide a few shortcuts for those who still use the main Twitch TV website, but would like to quickly and easily switch to MultiStream with up to 6 channels via the Extension button popup.

When entering channel names in the extension's popup, your entries will be saved to local storage. This will enable you to browse to multiple Twitch pages and click the '+' button to add that stream, while persisting your previous additions despite the popup disappearing.


Chrome Extension for working with Twitch TV and KBMOD's MultiStream tool.


Language:JavaScript 44.4%Language:HTML 42.4%Language:CSS 13.2%