jd-coderepos / NLPContributions

Trial data repository for the NLPContributionGraph Shared Task at SemEval 2021. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12870

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pilot data annotations for the NLPContributions Model.

The repository is organized as follows:

[task-name-folder]/                                # machine-translation, named-entity-recognition, question-answering, relation-classification, text-classification
    ├── [article-counter-folder]/                  # ranges from 0 to 9 since we annotated 10 articles per task
    │   └── research-problem.json              # `research problem` mandatory information unit in json format
    │   └── model.json                         # `model` information unit in json format; in some articles it is called `approach`
    │   └── ...                                # there are 8 main information units in all and each article may be annotated by 3 or 6
    │   └── triples/                               # the folder containing information unit triples one per line
    │   │   └── research-problem.txt               # `research problem` triples (one research problem statement per line)
    │   │   └── model.txt                          # `model` triples (one statement per line)
    │   │   └── ...                                # there are 8 main information units in all and each article may be annotated by 3 or 6
    │   └── ...                                    # there are ten articles annotated for each task, so this repeats nine more times
    └── ...                                        # there are five tasks selected overall, so this repeats four more times


Coming soon...


Trial data repository for the NLPContributionGraph Shared Task at SemEval 2021. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12870