jd-fj / python-spotify-syncbot

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Spotify Playlist Syncbot

The goal of this project was to build a tool for keeping an running archive of playlists that change on a regular basis. For instance, this program can be used to make sure that all of the songs from a Discover Weekly playlist (which is updated every week), is stored in another playlist that acts as an archive.

Types of Syncs and Features

Daylist Sync (New):

The Spotify Daylist is a new feature that has gained a lot of popularity on social media, but is also unknown to many users. The Daylist is a playlist that is owned and created by Spotify, but “made for” a particular user. The uri for this playlist does not change, but throughout the day) about every 3-4 hours, the name, description, and tracks update.

The 50 songs within this playlist are based on what the user it is generated for typically listens to during a particular time of day.


  1. This job is currently ran every two hours.
  2. The job looks at settings set in the DAYLIST object in the transfers.py file.
  3. If sync_on is True, the current daylist information for the name, description, and track uris is retrieved. The daylist acts as the from_playlist.
  4. A new playlist is created on each day, with about 3 - 5 different versions of the daylist being added to it.
    1. The name of these playlists are formatted to be “YY/MM/DD DAYLIST ARCHIVE”, so that they can be easily organized by the user, and easily found by the program.
    2. Before syncing, the script first checks if there is an existing daylist archive for that day. If one exists, that is used as the to_playlist. If an archive for that day does not exist, a new playlist with the formatted name is created, and acts as the to_playlist.
  5. If new songs are present, songs are then transferred from the “from_playlist” to the “to_playlist”, with almost the same process as the general sync.
  6. When a Daylist Archive is Updated, the description is also updated to include how many songs have been added, and what the title of the daylist at the time was.
  7. The sync_log.txt is also updated with detailed information of the sync performed.

General Sync

  1. Loops through an array of “transfers” that will be done each time the script is ran.
    1. Each transfer object includes the “from_playlist”, and a “to_playlist.
    2. During a transfer, all the new songs contained in the “from_playlist”, will be moved to the “to_playlist.”
    3. Any songs in the from_playlist that already exist in the to_playlist will be skipped.
    4. If songs are added, then the description of the to_playlist will be changed to display the last updated date, and the source of the content.
    5. When new songs are present and transferred, the sync_log.txt file is updated
    6. If no new songs are added, the sync_log will not be updated.
  2. The SpotiPy Python Library is used for SpotifyOAuth, and interaction with the Spotify Web API.
  3. Songs are retrieved from and added to playlists in batches, to prevent limit errors from the Spotify API. This means that over 100 songs can be added to a playlist during one transfer.
  4. The main.js Python Script is ran as a cron job with Github Actions, and is currently set to run once a day.
  5. After the main.js script is run, the sync_log.txt file is updated to include records of which playlists where updated during the job. The github actions have also been configured so that these changes are committed and saved when the script is ran through the github action workflow.


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone and spin up local environment (Mac OS):
git clone {repository-url}
cd python-spotify-syncbot
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # activates virtual python environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # Installs required dependencies

cp .env-example .env # Duplicates .env-example and creates .env file to add your own variables
rm sync_log.txt # Removes the log, which will be recreated once main.js is ran successfully.
  1. Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and log in with your Spotify account.

  2. Click on the "Create an App" button and fill out the necessary information.

  3. From the app dashboard, you'll find your client ID, client secret and Redirect URL. Copy this and paste it your .env file.

  4. After the .env file is updated, run the script get_refresh_token.py to get refresh token. Follow the instruction in this script. Copy the refresh token into the .env file.

  5. Before running the main.js script, update the transfers.py file:

    2. The from_playlist_name, and to_playlist_name will not impact the functionality if they are off, but they are used in the activity log to keep track of transfers.
    3. To get the link for a playlist in spotify, click on the ellipses, go to share, and click on “Copy Link to Playlist.”
    4. Example:
    		"from_playlist_name": {name_of_source_playlist},
    		"from_playlist_link": {link_of_source_playlist},
    		"to_playlist_name": {playlist_name_to_store_archive},
    		"to_playlist_link": {playlist_link_to_store_archive},
  6. To use the daylist, the DAYLIST object in transfers.pyshould also be updated with the url of the daylist that you would like to sync

  7. Run the main.js script for local testing.

  8. To set up github actions for this project so that the main.js script is ran on a cron job:

    1. Add all env variables as a github repository secret.
    2. To change the frequency of how often the script is ran, update the cron: '0 2 * * *’ on line 5 of the actions.yml
    3. Look at Cron Generator for help with this syntax.
    4. NOTE: this file has been updated so that the actions are compatible with the newest version of github actions, which now runs on Node 20.


Spotipy Documentation

Python Git Action Template for Reference

Spotify for Developers


lez go


Language:Python 100.0%